/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.collectionspace.services.client.test.AbstractServiceTestImpl#readNonExistent(java.lang.String) */ @Override // @Test(dataProvider = "testName", dataProviderClass = AbstractServiceTestImpl.class, // dependsOnMethods = {"read"}) public void readNonExistent(String testName) throws Exception { // Perform setup. setupReadNonExistent(); // Submit the request to the service and store the response. LoaninClient client = new LoaninClient(); Response res = client.read(NON_EXISTENT_ID); try { int statusCode = res.getStatus(); // Check the status code of the response: does it match // the expected response(s)? if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(testName + ": status = " + statusCode); } Assert.assertTrue( testRequestType.isValidStatusCode(statusCode), invalidStatusCodeMessage(testRequestType, statusCode)); Assert.assertEquals(statusCode, testExpectedStatusCode); } finally { if (res != null) { res.close(); } } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.collectionspace.services.client.test.AbstractServiceTestImpl#read(java.lang.String) */ @Override // @Test(dataProvider = "testName", dataProviderClass = AbstractServiceTestImpl.class, // dependsOnMethods = {"create"}) public void read(String testName) throws Exception { // Perform setup. setupRead(); // Submit the request to the service and store the response. LoaninClient client = new LoaninClient(); Response res = client.read(knownResourceId); PoxPayloadIn input = null; try { assertStatusCode(res, testName); input = new PoxPayloadIn(res.readEntity(String.class)); } finally { if (res != null) { res.close(); } } // Get the common part of the response and verify that it is not null. PayloadInputPart payloadInputPart = input.getPart(client.getCommonPartName()); LoansinCommon loaninCommon = null; if (payloadInputPart != null) { loaninCommon = (LoansinCommon) payloadInputPart.getBody(); } Assert.assertNotNull(loaninCommon); // Check selected fields. LenderGroupList lenderGroupList = loaninCommon.getLenderGroupList(); Assert.assertNotNull(lenderGroupList); List<LenderGroup> lenderGroups = lenderGroupList.getLenderGroup(); Assert.assertNotNull(lenderGroups); Assert.assertTrue(lenderGroups.size() > 0); String lender = lenderGroups.get(0).getLender(); Assert.assertEquals(lender, LENDER_REF_NAME); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "UTF-8 data sent=" + getUTF8DataFragment() + "\n" + "UTF-8 data received=" + loaninCommon.getLoanInNote()); } Assert.assertEquals( loaninCommon.getLoanInNote(), getUTF8DataFragment(), "UTF-8 data retrieved '" + loaninCommon.getLoanInNote() + "' does not match expected data '" + getUTF8DataFragment()); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.collectionspace.services.client.test.AbstractServiceTestImpl#update(java.lang.String) */ @Override // @Test(dataProvider = "testName", dataProviderClass = AbstractServiceTestImpl.class, // dependsOnMethods = {"read"}) public void update(String testName) throws Exception { // Perform setup. setupRead(); // Retrieve the contents of a resource to update. LoaninClient client = new LoaninClient(); Response res = client.read(knownResourceId); PoxPayloadIn input = null; try { assertStatusCode(res, testName); input = new PoxPayloadIn(res.readEntity(String.class)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("got object to update with ID: " + knownResourceId); } } finally { if (res != null) { res.close(); } } // Extract the common part from the response. PayloadInputPart payloadInputPart = input.getPart(client.getCommonPartName()); LoansinCommon loaninCommon = null; if (payloadInputPart != null) { loaninCommon = (LoansinCommon) payloadInputPart.getBody(); } Assert.assertNotNull(loaninCommon); // Update the content of this resource. loaninCommon.setLoanInNumber("updated-" + loaninCommon.getLoanInNumber()); loaninCommon.setLoanInNote("updated-" + loaninCommon.getLoanInNote()); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("to be updated object"); logger.debug(objectAsXmlString(loaninCommon, LoansinCommon.class)); } setupUpdate(); // Submit the updated common part in an update request to the service // and store the response. PoxPayloadOut output = new PoxPayloadOut(this.getServicePathComponent()); PayloadOutputPart commonPart = output.addPart(client.getCommonPartName(), loaninCommon); res = client.update(knownResourceId, output); try { assertStatusCode(res, testName); int statusCode = res.getStatus(); // Check the status code of the response: does it match the expected response(s)? if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(testName + ": status = " + statusCode); } Assert.assertTrue( testRequestType.isValidStatusCode(statusCode), invalidStatusCodeMessage(testRequestType, statusCode)); Assert.assertEquals(statusCode, testExpectedStatusCode); input = new PoxPayloadIn(res.readEntity(String.class)); } finally { if (res != null) { res.close(); } } // Extract the updated common part from the response. payloadInputPart = input.getPart(client.getCommonPartName()); LoansinCommon updatedLoaninCommon = null; if (payloadInputPart != null) { updatedLoaninCommon = (LoansinCommon) payloadInputPart.getBody(); } Assert.assertNotNull(updatedLoaninCommon); // Check selected fields in the updated common part. Assert.assertEquals( updatedLoaninCommon.getLoanInNumber(), loaninCommon.getLoanInNumber(), "Data in updated object did not match submitted data."); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "UTF-8 data sent=" + loaninCommon.getLoanInNote() + "\n" + "UTF-8 data received=" + updatedLoaninCommon.getLoanInNote()); } Assert.assertTrue( updatedLoaninCommon.getLoanInNote().contains(getUTF8DataFragment()), "UTF-8 data retrieved '" + updatedLoaninCommon.getLoanInNote() + "' does not contain expected data '" + getUTF8DataFragment()); Assert.assertEquals( updatedLoaninCommon.getLoanInNote(), loaninCommon.getLoanInNote(), "Data in updated object did not match submitted data."); }