public void testXmlGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException { if (this.checkConnected(dbName) == false) { return; } QueryRunnerService runner = null; Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final QueryStructure defaultStructure = DBUpdateQueryStructure.updateXmlGeneratedKeysDS(values); QueryStructure structure = new QueryStructure(values) { @Override public void create(QueryRunnerService runner) throws SQLException { this.values.put( "createUpdatedCount", (Integer) runner.update(DBConstants.CREATE_STUDENT_TABLE_MSSQL)); } @Override public void execute(QueryRunnerService runner) throws SQLException { defaultStructure.execute(runner); } @Override public void drop(QueryRunnerService runner) throws SQLException { defaultStructure.drop(runner); } }; runner = MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(this.dataSource); DBUpdate.updateGeneratedKeysDS(structure, runner); runner = MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(this.conn); DBUpdate.updateGeneratedKeysDS(structure, runner); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { Connection conn = DerbyParameters.createConnection(); QueryRunnerService runner = MjdbcFactory.getQueryRunner(conn); try { runner.update( "CREATE TABLE students (" + "id INTEGER NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1)," + "name VARCHAR(24) NOT NULL," + "address VARCHAR(1024)," + "CONSTRAINT primary_key PRIMARY KEY (id))"); runner.update( "INSERT INTO students (name, address) VALUES ('Not me', 'unknown')", new RowCountOutputHandler<Integer>(), new Object[0]); final HashMap<String, Object> tableParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); tableParams.put("id", 1); final HashMap<String, Object> studentParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); studentParams.put("address", "unknown"); HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>> paramsList = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); paramsList.put("table", tableParams); paramsList.put("student", studentParams); MapListInputHandler input = new MapListInputHandler( "SELECT name FROM students WHERE id = AND address = :student.address", paramsList); Map<String, Object> result = runner.query(input, new MapOutputHandler()); System.out.println("Query output: " + result); } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { runner.update("DROP TABLE students"); } }