protected Scanner getScanner(StringBuilder sb) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException { AccumuloConfiguration conf = Monitor.getSystemConfiguration(); String principal = conf.get(Property.TRACE_USER); AuthenticationToken at; Map<String, String> loginMap = conf.getAllPropertiesWithPrefix(Property.TRACE_TOKEN_PROPERTY_PREFIX); if (loginMap.isEmpty()) { Property p = Property.TRACE_PASSWORD; at = new PasswordToken(conf.get(p).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } else { Properties props = new Properties(); int prefixLength = Property.TRACE_TOKEN_PROPERTY_PREFIX.getKey().length(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : loginMap.entrySet()) { props.put(entry.getKey().substring(prefixLength), entry.getValue()); } AuthenticationToken token = Property.createInstanceFromPropertyName( conf, Property.TRACE_TOKEN_TYPE, AuthenticationToken.class, new PasswordToken()); token.init(props); at = token; } String table = conf.get(Property.TRACE_TABLE); try { Connector conn = HdfsZooInstance.getInstance().getConnector(principal, at); if (!conn.tableOperations().exists(table)) { return new NullScanner(); } Scanner scanner = conn.createScanner(table, conn.securityOperations().getUserAuthorizations(principal)); return scanner; } catch (AccumuloSecurityException ex) { sb.append( "<h2>Unable to read trace table: check trace username and password configuration.</h2>\n"); return null; } catch (TableNotFoundException ex) { return new NullScanner(); } }
public TabletServerResourceManager(TabletServer tserver, VolumeManager fs) { this.tserver = tserver; this.conf = tserver.getServerConfigurationFactory(); this.fs = fs; final AccumuloConfiguration acuConf = conf.getConfiguration(); long maxMemory = acuConf.getMemoryInBytes(Property.TSERV_MAXMEM); boolean usingNativeMap = acuConf.getBoolean(Property.TSERV_NATIVEMAP_ENABLED) && NativeMap.isLoaded(); long blockSize = acuConf.getMemoryInBytes(Property.TSERV_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE); long dCacheSize = acuConf.getMemoryInBytes(Property.TSERV_DATACACHE_SIZE); long iCacheSize = acuConf.getMemoryInBytes(Property.TSERV_INDEXCACHE_SIZE); long totalQueueSize = acuConf.getMemoryInBytes(Property.TSERV_TOTAL_MUTATION_QUEUE_MAX); _iCache = new LruBlockCache(iCacheSize, blockSize); _dCache = new LruBlockCache(dCacheSize, blockSize); Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); if (usingNativeMap) { // Still check block cache sizes when using native maps. if (dCacheSize + iCacheSize + totalQueueSize > runtime.maxMemory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Block cache sizes %,d and mutation queue size %,d is too large for this JVM configuration %,d", dCacheSize + iCacheSize, totalQueueSize, runtime.maxMemory())); } } else if (maxMemory + dCacheSize + iCacheSize + totalQueueSize > runtime.maxMemory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Maximum tablet server map memory %,d block cache sizes %,d and mutation queue size %,d is too large for this JVM configuration %,d", maxMemory, dCacheSize + iCacheSize, totalQueueSize, runtime.maxMemory())); } runtime.gc(); // totalMemory - freeMemory = memory in use // maxMemory - memory in use = max available memory if (!usingNativeMap && maxMemory > runtime.maxMemory() - (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory())) { log.warn("In-memory map may not fit into local memory space."); } minorCompactionThreadPool = createEs(Property.TSERV_MINC_MAXCONCURRENT, "minor compactor"); // make this thread pool have a priority queue... and execute tablets with the most // files first! majorCompactionThreadPool = createEs( Property.TSERV_MAJC_MAXCONCURRENT, "major compactor", new CompactionQueue().asBlockingQueueOfRunnable()); rootMajorCompactionThreadPool = createEs(0, 1, 300, "md root major compactor"); defaultMajorCompactionThreadPool = createEs(0, 1, 300, "md major compactor"); splitThreadPool = createEs(1, "splitter"); defaultSplitThreadPool = createEs(0, 1, 60, "md splitter"); defaultMigrationPool = createEs(0, 1, 60, "metadata tablet migration"); migrationPool = createEs(Property.TSERV_MIGRATE_MAXCONCURRENT, "tablet migration"); // not sure if concurrent assignments can run safely... even if they could there is probably no // benefit at startup because // individual tablet servers are already running assignments concurrently... having each // individual tablet server run // concurrent assignments would put more load on the metadata table at startup assignmentPool = createEs(Property.TSERV_ASSIGNMENT_MAXCONCURRENT, "tablet assignment"); assignMetaDataPool = createEs(0, 1, 60, "metadata tablet assignment"); activeAssignments = new ConcurrentHashMap<KeyExtent, RunnableStartedAt>(); readAheadThreadPool = createEs(Property.TSERV_READ_AHEAD_MAXCONCURRENT, "tablet read ahead"); defaultReadAheadThreadPool = createEs(Property.TSERV_METADATA_READ_AHEAD_MAXCONCURRENT, "metadata tablets read ahead"); int maxOpenFiles = acuConf.getCount(Property.TSERV_SCAN_MAX_OPENFILES); fileManager = new FileManager(tserver, fs, maxOpenFiles, _dCache, _iCache); memoryManager = Property.createInstanceFromPropertyName( acuConf, Property.TSERV_MEM_MGMT, MemoryManager.class, new LargestFirstMemoryManager()); memoryManager.init(tserver.getServerConfigurationFactory()); memMgmt = new MemoryManagementFramework(); memMgmt.startThreads(); SimpleTimer timer = SimpleTimer.getInstance(tserver.getConfiguration()); // We can use the same map for both metadata and normal assignments since the keyspace (extent) // is guaranteed to be unique. Schedule the task once, the task will reschedule itself. timer.schedule(new AssignmentWatcher(acuConf, activeAssignments, timer), 5000); }