コード例 #1
ファイル: QSolver_old.java プロジェクト: stijnvandael/ud-sim
 public long[] getSolutionPath() {
   long[] solution = new long[this.energyPath.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < solution.length; i++) {
     solution[i] = Math.round(energyPath[i]);
   return solution;
コード例 #2
ファイル: QSolver_old.java プロジェクト: stijnvandael/ud-sim
 public long[] getReqPowerInQuarters() {
   long[] regPowerInQuarters = new long[regPower.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < regPower.length; i++) {
     // convert Q to H
     int h = (int) Math.ceil(((i + 1) - quartersLeftInFirstBid) / 4.0);
     if (quartersLeftInFirstBid == 0) {
     regPowerInQuarters[i] = bidsN[h] * this.bidSize;
   return regPowerInQuarters;
コード例 #3
ファイル: QSolver_old.java プロジェクト: stijnvandael/ud-sim
  public boolean solve(
      double[] Pmax,
      double[] PregMax,
      double[] Emin,
      double[] Emax,
      int quartersLeftInFirstBid,
      int[] bids,
      int bidSize,
      ArrayList<FlexGraph> flexGraphs) {
    double[] Pmin = new double[Pmax.length];
    // Pre-process data
    if ((Pmin.length - quartersLeftInFirstBid) % 4 != 0) {
      int extraQuarters = 4 - ((Pmin.length - quartersLeftInFirstBid) % 4);
      Pmin = concat(Pmin, new double[extraQuarters]);
      Pmax = concat(Pmax, new double[extraQuarters]);
      PregMax = concat(PregMax, new double[extraQuarters]);
      double[] endE = new double[extraQuarters];
      for (int i = 0; i < endE.length; i++) {
        endE[i] = Emin[Emin.length - 1];
      Emin = concat(Emin, endE);
      Emax = concat(Emax, endE);
    this.quartersLeftInFirstBid = quartersLeftInFirstBid;

    // Solve optimization problem
    try {
      IloCplex cplex = new IloCplex();

      // for all evs
      ArrayList<IloNumVar[]> flexpowers = new ArrayList<IloNumVar[]>();
      ArrayList<IloNumVar[]> flexenergies = new ArrayList<IloNumVar[]>();
      for (int i = 0; i < flexGraphs.size(); i++) {
        FlexGraph flexGraph = flexGraphs.get(i);
        double[] energyMin = convertToDoubles(flexGraph.getEnergyMin());
        double[] energyMax = convertToDoubles(flexGraph.getEnergyMax());
        double[] powerMax = convertToDoubles(flexGraph.getPowerMax());
        // charging power
        IloNumVar[] p = cplex.numVarArray(powerMax.length, new double[powerMax.length], powerMax);
        // path
        IloNumVar[] e = cplex.numVarArray(energyMin.length, energyMin, energyMax);
        for (int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) {
          cplex.addEq(cplex.diff(e[j + 1], e[j]), cplex.prod(1.0 / 4, p[j]));

      // total charging power
      IloNumVar[] p = cplex.numVarArray(Pmin.length, Pmin, Pmax);

      // individual bin constraints
      for (int t = 0; t < p.length; t++) {
        ArrayList<IloNumVar> tempVars = new ArrayList<IloNumVar>();
        for (IloNumVar[] var : flexpowers) {
          if (var.length >= t + 1) {
        IloNumVar[] tempVars_array = new IloNumVar[tempVars.size()];
        cplex.addEq(p[t], cplex.sum(tempVars_array));

      // path
      IloNumVar[] e = cplex.numVarArray(Emin.length, Emin, Emax);
      for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
        cplex.addEq(cplex.diff(e[i + 1], e[i]), cplex.prod(1.0 / 4, p[i]));

      // Emin < path < Emax
      for (int i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
        cplex.addGe(e[i], Emin[i]);
        cplex.addLe(e[i], Emax[i]);

      // regulation power in each optimziation interval
      IloNumVar[] regPowerQ = cplex.numVarArray(Pmin.length, Pmin, PregMax);

      // calculate regulation power in each optimization interval
      for (int i = 0; i < regPowerQ.length; i++) {
        cplex.addEq(regPowerQ[i], cplex.diff(PregMax[i], p[i]));

      // regulation bids in each hour
      // 1. max nr of bids per houd
      int hours =
          (int) Math.ceil(quartersLeftInFirstBid / 4.0)
              + (int) Math.ceil((regPowerQ.length - quartersLeftInFirstBid) / 4.0);
      int[] maxNrOfBidsPerHour = new int[hours];
      // init with max nr of bids per hour
      for (int i = 0; i < maxNrOfBidsPerHour.length; i++) {
        maxNrOfBidsPerHour[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      if (quartersLeftInFirstBid > 0) {
        maxNrOfBidsPerHour[0] = bids[0];
        try {
          maxNrOfBidsPerHour[1] = bids[1];
        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ew) {
          System.out.print("Emin = ");

          System.out.print("Emax = ");

          System.out.print("Pmax = ");

          System.out.println("FirstBidQuarter = " + quartersLeftInFirstBid);

          System.out.print("Bids = ");

          System.out.println("Bidsize = " + bidSize);
      } else {
        maxNrOfBidsPerHour[0] = bids[1];
      // 2. bids per hour
      IloIntVar[] bidsH = cplex.intVarArray(hours, new int[hours], maxNrOfBidsPerHour);
      // limit bids by provided regulation power
      for (int i = 0; i < regPowerQ.length; i++) {
        // convert Q to H
        int h = (int) Math.ceil(((i + 1) - quartersLeftInFirstBid) / 4.0);
        if (quartersLeftInFirstBid == 0) {
        // bidsH*bidSize <= regPowerQ[i]
        if (i > 0) {
          // reserve some extra regulation power
          cplex.addLe(cplex.prod(bidsH[h], bidSize), cplex.prod(0.95, regPowerQ[i]));
        } else {
          cplex.addLe(cplex.prod(bidsH[h], bidSize), cplex.prod(1, regPowerQ[i]));
        // System.out.println("h = " + h + ", i=" + i);

      // create model and solve it
      // cplex.addMaximize(cplex.scalProd(p,prices));
      double[] rewards = new double[bidsH.length];
      // init to rewards = 1 for all, but two first hours
      for (int i = 0; i < rewards.length; i++) {
        rewards[i] = 1;
      rewards[0] = 100;
      if (rewards.length > 1) {
        rewards[1] = 100;
      IloLinearNumExpr maximization = cplex.scalProd(bidsH, rewards);
      IloObjective maxObjective = cplex.addMaximize(maximization);

      //			if(cplex.solve()) {
      //				cplex.output().println("Solution status = " + cplex.getStatus());
      //				cplex.output().println("Solution value = " + cplex.getObjValue());
      //				System.out.print("Emin = ");
      //				printArray(Emin);
      //				System.out.print("Emax = ");
      //				printArray(Emax);
      //				System.out.print("Pmax = ");
      //				printArray(Pmax);
      //				powerPath = cplex.getValues(p);
      //				System.out.print("Power = ");
      //				printArray(powerPath);
      //				energyPath = cplex.getValues(e);
      //				System.out.print("Energy = ");
      //				printArray(energyPath);
      //				regPower = cplex.getValues(regPowerQ);
      //				System.out.print("RegPower = ");
      //				printArray(regPower);
      //				bidsN = new int[bidsH.length];
      //				for(int i = 0; i < bidsN.length; i++) {
      //					bidsN[i] = (int) Math.round(cplex.getValue(bidsH[i]));
      //				}
      // shift bids right if no quarter left in current bid slot -- hack-ish
      if (quartersLeftInFirstBid == 0) {
        bidsN = concat(new int[1], bidsN);
      //				System.out.print("Bids = ");
      //				printArray(bidsN);
      //				this.bidSize = bidSize;
      //			}

      // stage two

      // System.out.println((int) );
      //			System.out.println("sum = " + cplex.getValue(cplex.sum(bidsH)));
      //			System.out.println(bidsH[0].getUB());;
      //			System.out.println((int) Math.round(cplex.getValue(bidsH[0])));
      //			bidsH[0].setMin((int) Math.round(cplex.getValue(bidsH[0])));
      //			.setUB(cplex.getValue(bidsH[0]));
      // cplex.addEq(bidsH[1], (int) Math.round(cplex.getValue(bidsH[1])));
      // cplex.addGe(bidsH[1], (int) Math.round(cplex.getValue(bidsH[1])));
      double bid1 = cplex.getValue(bidsH[0]);
      double bid2 = 0;
      if (bidsH.length > 1) {
        bid2 = cplex.getValue(bidsH[1]);
      int totalBids = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < bidsH.length; i++) {
        totalBids = totalBids + (int) Math.round(cplex.getValue(bidsH[i]));
      cplex.addGe(cplex.sum(bidsH), totalBids);
      cplex.addLe(bid1, bidsH[0]);
      // cplex.getValue(bidsH[1]);
      if (bidsH.length > 1) {
        cplex.addLe(bid2, bidsH[1]);

      IloQuadNumExpr minimization = cplex.quadNumExpr();
      double[] coeff = new double[p.length];
      for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
        coeff[i] = 1;
      minimization.addTerms(coeff, p, p);

      if (cplex.solve()) {
        //				cplex.output().println("Solution status = " + cplex.getStatus());
        //				cplex.output().println("Solution value = " + cplex.getObjValue());
        //				System.out.print("Emin = ");
        //				printArray(Emin);
        //				System.out.print("Emax = ");
        //				printArray(Emax);
        //				System.out.print("Pmax = ");
        //				printArray(Pmax);
        powerPath = cplex.getValues(p);
        System.out.print("Power = ");

        energyPath = cplex.getValues(e);
        //				System.out.print("Energy = ");
        //				printArray(energyPath);

        regPower = cplex.getValues(regPowerQ);
        System.out.print("RegPower = ");

        bidsN = new int[bidsH.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < bidsN.length; i++) {
          bidsN[i] = (int) Math.round(cplex.getValue(bidsH[i]));
        // shift bids right if no quarter left in current bid slot -- hack-ish
        if (quartersLeftInFirstBid == 0) {
          bidsN = concat(new int[1], bidsN);

        System.out.print("Bids = ");

        this.bidSize = bidSize;

      for (int i = 0; i < flexpowers.size(); i++) {
      return true;
    } catch (IloException e) {
      System.err.println("Concert exception caught: " + e);
      return false;