コード例 #1
  * Hydra task to verify queries on the region after all ops. This MUST be called as a batched
  * task, and will throw StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder when completed. It is necessary to
  * reinitialize the verify state variables if this is called a second time in this VM, however an
  * error is thrown if a second attempt it made without resetting the state variables.
 public static void HydraTask_verifyQueries() {
   if (CQsOn) {
     // the region contents verify task comes first, so if we got to this
     // task, then we know the the region is a perfect snapshot of what
     // we expect; the CQTestInstance relies on a snapshot
     if (verifyQueryIterator == null) {
       testInstance.CQTestInstance.regionSnapshot = new HashMap(testInstance.aRegion);
       verifyQueryIterator = testInstance.queryMap.keySet().iterator();
     if (verifyQueryIterator.hasNext()) {
       String cqName = (String) (verifyQueryIterator.next());
               "Verifying query "
                   + verifyQueryCount
                   + " out of "
                   + testInstance.queryMap.size()
                   + " with name "
                   + cqName);
     } else {
       String aStr = "Done verifying " + verifyQueryCount + " queries";
       // set for next time; if this is an init task, then we will be set for the close task
       verifyQueryIterator = null;
       verifyQueryCount = 0;
       throw new StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder(aStr);
   } else {
     String aStr = "Skipping verification of queries because CQUtilPrms.CQsOn is " + CQsOn;
     throw new StopSchedulingTaskOnClientOrder(aStr);
コード例 #2
  * Check event counters in the ControllerBB shared map. For example, if baseKey is
  * ControllerBB.NumForcedDiscEventsKey and vmList is a list containing vmId 2, and expectedCount
  * is 1, then the event count of key with base NumForcedDiscEvents plus vmId 2 is expected to be
  * 1, and any other key found in the map that is prefixed by baseKey should have value be 0.
  * Throws an exception if the conditions are not satisfied.
  * @param baseKey The base string of the key to check (the prefix to the vm id)
  * @param vmList The vms (ClientVmInfo) for the baseKey should have a value of expectedCount.
  * @param expectedCount The expected value of any baseKeys that refer to the given vmIds,
  *     otherwise the expectedCount is 0.
 public static void checkEventCounters(String baseKey, List vmList, int expectedCount) {
   Map aMap = ControllerBB.getBB().getSharedMap().getMap();
   Iterator it = aMap.keySet().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     String key = (String) (it.next());
     if (key.startsWith(baseKey)) { // found a key prefixed by baseKey
       int value = ((Integer) (aMap.get(key))).intValue(); // value for the key
       boolean foundInVmIdList = false;
       for (int i = 0; i < vmList.size(); i++) {
         int vmId = ((Integer) ((ClientVmInfo) (vmList.get(i))).getVmid()).intValue();
         if (key.endsWith("_" + vmId)) { // found a baseKey with a vmid in the vmList
           foundInVmIdList = true;
           if (value != expectedCount) {
             throw new TestException(
                 "Expected value for BB key "
                     + key
                     + " to be "
                     + expectedCount
                     + " but it is "
                     + value);
       if (!foundInVmIdList) { // this key's value should be 0
         if (value != 0) {
           throw new TestException(
               "Expected value for BB key " + key + " to be 0 but it is " + value);
コード例 #3
  /** Start all cqs running for this VM, and create a CQHistory instance for each CQ. */
  private void startCQsWithHistory() {
    CqAttributesFactory cqFac = new CqAttributesFactory();
    cqFac.addCqListener(new CQHistoryListener());
    cqFac.addCqListener(new CQGatherListener());
    CqAttributes cqAttr = cqFac.create();
    Iterator it = queryMap.keySet().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      String queryName = (String) (it.next());
      String query = (String) (queryMap.get(queryName));
      try {
        CqQuery cq = qService.newCq(queryName, query, cqAttr);
        CQHistory history = new CQHistory(cq.getName());
                "Creating CQ with name " + queryName + ": " + query + ", cq attributes: " + cqAttr);
        Log.getLogWriter().info("Calling executeWithInitialResults on " + cq);
        CqResults rs = cq.executeWithInitialResults();
        SelectResults sr = CQUtil.getSelectResults(rs);
        if (sr == null) {
          throw new TestException(
              "For cq "
                  + cq
                  + " with name "
                  + cq.getName()
                  + " executeWithInitialResults returned "
                  + sr);
                "Done calling executeWithInitializResults on "
                    + cq
                    + " with name "
                    + queryName
                    + ", select results size is "
                    + sr.size());

        // log the select results
        List srList = sr.asList();
        StringBuffer aStr = new StringBuffer();
        aStr.append("SelectResults returned from " + queryName + " is\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < srList.size(); i++) {
          aStr.append(srList.get(i) + "\n");
      } catch (CqExistsException e) {
        throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
      } catch (RegionNotFoundException e) {
        throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
      } catch (CqException e) {
        throw new TestException(TestHelper.getStackTrace(e));
コード例 #4
  * Get the client name for the given vmID, by looking in the StopStartBB blackboard shared map.
  * The map must have been created by calling StopStart_initTask. If this method was never invoked,
  * then null is returned as the clientName cannot be deteremined.
  * @param vmID The vmID to get the client name for.
  * @returns The client name for vmID, or null if it cannot be determined.
 public static String getClientName(Integer vmID) {
   Iterator it = StopStartBB.getBB().getSharedMap().getMap().values().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     Object anObj = it.next();
     if (anObj instanceof ClientVmInfo) {
       ClientVmInfo info = (ClientVmInfo) (anObj);
       if (info.getVmid().equals(vmID)) { // its a match
         return info.getClientName();
   return null;
コード例 #5
 /** Return a List of all ClientVmInfo instances in the StopStartVMs blackboard. */
 public static List getAllVMs() {
   List aList = new ArrayList();
   Map aMap = StopStartBB.getBB().getSharedMap().getMap();
   Iterator it = aMap.keySet().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     Object key = it.next();
     Object value = aMap.get(key);
     if (value instanceof ClientVmInfo) {
   return aList;
コード例 #6
   * Verify the result of the CQs registered for this VM. Query results from
   * executeWithInitialResults are combined with subsequent cq events to form the final result.
  protected void verifyQueryResultsCombine() {
    Log.getLogWriter().info("In verifyQueryResultsCombine");
    Iterator it = queryMap.keySet().iterator();
    int count = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      String cqName = (String) (it.next());
          .info("Verifying query " + count + " out of " + queryMap.size() + " with name " + cqName);
      CqQuery cq = qService.getCq(cqName);
      String queryStr = cq.getQueryString();
      String readableQueryStr = CQTest.getReadableQueryString(queryStr);

      // combine the initial selectResults with history of events
      CQHistory history = CQHistoryListener.getCQHistory(cqName);
      Map combinedMap = history.getCombinedResults();
      List combinedList = new ArrayList(combinedMap.values());
      List expectedResults = CQTestInstance.getExpectedResults(queryStr);
      List missingInCombined = new ArrayList(expectedResults);
      List unexpectedInCombined = new ArrayList(combinedList);

      // prepare error Strings
      StringBuffer aStr = new StringBuffer();
      if (unexpectedInCombined.size() > 0) {
        String tmpStr =
            getLocationString(unexpectedInCombined, expectedResults, history)
                + "\n"
                + "Found the following "
                + unexpectedInCombined.size()
                + " unexpected elements in combined results for cq "
                + cqName
                + ", "
                + readableQueryStr
                + ": "
                + QueryObject.toStringFull(unexpectedInCombined);
      if (missingInCombined.size() > 0) {
        String tmpStr =
            getLocationString(missingInCombined, expectedResults, history)
                + "\n"
                + "The following "
                + missingInCombined.size()
                + " elements were missing from combined results for cq "
                + cqName
                + ", "
                + readableQueryStr
                + ": "
                + QueryObject.toStringFull(missingInCombined);

      if (aStr.length() > 0) {
        throw new TestException(
            "Probably bug 38065: For cq "
                + cqName
                + ", "
                + readableQueryStr
                + "\n"
                + aStr.toString());
    Log.getLogWriter().info("Done verifying " + count + " queries");
コード例 #7
   * Given a List of QueryObjects known to be inconsistent as determined by validation, log where
   * the suspect objects are found by checking for it in 1) the expected List 2) the CQ history of
   * events 3) the select results 4) the localRegion
   * @param inconsistencies A List of suspect QueryObjects to check in each location.
   * @param expected The expected List of objects for a query.
   * @param history The CQHistory for the query
   * @returns
  private String getLocationString(List inconsistencies, List expected, CQHistory history) {
    StringBuffer aStr = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < inconsistencies.size(); i++) {
      QueryObject suspect = (QueryObject) (inconsistencies.get(i));

      // check the local region
      boolean found = false;
      Iterator it = aRegion.keySet().iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        Object key = it.next();
        Region.Entry entry = aRegion.getEntry(key);
        QueryObject qo = (QueryObject) (entry.getValue());
        if ((qo != null) && (qo.equals(suspect))) {
          found = true;
                  + " was found in "
                  + aRegion.getFullPath()
                  + " at key "
                  + key
                  + "\n");
      if (!found) {
            suspect.toStringAbbreviated() + " was NOT found in " + aRegion.getFullPath() + "\n");

      // seach for all occurrences in expected list
      found = false;
      it = expected.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        QueryObject qo = (QueryObject) (it.next());
        if (qo.equals(suspect)) {
          found = true;
          aStr.append(qo.toStringAbbreviated() + " was found in expected results\n");
      if (!found) {
        aStr.append(suspect.toStringAbbreviated() + " was NOT found in expected results\n");

      // seach for all occurrences in selectResults
      SelectResults selResults = history.getSelectResults();
      found = false;
      it = selResults.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        QueryObject qo = (QueryObject) (it.next());
        if (qo.equals(suspect)) {
          found = true;
          aStr.append(qo.toStringAbbreviated() + " was found in SelectResults\n");
      if (!found) {
        aStr.append(suspect.toStringAbbreviated() + " was NOT found in SelectResults\n");

      // seach for all occurrences in history
      found = false;
      List eventList = history.getEvents();
      for (int j = 0; j < eventList.size(); j++) {
        CqEvent event = (CqEvent) (eventList.get(j));
        QueryObject qo = (QueryObject) (event.getNewValue());
        if ((qo != null) && (qo.equals(suspect))) {
          found = true;
                  + " was found in event history as new value "
                  + event
                  + "\n");
      if (!found) {
        aStr.append(suspect.toStringAbbreviated() + " was NOT found in CqEvent history\n");
    return aStr.toString();