private static boolean performFirstCommitIfRequired( @NotNull final Project project, @NotNull VirtualFile root, @NotNull GitRepository repository, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String url) { // check if there is no commits if (!repository.isFresh()) { return true; }"Trying to commit"); try {"Adding files for commit"); indicator.setText("Adding files to git..."); // ask for files to add final List<VirtualFile> trackedFiles = ChangeListManager.getInstance(project).getAffectedFiles(); final Collection<VirtualFile> untrackedFiles = filterOutIgnored(project, repository.getUntrackedFilesHolder().retrieveUntrackedFiles()); trackedFiles.removeAll(untrackedFiles); // fix IDEA-119855 final List<VirtualFile> allFiles = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(); allFiles.addAll(trackedFiles); allFiles.addAll(untrackedFiles); final Ref<GithubUntrackedFilesDialog> dialogRef = new Ref<GithubUntrackedFilesDialog>(); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .invokeAndWait( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { GithubUntrackedFilesDialog dialog = new GithubUntrackedFilesDialog(project, allFiles); if (!trackedFiles.isEmpty()) { dialog.setSelectedFiles(trackedFiles); }; dialogRef.set(dialog); } }, indicator.getModalityState()); final GithubUntrackedFilesDialog dialog = dialogRef.get(); final Collection<VirtualFile> files2commit = dialog.getSelectedFiles(); if (!dialog.isOK() || files2commit.isEmpty()) { GithubNotifications.showInfoURL( project, "Successfully created empty repository on GitHub", name, url); return false; } Collection<VirtualFile> files2add = ContainerUtil.intersection(untrackedFiles, files2commit); Collection<VirtualFile> files2rm = ContainerUtil.subtract(trackedFiles, files2commit); Collection<VirtualFile> modified = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(trackedFiles); modified.addAll(files2commit); GitFileUtils.addFiles(project, root, files2add); GitFileUtils.deleteFilesFromCache(project, root, files2rm); // commit"Performing commit"); indicator.setText("Performing commit..."); GitSimpleHandler handler = new GitSimpleHandler(project, root, GitCommand.COMMIT); handler.addParameters("-m", dialog.getCommitMessage()); handler.endOptions();; VcsFileUtil.refreshFiles(project, modified); } catch (VcsException e) { LOG.warn(e); GithubNotifications.showErrorURL( project, "Can't finish GitHub sharing process", "Successfully created project ", "'" + name + "'", " on GitHub, but initial commit failed:<br/>" + GithubUtil.getErrorTextFromException(e), url); return false; }"Successfully created initial commit"); return true; }
public static void shareProjectOnGithub( @NotNull final Project project, @Nullable final VirtualFile file) { BasicAction.saveAll(); // get gitRepository final GitRepository gitRepository = GithubUtil.getGitRepository(project, file); final boolean gitDetected = gitRepository != null; final VirtualFile root = gitDetected ? gitRepository.getRoot() : project.getBaseDir(); // check for existing git repo boolean externalRemoteDetected = false; if (gitDetected) { final String githubRemote = GithubUtil.findGithubRemoteUrl(gitRepository); if (githubRemote != null) { GithubNotifications.showInfoURL( project, "Project is already on GitHub", "GitHub", githubRemote); return; } externalRemoteDetected = !gitRepository.getRemotes().isEmpty(); } final GithubAuthDataHolder authHolder = GithubAuthDataHolder.createFromSettings(); // get available GitHub repos with modal progress final GithubInfo githubInfo = loadGithubInfoWithModal(authHolder, project); if (githubInfo == null) { return; } // Show dialog (window) final GithubShareDialog shareDialog = new GithubShareDialog( project, githubInfo.getRepositoryNames(), githubInfo.getUser().canCreatePrivateRepo());; if (!shareDialog.isOK()) { return; } final boolean isPrivate = shareDialog.isPrivate(); final String name = shareDialog.getRepositoryName(); final String description = shareDialog.getDescription(); // finish the job in background final boolean finalExternalRemoteDetected = externalRemoteDetected; new Task.Backgroundable(project, "Sharing project on GitHub...") { @Override public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { // create GitHub repo (network)"Creating GitHub repository"); indicator.setText("Creating GitHub repository..."); final String url = createGithubRepository(project, authHolder, indicator, name, description, isPrivate); if (url == null) { return; }"Successfully created GitHub repository"); // creating empty git repo if git is not initialized"Binding local project with GitHub"); if (!gitDetected) {"No git detected, creating empty git repo"); indicator.setText("Creating empty git repo..."); if (!createEmptyGitRepository(project, root, indicator)) { return; } } GitRepositoryManager repositoryManager = GitUtil.getRepositoryManager(project); final GitRepository repository = repositoryManager.getRepositoryForRoot(root); LOG.assertTrue(repository != null, "GitRepository is null for root " + root); if (repository == null) { GithubNotifications.showError( project, "Failed to create GitHub Repository", "Can't find Git repository"); return; } final String remoteUrl = GithubUrlUtil.getCloneUrl(githubInfo.getUser().getLogin(), name); final String remoteName = finalExternalRemoteDetected ? "github" : "origin"; // git remote add origin [email protected]:login/name.git"Adding GitHub as a remote host"); indicator.setText("Adding GitHub as a remote host..."); if (!GithubUtil.addGithubRemote(project, repository, remoteName, remoteUrl)) { return; } // create sample commit for binding project if (!performFirstCommitIfRequired(project, root, repository, indicator, name, url)) { return; } // git push origin master"Pushing to github master"); indicator.setText("Pushing to github master..."); if (!pushCurrentBranch(project, repository, remoteName, remoteUrl, name, url)) { return; } GithubNotifications.showInfoURL( project, "Successfully shared project on GitHub", name, url); } }.queue(); }