コード例 #1
  * Finds index of value in specific range of {@link #sortedValues}.
  * @return Index >= 0 if found. If not found, the result is (-1-instertionpoint), means < 0 and it
  *     might be -(high+2). This is equal to the result of {@link Arrays#binarySearch(long[],
  *     long)}.
 private int findIndex(long value, int lo, int high) {
   // TODO #5 instead of decompressing a lot of values here, we should compress the search value
   // itself and then search
   // for it in the compressed space. This should be implemented in CompressedLongArray.
   long decompressed = sortedValues.get(lo);
   if (decompressed == value) return lo;
   if (decompressed > value) return -1;
   decompressed = sortedValues.get(high);
   if (decompressed == value) return high;
   if (decompressed < value) return -2 - high;
   while (true) {
     if (high - lo <= 10) {
       for (int i = lo + 1; i <= high - 1; i++) {
         decompressed = sortedValues.get(i);
         if (decompressed == value) return i;
         if (decompressed > value) {
           return -1 - i;
       return -1 - high;
     int mid = lo + ((high - lo) / 2);
     long midValue = sortedValues.get(mid);
     if (midValue == value) return mid;
     if (midValue > value) high = mid;
     else lo = mid;
コード例 #2
  public long findIdOfValue(Long value) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (sortedValues.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dictionary is empty.");

    int idx = findIndex(value, 0, sortedValues.size() - 1);
    if (idx < 0)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value " + value + " could not be found in dictionary.");
    return idx;
コード例 #3
  public Long findGtEqIdOfValue(Long value) {
    if (sortedValues.size() == 0) return null;

    int idx = findIndex(value, 0, sortedValues.size() - 1);
    if (idx >= 0) return (long) idx;
    if (idx == -(sortedValues.size() + 1)) return null;
    return (long) idx;
コード例 #4
 public Long decompressValue(long id) throws IllegalArgumentException {
   if (id < 0 || id >= sortedValues.size())
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "ID out of range to access dictionary: "
             + id
             + " (valid 0-"
             + (sortedValues.size() - 1)
             + ")");
   return sortedValues.get((int) id);
コード例 #5
  public Set<Long> findIdsOfValuesGt(Long value) {
    int firstIdx = findIndex(value, 0, sortedValues.size() - 1);
    if (firstIdx < 0) firstIdx = -firstIdx - 1;
    else firstIdx++; // findIndex found ==, we want > though.

    Set<Long> res = new HashSet<>();
    if (firstIdx < sortedValues.size()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < sortedValues.size() - firstIdx; i++) res.add((long) i + firstIdx);
    return res;
コード例 #6
  public Set<Long> findIdsOfValuesGtEq(Long value) {
    int firstIdx = findIndex(value, 0, sortedValues.size() - 1);
    if (firstIdx < 0) firstIdx = -firstIdx - 1;

    Set<Long> res = new HashSet<>();
    if (firstIdx < sortedValues.size()) {
      // TODO #6 use LongStream and findGtEqIdOfValue
      for (int i = 0; i < sortedValues.size() - firstIdx; i++) res.add((long) i + firstIdx);
    return res;
コード例 #7
  public Long findLtEqIdOfValue(Long value) {
    if (sortedValues.size() == 0) return null;

    int idx = findIndex(value, 0, sortedValues.size() - 1);
    if (idx >= 0) return (long) idx;

    long insertionPoint = -(idx + 1);
    if (insertionPoint == 0) return null;

    long idxOfNextSmallerValue = insertionPoint - 1;
    return -(idxOfNextSmallerValue + 1);
コード例 #8
 public Long[] findIdsOfValues(Long[] sortedSearchValues) {
   Long[] res = new Long[sortedSearchValues.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
     int idx = findIndex(sortedSearchValues[i], 0, sortedValues.size() - 1);
     res[i] = (idx >= 0) ? idx : -1L;
   return res;
コード例 #9
  public Set<Long> findIdsOfValuesLtEq(Long value) {
    int lastIdx = findIndex(value, 0, sortedValues.size() - 1);
    if (lastIdx < 0) lastIdx = -lastIdx - 2;

    Set<Long> res = new HashSet<>();
    if (lastIdx >= 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < lastIdx + 1; i++) res.add((long) i);
    return res;
コード例 #10
  public Set<Long> findIdsOfValuesLt(Long value) {
    int lastIdx = findIndex(value, 0, sortedValues.size() - 1);
    if (lastIdx < 0) lastIdx = -lastIdx - 2;
    else lastIdx--; // findIndex found ==, we want < though.

    Set<Long> res = new HashSet<>();
    if (lastIdx >= 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < lastIdx + 1; i++) res.add((long) i);
    return res;
コード例 #11
 public boolean containsAnyValue(Long[] sortedSearchValues) {
   for (int i = 0; i < sortedSearchValues.length; i++)
     if (findIndex(sortedSearchValues[i], 0, sortedValues.size() - 1) >= 0) return true;
   return false;
コード例 #12
 public Long getMaxId() {
   return (long) (sortedValues.size() - 1);
コード例 #13
 public long calculateApproximateSizeInBytes() {
   return 16
       + // object header of this.
コード例 #14
  public NavigableMap<Long, Long> findLtEqIds(Dictionary<Long> otherDict) {
    NavigableMap<Long, Long> res = new TreeMap<>();

    if (otherDict instanceof ArrayCompressedLongDictionary) {
      CompressedLongArray<?> otherSortedValues =
          ((ArrayCompressedLongDictionary) otherDict).sortedValues;
      if (sortedValues.size() == 0 || otherSortedValues.size() == 0) return res;

      // good case: we can traverse the two arrays simultaneously and only need to store O(1) in
      // memory.
      int posThis = 0;
      int posOther = 0;
      long decompressedThis = sortedValues.get(posThis);
      long decompressedOther = otherSortedValues.get(posOther);

      boolean doBreak = false;
      while (!doBreak) {

        while (decompressedThis > decompressedOther) {
          if (posOther == otherSortedValues.size() - 1) {
            doBreak = true;
          decompressedOther = otherSortedValues.get(++posOther);

        if (!doBreak) {
          if (decompressedThis == decompressedOther) res.put((long) posThis, (long) posOther);
            // we know: decompressedThis < decompressedOther
            res.put((long) posThis, (long) -(posOther + 1));

          if (posThis == sortedValues.size() - 1)
            // done processing
            doBreak = true;
            // move this one further
            decompressedThis = sortedValues.get(++posThis);
    } else if (otherDict instanceof ConstantLongDictionary) {
      long otherId = ((ConstantLongDictionary) otherDict).getId();
      long otherValue = ((ConstantLongDictionary) otherDict).getDecompressedValue();

      Long ourLtEqId = findLtEqIdOfValue(otherValue);
      if (ourLtEqId != null) {
        if (ourLtEqId < 0) {
          ourLtEqId = -(ourLtEqId + 1);
          otherId = -(otherId + 1);
        res.put(ourLtEqId, otherId);

        if (otherId > 0) otherId = -(otherId + 1);
        for (long ourId = 0; ourId < ourLtEqId; ourId++) res.put(ourId, otherId);
    } else if (otherDict instanceof EmptyLongDictionary) {
      // noop.
    } else {
      // Bad case: decompress whole array.
      long[] decompressedValues = sortedValues.decompressedArray();
      for (int i = 0; i < decompressedValues.length; i++) {
        Long otherId = otherDict.findGtEqIdOfValue(decompressedValues[i]);
        if (otherId == null) break;
        res.put((long) i, otherId);

    return res;
コード例 #15
  public NavigableMap<Long, Long> findGtEqIds(Dictionary<Long> otherDict) {
    NavigableMap<Long, Long> res = new TreeMap<>();

    if (otherDict instanceof ArrayCompressedLongDictionary) {
      CompressedLongArray<?> otherSortedValues =
          ((ArrayCompressedLongDictionary) otherDict).sortedValues;
      if (sortedValues.size() == 0 || otherSortedValues.size() == 0) return res;

      // good case: we can traverse the two arrays simultaneously and only need to store O(1) in
      // memory.
      int posThis = 0;
      int posOther = 0;
      long decompressedThis = sortedValues.get(posThis);
      long decompressedOther = otherSortedValues.get(posOther);

      while (decompressedThis < decompressedOther && posThis < sortedValues.size() - 1)
        decompressedThis = sortedValues.get(++posThis);

      boolean doBreak = false;
      while (!doBreak) {

        while (decompressedThis > decompressedOther) { // "inner while loop"
          if (posOther == otherSortedValues.size() - 1) {
            while (posThis < sortedValues.size()) res.put((long) posThis++, (long) -(posOther + 1));

            doBreak = true;
          decompressedOther = otherSortedValues.get(++posOther);

        if (!doBreak) {
          if (decompressedThis == decompressedOther) {
            res.put((long) posThis, (long) posOther);
          } else {
            // we know: decompressedOther > decompressedThis
            // but: in previous run of "inner while loop", decompressedOther < decompressedThis.
            // so: mark posThis as being greater than the previous posOther, restore position in
            // other dict and proceed
            // 'this' one forward. If in the next loop, decompressedThis is still >= the next item
            // in other, then we
            // will visit this very same execution again right away.
            decompressedOther = otherSortedValues.get(--posOther);

            res.put((long) posThis, (long) -(posOther + 1));

          if (posThis == sortedValues.size() - 1) doBreak = true;
          else decompressedThis = sortedValues.get(++posThis);

    } else if (otherDict instanceof ConstantLongDictionary) {
      long otherId = ((ConstantLongDictionary) otherDict).getId();
      long otherValue = ((ConstantLongDictionary) otherDict).getDecompressedValue();

      Long ourGtEqId = findGtEqIdOfValue(otherValue);
      if (ourGtEqId != null) {
        if (ourGtEqId < 0) {
          ourGtEqId = -(ourGtEqId + 1);
          otherId = -(otherId + 1);
        res.put(ourGtEqId, otherId);

        if (otherId > 0) otherId = -(otherId + 1);
        for (long ourId = ourGtEqId + 1; ourId < sortedValues.size(); ourId++)
          res.put(ourId, otherId);
    } else if (otherDict instanceof EmptyLongDictionary) {
      // noop.
    } else {
      // Bad case: decompress whole array.
      long[] decompressedValues = sortedValues.decompressedArray();
      for (int i = 0; i < decompressedValues.length; i++) {
        Long otherId = otherDict.findLtEqIdOfValue(decompressedValues[i]);
        if (otherId == null) break;
        res.put((long) i, otherId);

    return res;
コード例 #16
  public NavigableMap<Long, Long> findEqualIds(Dictionary<Long> otherDict) {
    NavigableMap<Long, Long> res = new TreeMap<>();

    if (otherDict instanceof ArrayCompressedLongDictionary) {
      CompressedLongArray<?> otherSortedValues =
          ((ArrayCompressedLongDictionary) otherDict).sortedValues;
      if (sortedValues.size() == 0 || otherSortedValues.size() == 0) return res;

      // good case: we can traverse the two arrays simultaneously and only need to store O(1) in
      // memory.
      int posThis = 0;
      int posOther = 0;
      long decompressedThis = sortedValues.get(posThis);
      long decompressedOther = otherSortedValues.get(posOther);
      while (posThis < sortedValues.size() && posOther < otherSortedValues.size()) {
        // move 'posThis' right until decompressedThis is >= decompressedOther
        while (posThis < sortedValues.size() - 1 && decompressedThis < decompressedOther)
          decompressedThis = sortedValues.get(++posThis);

        // move 'posOther' right until decompressedOther is >= decompressedThis
        while (posOther < otherSortedValues.size() - 1 && decompressedOther < decompressedThis)
          decompressedOther = otherSortedValues.get(++posOther);

        // validate if we have a match
        if (decompressedThis == decompressedOther) {
          res.put((long) posThis++, (long) posOther++);
          if (posThis < sortedValues.size() && posOther < otherSortedValues.size()) {
            decompressedThis = sortedValues.get(posThis);
            decompressedOther = otherSortedValues.get(posOther);
        } else if ((posThis == sortedValues.size() - 1 && decompressedThis < decompressedOther)
            || (posThis == sortedValues.size() - 1 && posOther == otherSortedValues.size() - 1))
    } else if (otherDict instanceof ConstantLongDictionary) {
      long otherId = ((ConstantLongDictionary) otherDict).getId();
      long otherValue = ((ConstantLongDictionary) otherDict).getDecompressedValue();

      try {
        long ourId = findIdOfValue(otherValue);
        res.put(ourId, otherId);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        // swallow, return empty dict.
    } else if (otherDict instanceof EmptyLongDictionary) {
      // noop.
    } else {
      // Bad case: decompress whole array (should not happen, though)
      long[] decompressedValues = sortedValues.decompressedArray();
      Long[] otherIds =
              LongStream.of(decompressedValues).mapToObj(Long::valueOf).toArray(l -> new Long[l]));
      for (int i = 0; i < decompressedValues.length; i++) {
        Long otherId = otherIds[i];
        if (otherId != -1L) res.put((long) i, otherId);

    return res;
コード例 #17
 public boolean containsAnyValueGt(Long value) {
   return sortedValues.get(sortedValues.size() - 1) > value;
コード例 #18
 public boolean containsAnyValueLt(Long value) {
   return sortedValues.get(0) < value;