public Font GetFont(String opt1, String opt2, Font previous) { Font newfont = previous; int actual = -1; int pstyle = previous.getStyle(); int psize = previous.getHeight(); FontFamily fontFamily[] = FontFamily.getFontFamilies(); for (int x = 0; x < fontFamily.length; x++) { if (fontFamily[x].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(opt1)) { actual = x; break; } } if (actual == -1) { for (int x = 0; x < fontFamily.length; x++) { if (fontFamily[x].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(opt2)) { actual = x; break; } } } if (actual == -1) { newfont = Font.getDefault().derive(pstyle, psize); } else { newfont = fontFamily[actual].getFont(pstyle, psize); } return newfont; }
public class Layout extends UserInterface { UiApplication theApp; Strings strings; FontFamily fontFamily[] = FontFamily.getFontFamilies(); Background bkg_splash = null; Background bkg_main = null; Bitmap splash = null; Bitmap main = null; Bitmap btn = null; String logo = "img/logo.png"; String button = "img/button_notext1_off.png"; String button_on = "img/button_notext1_on.png"; String friends = "img/button_notext2_off.png"; String friends_on = "img/button_notext2_on.png"; String defSplash = "img/splash_360x480.png"; String blank = "img/blank.png"; public Layout(CMainScreen c) { super(c); UiApplication ui = UiApplication.getUiApplication(); theApp = (UiApplication) ui; strings = new Strings(); setUpAssets(); } public void setUpAssets() { int w = Display.getWidth(); int h = Display.getHeight(); String res = w + "x" + h; System.out.println("res__________" + res); splash = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("img/splash_" + res + ".png"); main = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("img/bkg_main.jpg"); btn = Bitmap.getBitmapResource(button); if (splash == null) { splash = Bitmap.getBitmapResource(defSplash); } bkg_splash = BackgroundFactory.createBitmapBackground(splash); bkg_main = BackgroundFactory.createBitmapBackground(main); } public Manager splashScreen(Manager parent) { VerticalFieldManager fm_MainHolder = new VerticalFieldManager( Manager.USE_ALL_WIDTH | Manager.USE_ALL_HEIGHT | Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL) { public int getPreferredWidth() { return Display.getWidth(); } public int getPreferredHeight() { return Display.getHeight(); } protected void sublayout(int width, int height) { width = getPreferredWidth(); height = getPreferredHeight(); super.sublayout(width, height); super.setExtent(width, height); } }; Background back = bkg_splash; fm_MainHolder.setBackground(back); parent.add(fm_MainHolder); return fm_MainHolder; } public Manager mainScreen(Manager parent) { CInterface ci = new CInterface(); final int columnHeight0 = (int) ((Display.getHeight() / 2)); final int columnHeight1 = (int) (Display.getHeight() / 2); final int btnw = (int) ((float) Display.getWidth() * .75); final EncodedImage buttonoff = ci.getScaledImage(EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource(button), btnw); final EncodedImage buttonon = ci.getScaledImage(EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource(button_on), btnw); final EncodedImage friendsoff = ci.getScaledImage(EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource(friends), btnw); final EncodedImage friendson = ci.getScaledImage(EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource(friends_on), btnw); int imagew = (int) ((float) Display.getWidth() * .75); Bitmap blankbmp = Bitmap.getBitmapResource(blank); VerticalFieldManager fm_MainHolder = new VerticalFieldManager( Manager.USE_ALL_WIDTH | Manager.USE_ALL_HEIGHT | Manager.NO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL | Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL) { public int getPreferredWidth() { return Display.getWidth(); } public int getPreferredHeight() { return Display.getHeight(); } protected void sublayout(int width, int height) { width = getPreferredWidth(); height = getPreferredHeight(); super.sublayout(width, height); super.setExtent(width, height); } }; Background back = bkg_main; fm_MainHolder.setBackground(back); // MAIN LOGO HorizontalFieldManager lgo = new HorizontalFieldManager( Manager.NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL | Manager.NO_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL | Manager.FIELD_HCENTER | Manager.FIELD_VCENTER | Manager.USE_ALL_WIDTH) { public int getPreferredHeight() { return columnHeight0; } protected void sublayout(int width, int height) { width = super.getPreferredWidth(); height = getPreferredHeight(); super.sublayout(width, height); super.setExtent(width, height); } }; BitmapField img = ci.WriteSimpleImage( lgo, logo, BitmapField.FIELD_VCENTER | BitmapField.FIELD_HCENTER, imagew, ""); fm_MainHolder.add(lgo); // BUTTON HOLDER VerticalFieldManager vfmButton = new VerticalFieldManager( Manager.FIELD_HCENTER | Manager.FIELD_VCENTER | Manager.USE_ALL_WIDTH) { public int getPreferredHeight() { return columnHeight1; } public int getPreferredWidth() { return Display.getWidth(); } protected void sublayout(int width, int height) { width = getPreferredWidth(); height = getPreferredHeight(); super.sublayout(width, height); super.setExtent(width, height); } }; final BitmapField bmFieldSpan = new BitmapField(blankbmp, BitmapField.NON_FOCUSABLE); CustomButtonField cbfFriends = new CustomButtonField( btnw, strings.getString("invite_friends"), friendsoff.getBitmap(), friendson.getBitmap(), Field.FOCUSABLE | Field.FIELD_HCENTER | Field.FIELD_VCENTER) { protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) { c.action_callback("web_friends", "", ""); return true; } }; CustomButtonField cbfButton = new CustomButtonField( btnw, strings.getString("read_qr"), buttonoff.getBitmap(), buttonon.getBitmap(), Field.FOCUSABLE | Field.FIELD_HCENTER | Field.FIELD_VCENTER) { protected boolean navigationClick(int status, int time) { c.action_callback("qr_start", "", ""); return true; } }; vfmButton.add(cbfButton); vfmButton.add(bmFieldSpan); vfmButton.add(cbfFriends); fm_MainHolder.add(vfmButton); parent.add(fm_MainHolder); return fm_MainHolder; } public void construct_makescrollable_attache(Manager parent) { parent.add(new NullField(NullField.FOCUSABLE)); } }
CitationScreen6(Citation _c) { c = _c; String cNumberString = Integer.toString(c.Number); /* CustomLabelField lf = new CustomLabelField("OREGON UNIFORM CITATION: #" + cNumberString, LabelField.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH); lf.setBackgroundColor(0x00194E84); lf.setTextColor(0x00ffffff); FontFamily fontFamily0[] = FontFamily.getFontFamilies(); Font font = fontFamily0[1].getFont(FontFamily.CBTF_FONT, 14); lf.setFont(font); add(lf); */ LabelField lf0 = new LabelField( "OREGON UNIFORM CITATION: #" + cNumberString, LabelField.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.HCENTER) { protected void paintBackground(net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics g) { g.clear(); g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.GREEN); g.fillRect(0, 0, Display.getWidth(), Display.getHeight()); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); } }; FontFamily fontFamily0[] = FontFamily.getFontFamilies(); Font font0 = fontFamily0[1].getFont(FontFamily.CBTF_FONT, 14); lf0.setFont(font0); setTitle(lf0); add(new SeparatorField()); /* CustomLabelField lf1 = new CustomLabelField("************* INCIDENT ATTRIBUTES **************", LabelField.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH); lf1.setBackgroundColor(Color.LIGHTGREY); lf1.setTextColor(Color.BLUE); FontFamily fontFamily[] = FontFamily.getFontFamilies(); Font font1 = fontFamily[1].getFont(FontFamily.CBTF_FONT, 14); lf1.setFont(font1); add(lf1); */ LabelField lf3 = new LabelField( "********* INCIDENT ATTRIBUTES **********", LabelField.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH | DrawStyle.HCENTER) { protected void paintBackground(net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics g) { g.clear(); g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.GREEN); g.fillRect(0, 0, Display.getWidth(), Display.getHeight()); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); } }; FontFamily fontFamily3[] = FontFamily.getFontFamilies(); Font font3 = fontFamily3[1].getFont(FontFamily.CBTF_FONT, 14); lf3.setFont(font0); add(lf3); add(new SeparatorField()); // -------------- // CheckboxField field_accident = new CheckboxField("Accident", false); add(field_accident); // CheckboxField field_radar = new CheckboxField("Radar", false); add(field_radar); // CheckboxField field_jail_booking = new CheckboxField("Jail Booking", false); add(field_jail_booking); // CheckboxField field_paced = new CheckboxField("Paced", false); add(field_paced); // CheckboxField field_school_zone = new CheckboxField("School Zone", false); add(field_school_zone); // CheckboxField field_alcohol = new CheckboxField("Alcohol", false); add(field_alcohol); add(new SeparatorField()); // EditField field_vbfi = new EditField("VBFI: ", ""); add(field_vbfi); // ObjectChoiceField String choicestrs1[] = { "5MPH", "10MPH", "15MPH", "20MPH", "25MPH", "30MPH", "35MPH", "40MPH", "45MPH", "50MPH", "55MPH", "60MPH", "65MPH", "70MPH", "75MPH", "80MPH" }; field_speed_limit = new ObjectChoiceField("Speed Limit: ", choicestrs1, 0); add(field_speed_limit); // EditField field_alleged_speed = new EditField("Alleged Speed: ", ""); add(field_alleged_speed); add(new SeparatorField()); // ButtonField row - set all buttons at the bottom row of the form HorizontalFieldManager navButtonManager = new HorizontalFieldManager(); // ButtonField ButtonField btn_prev; btn_prev = new ButtonField("Prev", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK); btn_prev.setChangeListener(new ButtonListener6(this, c)); navButtonManager.add(btn_prev); ButtonField btn_next; btn_next = new ButtonField("Next", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK); btn_next.setChangeListener(new ButtonListener6(this, c)); navButtonManager.add(btn_next); add(navButtonManager); add(new SeparatorField()); addMenuItem(saveItem6); addMenuItem(getItem6); restoreUIFieldsFromCitation(); }