public void start() { if (started) { throw new RuntimeException("Already started or in progress"); } started = true; if (service == null) { service = newDefaultForkJoinPool(threadsCount); } cachedDispatchQueues = Caffeine.newBuilder().weakValues().executor(service).maximumSize(queueSize).build().asMap(); }
public VoikkoFilterFactory(Map<String, String> args) { super(args); voikko = new Voikko("fi-x-morphoid"); minWordSize = getInt(args, "minWordSize", VoikkoFilter.DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_SIZE); minSubwordSize = getInt(args, "minSubwordSize", VoikkoFilter.DEFAULT_MIN_SUBWORD_SIZE); maxSubwordSize = getInt(args, "maxSubwordSize", VoikkoFilter.DEFAULT_MAX_SUBWORD_SIZE); expandCompounds = getBoolean(args, "expandCompounds", false); allAnalysis = getBoolean(args, "allAnalysis", false); cacheSize = getInt(args, "cacheSize", DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE); statsInterval = getInt(args, "statsInterval", VoikkoFilter.DEFAULT_STATS_INTERVAL); Caffeine caffeine = Caffeine.newBuilder().maximumSize(cacheSize); if (statsInterval > 0) { caffeine.recordStats(); } cache =; }
/** * Method invoked when memory policy is used * * @param concurrencyLevel * @param thresholdSize * @param sizeCalculator */ protected DefaultDataContainer( int concurrencyLevel, long thresholdSize, EntrySizeCalculator<? super K, ? super V> sizeCalculator) { DefaultEvictionListener evictionListener = new DefaultEvictionListener(); EntrySizeCalculator<K, InternalCacheEntry<K, V>> calc = new CacheEntrySizeCalculator<>(sizeCalculator); evictionCache = applyListener( Caffeine.newBuilder() .weigher((K k, InternalCacheEntry<K, V> v) -> (int) calc.calculateSize(k, v)) .maximumWeight(thresholdSize), evictionListener) .build(); entries = evictionCache.asMap(); }
/** * Provides all context information that is needed during the execution of a compiled Rascal program * and contains: - I/O streams - class loaders - RascalSearchPath - execution flags - state * variables need by RascalPrimitives */ public class RascalExecutionContext implements IRascalMonitor { private IRascalMonitor monitor; private final PrintWriter stderr; private final Configuration config; private final List<ClassLoader> classLoaders; private final PrintWriter stdout; private final IValueFactory vf; private final TypeStore typeStore; private final boolean debug; private final boolean testsuite; private final boolean profile; private final boolean trackCalls; private final ITestResultListener testResultListener; private final IMap symbol_definitions; private RascalSearchPath rascalSearchPath; private String currentModuleName; private RVM rvm; private boolean coverage; private boolean useJVM; private final IMap moduleTags; // State for RascalPrimitive private final ParsingTools parsingTools; Stack<String> indentStack = new Stack<String>(); // final HashMap<Type,IConstructor> type2symbolCache = new HashMap<Type,IConstructor>(); private Cache<Type, IConstructor> type2symbolCache = Caffeine.newBuilder().build(); StringBuilder templateBuilder = null; private final Stack<StringBuilder> templateBuilderStack = new Stack<StringBuilder>(); private IListWriter test_results; private final HashMap<IString, DescendantDescriptor> descendantDescriptorMap = new HashMap<IString, DescendantDescriptor>(); public RascalExecutionContext( String moduleName, IValueFactory vf, PrintStream out, PrintStream err) { this(moduleName, vf, new PrintWriter(out), new PrintWriter(err)); } public RascalExecutionContext( String moduleName, IValueFactory vf, PrintWriter out, PrintWriter err) { this(vf, out, err, null, null, null, false, false, false, false, false, false, null, null); setCurrentModuleName(moduleName); } public RascalExecutionContext( IValueFactory vf, PrintWriter stdout, PrintWriter stderr, IMap moduleTags, IMap symbol_definitions, TypeStore typeStore, boolean debug, boolean testsuite, boolean profile, boolean trackCalls, boolean coverage, boolean useJVM, ITestResultListener testResultListener, RascalSearchPath rascalSearchPath) { this.vf = vf; this.moduleTags = moduleTags; this.symbol_definitions = symbol_definitions; this.typeStore = typeStore == null ? new TypeStore() : typeStore; this.debug = debug; this.testsuite = testsuite; this.profile = profile; this.coverage = coverage; this.useJVM = useJVM; this.trackCalls = trackCalls; currentModuleName = "UNDEFINED"; if (rascalSearchPath == null) { this.rascalSearchPath = new RascalSearchPath(); addRascalSearchPath(URIUtil.rootLocation("test-modules")); addRascalSearchPathContributor(StandardLibraryContributor.getInstance()); } else { this.rascalSearchPath = rascalSearchPath; } monitor = new ConsoleRascalMonitor(); // ctx.getEvaluator().getMonitor(); this.stdout = stdout; this.stderr = stderr; config = new Configuration(); this.classLoaders = new ArrayList<ClassLoader>(Collections.singleton(Evaluator.class.getClassLoader())); this.testResultListener = (testResultListener == null) ? (ITestResultListener) new DefaultTestResultListener(stderr) : testResultListener; parsingTools = new ParsingTools(vf); } public ParsingTools getParsingTools() { return parsingTools; } IValueFactory getValueFactory() { return vf; } public IMap getSymbolDefinitions() { return symbol_definitions; } public TypeStore getTypeStore() { return typeStore; } boolean getDebug() { return debug; } boolean getTestSuite() { return testsuite; } boolean getProfile() { return profile; } boolean getCoverage() { return coverage; } boolean getUseJVM() { return useJVM; } boolean getTrackCalls() { return trackCalls; } public RVM getRVM() { return rvm; } protected void setRVM(RVM rvm) { this.rvm = rvm; } public void addClassLoader(ClassLoader loader) { // later loaders have precedence classLoaders.add(0, loader); } List<ClassLoader> getClassLoaders() { return classLoaders; } IRascalMonitor getMonitor() { return monitor; } void setMonitor(IRascalMonitor monitor) { this.monitor = monitor; } public PrintWriter getStdErr() { return stderr; } public PrintWriter getStdOut() { return stdout; } Configuration getConfiguration() { return config; } ITestResultListener getTestResultListener() { return testResultListener; } public String getCurrentModuleName() { return currentModuleName; } public void setCurrentModuleName(String moduleName) { currentModuleName = moduleName; } public Stack<String> getIndentStack() { return indentStack; } // public HashMap<Type,IConstructor> getType2SymbolCache(){ return type2symbolCache; } public IConstructor type2Symbol(final Type t) { return type2symbolCache.get(t, k -> RascalPrimitive.$type2symbol(t)); } HashMap<IString, DescendantDescriptor> getDescendantDescriptorMap() { return descendantDescriptorMap; } private Cache<Type[], Boolean> subtypeCache = Caffeine.newBuilder().build(); public boolean isSubtypeOf(Type t1, Type t2) { return t1.isSubtypeOf(t2); // Type[] key = new Type[] { t1, t2}; // // return subtypeCache.get(key, k -> t1.isSubtypeOf(t2)); } StringBuilder getTemplateBuilder() { return templateBuilder; } void setTemplateBuilder(StringBuilder sb) { templateBuilder = sb; } Stack<StringBuilder> getTemplateBuilderStack() { return templateBuilderStack; } IListWriter getTestResults() { return test_results; } void setTestResults(IListWriter writer) { test_results = writer; } private Cache<String, Function> companionDefaultFunctionCache = Caffeine.newBuilder().build(); public Function getCompanionDefaultsFunction(String name, Type ftype) { String key = name + ftype; Function result = companionDefaultFunctionCache.get(key, k -> rvm.getCompanionDefaultsFunction(name, ftype)); // System.err.println("RascalExecutionContext.getCompanionDefaultsFunction: " + key + " => " + //; return result; } public void clearCaches() { companionDefaultFunctionCache = Caffeine.newBuilder().build(); descendantDescriptorMap.clear(); subtypeCache = Caffeine.newBuilder().build(); } boolean bootstrapParser(String moduleName) { if (moduleTags != null) { IMap tags = (IMap) moduleTags.get(vf.string(moduleName)); if (tags != null) return tags.get(vf.string("bootstrapParser")) != null; } return false; } public int endJob(boolean succeeded) { if (monitor != null) return monitor.endJob(succeeded); return 0; } public void event(int inc) { if (monitor != null) monitor.event(inc); } public void event(String name, int inc) { if (monitor != null) monitor.event(name, inc); } public void event(String name) { if (monitor != null) monitor.event(name); } public void startJob(String name, int workShare, int totalWork) { if (monitor != null) monitor.startJob(name, workShare, totalWork); stdout.println(name); stdout.flush(); } public void startJob(String name, int totalWork) { if (monitor != null) monitor.startJob(name, totalWork); } public void startJob(String name) { if (monitor != null) monitor.startJob(name); stdout.println(name); stdout.flush(); } public void todo(int work) { if (monitor != null) monitor.todo(work); } @Override public boolean isCanceled() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public void warning(String message, ISourceLocation src) { stdout.println("Warning: " + message); stdout.flush(); } public RascalSearchPath getRascalSearchPath() { return rascalSearchPath; } private void addRascalSearchPathContributor(IRascalSearchPathContributor contrib) { rascalSearchPath.addPathContributor(contrib); } private void addRascalSearchPath(final ISourceLocation uri) { rascalSearchPath.addPathContributor(new URIContributor(uri)); } /** Source location resolvers map user defined schemes to primitive schemes */ private final HashMap<String, ICallableValue> sourceResolvers = new HashMap<String, ICallableValue>(); /** * Register a source resolver for a specific scheme. Will overwrite the previously registered * source resolver for this scheme. * * @param scheme intended be a scheme name without + or : * @param function a Rascal function of type `loc (loc)` */ public void registerSourceResolver(String scheme, ICallableValue function) { sourceResolvers.put(scheme, function); } public ISourceLocation resolveSourceLocation(ISourceLocation loc) { String scheme = loc.getScheme(); int pos; ICallableValue resolver = sourceResolvers.get(scheme); if (resolver == null) { for (char sep : new char[] {'+', ':'}) { pos = scheme.indexOf(sep); if (pos != -1) { scheme = scheme.substring(0, pos); } } resolver = sourceResolvers.get(scheme); if (resolver == null) { return loc; } } Type[] argTypes = new Type[] {TypeFactory.getInstance().sourceLocationType()}; IValue[] argValues = new IValue[] {loc}; return (ISourceLocation), argValues, null).getValue(); } void registerCommonSchemes() { addRascalSearchPath(URIUtil.rootLocation("test-modules")); addRascalSearchPathContributor(StandardLibraryContributor.getInstance()); } }
public void clearCaches() { companionDefaultFunctionCache = Caffeine.newBuilder().build(); descendantDescriptorMap.clear(); subtypeCache = Caffeine.newBuilder().build(); }
private static <K, V> Caffeine<K, V> caffeineBuilder() { return (Caffeine<K, V>) Caffeine.newBuilder(); }