コード例 #1
  void DrawGeometry(final GL gl) {
    // Cache the sphere positions, normals, texture coordinates, and
    // vertex indices in a local array; we only need to fill them in the
    // first time through this function.
    final int nu = 30, nv = 30;
    final int nTris = 2 * (nu - 1) * (nv - 1), nVerts = nu * nv;
    if (P == null) {
      int u, v;

      P = BufferUtil.newFloatBuffer(3 * nVerts);
      N = BufferUtil.newFloatBuffer(3 * nVerts);
      uv = BufferUtil.newFloatBuffer(2 * nVerts);

      // Fill in the position, normal, and texture coordinate arrays.
      // Just loop over all of the vertices, compute their parametreic
      // (u,v) coordinates (which we use for texture coordinates as
      // well), and call the ParametricEval() function, which turns (u,v)
      // coordinates into positions and normals on the surface of the
      // object.
      int pp = 0, np = 0, uvp = 0;
      for (v = 0; v < nv; ++v) {
        final float fv = (float) v / (float) (nv - 1);
        for (u = 0; u < nu; ++u) {
          final float fu = (float) u / (float) (nu - 1);
          uv.put(uvp, fu);
          uv.put(uvp + 1, fv);
          ParametricEval(fu, fv, pp, P, np, N);
          pp += 3;
          np += 3;
          uvp += 2;

      // Now fill in the vertex index arrays
      indices = BufferUtil.newIntBuffer(3 * nTris);
      int ip = 0;
      for (v = 0; v < nv - 1; ++v)
        for (u = 0; u < nu - 1; ++u) {
          indices.put(ip++, VERTEX(u, v, nu));
          indices.put(ip++, VERTEX(u + 1, v, nu));
          indices.put(ip++, VERTEX(u + 1, v + 1, nu));

          indices.put(ip++, VERTEX(u, v, nu));
          indices.put(ip++, VERTEX(u + 1, v + 1, nu));
          indices.put(ip++, VERTEX(u, v + 1, nu));
      // Tell Cg which of these data pointers are associated with which
      // parameters to the vertex shader, so that when we call
      // cgGLEnableClientState() and then glDrawElements(), the shader
      // gets the right input information.
      CGparameter param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(vertexProgram, "Pobject");
      CgGL.cgGLSetParameterPointer(param, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, P);
      param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(vertexProgram, "Nobject");
      CgGL.cgGLSetParameterPointer(param, 3, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, N);
      param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(vertexProgram, "TexUV");
      CgGL.cgGLSetParameterPointer(param, 2, GL.GL_FLOAT, 0, uv);

    // And now, each time through, enable the bindings to the parameters
    // that we set up the first time through
    CGparameter param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(vertexProgram, "Pobject");
    param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(vertexProgram, "Nobject");
    param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(vertexProgram, "TexUV");

    // Enable the texture parameter as well.
    param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(fragmentProgram, "diffuseMap");

    // And now, draw the geometry.
    gl.glDrawElements(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, 3 * nTris, GL.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, indices);

    // Be a good citizen and disable the various bindings we set up above.
    param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(vertexProgram, "Pobject");
    param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(vertexProgram, "Nobject");
    param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(vertexProgram, "TexUV");

    param = CgGL.cgGetNamedParameter(fragmentProgram, "diffuseMap");