コード例 #1
  * use this method to get a hold on max amplitudes -- returns true when it's best to update the
  * display
 public boolean needUpdate(int p, int m, int n, TextView display) {
   if (max[p] > threshold) { // threshold
     if ((double) max[p] > ((double) primaryMax[p] + 0.5)) {
       if (MainActivity.analyzeMode) {
         if (max[p] > threshold * 1.2) {
           getNew[0] = false;
       primaryMax[p] = max[p];
       primaryFreq[p] = topFreq[p];
       return false;
     } else if ((double) max[p] < (double) (primaryMax[p] - 0.5)) {
       note[p] = noteFinder.getNote(primaryFreq[p]);
       // display.setText(Integer.toString(primaryFreq[p])+" Hz - "+note[p]);
       // setPianoKey();
       getNew[0] = true;
       primaryMax[p] = 0;
       return true;
     } else {
       return false;
   } else {
     getNew[0] = true;
     primaryMax[p] = 0;
     return false;
コード例 #2
   * First, fill up the storedMaxFreq with values Once filled, get a new value every time this
   * function runs -- move all the values down a slot -- put in a new value, and remove the oldest
   * value Loop through storedValueAmounts, a 2D array, within each loop iteration of storedMaxFreq
   * in order to fill the 2D array ([frequency value][number of occurrences]) -- check if the slot
   * has duplicate values. if so, add 1 to the second dimension of that slot -- otherwise, check if
   * slot is empty. if so, fill it in with the new storedMaxFreq value Using the data in
   * storedMaxFreq, find a frequency to display -- Loop to sum up and average all the values in
   * storedMaxFreq -- Loop to compare this average with each value in storedMaxFreq. take the value
   * closest to the average (least difference between it and the average) -- Loop through
   * storedValueAmounts to sum up recurrent frequencies (mostCommonSum) and their weight
   * (amountOfCommonSums) -- -- sum up the frequencies that occur more than once
   * (storedValueAmounts[i][1] > 0) -- -- then, amountOfCommonSums += (storedValueAmounts[i][1]+1)
   * to add weight -- -- otherwise, add all unpreferred frequencies to the array list:
   * unpreferredFrequencies -- Loop to remove bad values from the recurrent frequencies that we just
   * added -- -- if statement ensures that the already selected "most usable" frequency isn't
   * accounted for when removing bad frequencies -- -- if a value is outside a 21% margin of the
   * most usable frequency, subtract it and its weight -- Loop through unpreferredFrequencies
   * (frequencies that only occur once) to find decently valid values -- -- if an unpreferred value
   * is still within a 10% margin of the most usable frequency, add it and weight it as 1 --
   * Finally, divide the total sum by the weights (mostCommonSum/amountOfCommonSums) to get an
   * average that represents the most accurate frequency -- -- return 0 if amountOfCommonSums > 0 to
   * avoid accidentally dividing by 0 Update visualization display -- Get note based on the returned
   * frequency -- Fill previousNotes (an ArrayList) with the previous 3 notes using the same method
   * as step 1 and 2 of this function -- Loop through previousNotes to check if all notes are the
   * same or not -- -- if not all the same, changeNote will be false. vice versa -- If changeNote is
   * true: -- -- update previousNote to be currentNote, then update currentNote to the actual
   * currentNote (previousNote is always one step behind) -- -- if currentNote != previousNote,
   * meaning there is a need to update the display, then update!
  public void updateText(int p, int m, int n, TextView display) {
    if (max[p] > threshold) { // threshold
      if (storedMaxFreq.size() < 6) { // fills the array
      } else { // if storedMaxFreq is full

        // DEFINITIONS
        int mostCommonSum = 0;
        int amountOfCommonSums = 0;
        boolean changeNote = true;
        int[][] storedValueAmounts = new int[8][2];

        ArrayList<Integer> preferredFrequencies = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        int mostUsable = 0;
        int overallAverage = 0;
        ArrayList<Integer> unpreferredFrequencies = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        // UPDATES ARRAY
        ArrayList<Integer> tempStorage = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        storedMaxFreq.add(0, topFreq[p]);
        storedMaxFreq.addAll(1, tempStorage);

        for (int i = 0; i < storedMaxFreq.size(); i++) { // loop through the storedMaxFreq
          for (int x = 0;
              x < storedValueAmounts.length;
              x++) { // loop to check for empty slots in storedValueAmounts and fill them
            if (storedValueAmounts[x][0] != 0
                && storedMaxFreq.get(i)
                    == storedValueAmounts[x][
                        0]) { // if slot is filled and contents are the same, just increase the
                              // count by 1
              storedValueAmounts[x][1] += 1;
            } else if (storedValueAmounts[x][0] == 0) { // if slot is empty, take it
              storedValueAmounts[x][0] = storedMaxFreq.get(i);

        for (int i = 0; i < storedMaxFreq.size(); i++) { // gets overall average
          overallAverage += storedMaxFreq.get(i);
        overallAverage /= storedMaxFreq.size();
        int difference = 100000;
        for (int i = 0; i < storedMaxFreq.size(); i++) { // finds mostUsable
          if (Math.abs(overallAverage - storedMaxFreq.get(i)) < difference) {
            difference = Math.abs(overallAverage - storedMaxFreq.get(i));
            mostUsable = storedMaxFreq.get(i);
        for (int i = 0;
            i < storedValueAmounts.length;
            i++) { // loop to sum up the most common frequencies
          if (storedValueAmounts[i][1] > 0) {
            mostCommonSum +=
                    * (storedValueAmounts[i][1] + 1); // adds weight to the summing
            amountOfCommonSums += (storedValueAmounts[i][1] + 1);
          } else {
        for (int i = 0;
            i < (preferredFrequencies.size());
            i++) { // loop to remove bad values from the most common frequencies
          if (storedValueAmounts[preferredFrequencies.get(i)][0] != mostUsable) {
            if (storedValueAmounts[preferredFrequencies.get(i)][0] < (double) mostUsable * 0.79
                || storedValueAmounts[preferredFrequencies.get(i)][0]
                    > (double) mostUsable * 1.21) {
              mostCommonSum -=
                      * (storedValueAmounts[preferredFrequencies.get(i)][1] + 1);
              amountOfCommonSums -= (storedValueAmounts[preferredFrequencies.get(i)][1] + 1);
        for (int i = 0;
            i < unpreferredFrequencies.size();
            i++) { // adds back in previously removed values that were, in hindsight, pretty good
          if (unpreferredFrequencies.get(i) > mostUsable * 0.9
              && unpreferredFrequencies.get(i) < mostUsable * 1.1) {
            mostCommonSum += unpreferredFrequencies.get(i);
        if (amountOfCommonSums > 0) {
          mostCommonSum = (int) Math.round((double) (mostCommonSum / amountOfCommonSums));
        } else {
          mostCommonSum = 0;

        // UPDATES NOTE & TEXT
        // previousNote[p] = note[p];
        note[p] = noteFinder.getNote(mostCommonSum);
        int noteIndex = noteFinder.getIndex(mostCommonSum);

        if (previousNotes.size()
            < 3) { // sets how many times each note must be detected in a row before changing the
                   // piano visualization
        } else {
          ArrayList<String> tempStorage2 = new ArrayList<String>();
          previousNotes.add(0, note[p]);
          previousNotes.addAll(1, tempStorage2);
          for (int i = 1; i < (previousNotes.size()); i++) {
            if (previousNotes.get(i) == previousNotes.get(i - 1)) {
              changeNote = true;
            } else {
              changeNote = false;

        if (changeNote) { // if note change required, update currentNote & previous note
          previousNote[p] = currentNote[p];
          currentNote[p] = note[p];
          if (currentNote[p] != previousNote[p]) { // check if display update needed
            display.setText(Integer.toString(mostCommonSum) + " Hz - " + note[p]);
            writeToFile(timeCount + ":" + noteIndex + ";", true);
            previousNoteIndex = noteIndex;
          } else {
            writeToFile(timeCount + ":" + previousNoteIndex + ";", true);

        String logList =  "Member name: ";
        for (int i = 0; i<storedMaxFreq.size(); i++){
        	logList += storedMaxFreq.get(i) + ", ";
        logList += "\nstoredValueAmounts: " + Arrays.deepToString(storedValueAmounts);
        Log.w("Davis", logList + "\n"+mostCommonSum+" Hz - "+note[p]); */


      if (max[p] > 5) {
        display.setTypeface(Typeface.create("sans-serif", Typeface.BOLD));
      } else {
        display.setTypeface(Typeface.create("sans-serif-light", Typeface.NORMAL));