コード例 #1
  // ===========When a mouse is pressed=======
  public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {

    clickedX = e.getX();
    clickedY = e.getY();

    xPixelRelative = clickedX - xStartHoriz;
    yPixelRelative = clickedY - margin;

    float resultClicked;

    // Determinate the biggest and the smallest x value
    double smallestXvalue = abscissae[0];
    double biggestXvalue = abscissae[0];

    // Converting pixel values into expression values
    for (double xValue : abscissae) {
      if (xValue > biggestXvalue) biggestXvalue = xValue;
      if (xValue < smallestXvalue) smallestXvalue = xValue;

    double xValueRange = biggestXvalue - smallestXvalue;
    double xPixelRange = 268; // =xAxisLength;	

    double xPixelPercent = (xPixelRelative - smallestXvalue) / xPixelRange;
    float xValueClicked = (float) (xValueRange * xPixelPercent);

    try {
      // Determine the corresponding y based on the given function and the x resulting from
      // pixel-to-value conversion
      resultClicked =
          ComplexExpressionCalculator.evaluateExpression(function, String.valueOf(xValueClicked));
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
          this, "" + iae.getMessage() + "", "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

    // Limit decimal points
    displayableX = String.format("%.02f", xValueClicked);
    displayableY = String.format("%.02f", resultClicked);

    if (e.getSource() == window) {
      if (clickedX >= 2 && xPixelRelative <= 270 && yPixelRelative >= 28 && yPixelRelative <= 340) {
            "The mouse clicked at pixel x="
                + xPixelRelative
                + " based on xy reference. Originally it's at pixel x= "
                + e.getX());
            "The mouse clicked at pixel y="
                + yPixelRelative
                + " based on xy reference. Originally it's at pixel y= "
                + e.getY());

        coordinatesLabel.setText("For x=" + displayableX + ", y=" + displayableY + " on the curve");
        popUpPanel.add(coordinatesLabel, "North");
        popUpWindow.getContentPane().add(popUpPanel, "Center");
        popUpWindow.setSize(300, 70);
        popUpWindow.setLocation(100 + clickedX, 200 + yPixelRelative);
        popUpWindow.setTitle("Figure Coordinates");
      } else System.out.println("Clicked outside the prescribed range.");