コード例 #1
   * Assumes User is logged in Selects the specified view for the open folder in repository
   * @param driver WebDrone Instance
   * @param view ViewType
   * @return RepositoryPage
  public static RepositoryPage selectView(WebDrone driver, ViewType view) {
    // Assumes User is logged in

    RepositoryPage repositorypage = ((RepositoryPage) ShareUserSitePage.selectView(driver, view));
    logger.info("Opened RepositoryPage");
    return repositorypage;
コード例 #2
  * Assumes Repository Page is open and navigates to the Path specified.
  * @param driver WebDrone Instance
  * @param folderPath : String folder path relative to RepositoryPage e.g. Repo + file.seperator +
  *     folderName1
  * @throws SkipException if error in this API
  * @return RepositoryPage
 public static RepositoryPage navigateToFolderInRepository(WebDrone driver, String folderPath)
     throws Exception {
   RepositoryPage repositoryPage =
       ((RepositoryPage) ShareUserSitePage.navigateToFolder(driver, folderPath)).render();
   return repositoryPage;
コード例 #3
   * Add given tags to file or folder in {@link TagPage}. Assume that user currently in {@link
   * RepositoryPage}.
   * @param drone
   * @param contentName
   * @param tags - Tags to be added to content
   * @return {@link RepositoryPage}
  public static RepositoryPage addTagsInRepo(
      WebDrone drone, String contentName, List<String> tags) {
    DetailsPage detailsPage = ShareUserSitePage.addTags(drone, contentName, tags).render();
    RepositoryPage repoPage = detailsPage.navigateToParentFolder().render();

    return repoPage;
コード例 #4
  * Get properties.
  * @param drone
  * @param folderName
  * @param aspect
  * @return
 public static Map<String, Object> getProperties(WebDrone drone, String folderName) {
   FolderDetailsPage folderDetailsPage =
       ShareUserSitePage.getFileDirectoryInfo(drone, folderName)
   return folderDetailsPage.getProperties();
コード例 #5
   * Open Repository Page: Top Level Assumes User is logged in - Opens repository in detailed View
   * @param driver WebDrone Instance
   * @return RepositoryPage
  public static RepositoryPage openRepositoryDetailedView(WebDrone driver) {

    // Assumes User is logged in
    RepositoryPage repositorypage = openRepository(driver);

    repositorypage =
        ((RepositoryPage) ShareUserSitePage.selectView(driver, ViewType.DETAILED_VIEW)).render();
    logger.info("Opened RepositoryPage");
    return repositorypage;
コード例 #6
   * Open Repository Page: Top Level Assumes User is logged in Opens repository in simple View
   * @param driver WebDrone Instance
   * @return RepositoryPage
  public static RepositoryPage openRepositoryGalleryView(WebDrone driver) {

    // Assumes User is logged in
    SharePage page = ShareUser.getSharePage(driver);

    RepositoryPage repositorypage = page.getNav().selectRepository();
    repositorypage = ((RepositoryPage) ShareUserSitePage.selectView(driver, ViewType.GALLERY_VIEW));
    logger.info("Opened RepositoryPage");
    return repositorypage;
コード例 #7
   * Copy folder to destination.
   * @param drone
   * @param folderName
   * @param destinationFolderName
  public static void copyToFolderInDestination(
      WebDrone drone, String folderName, String destinationFolderName) {

    CopyOrMoveContentPage copyOrMoveContentPage =
        ShareUserSitePage.getFileDirectoryInfo(drone, folderName).selectCopyTo().render();

    copyOrMoveContentPage = copyOrMoveContentPage.selectDestination(destinationFolderName).render();

コード例 #8
  * Creates a new folder at the Path specified, Starting from the RepositoryPage Page. Assumes User
  * is logged in and a specific Site is open.
  * @param driver WebDrone Instance
  * @param folderName String Name of the folder to be created
  * @param folderTitle String Title of the folder to be created
  * @param folderDesc String Description of the folder to be created
  * @return RepositoryPage
 public static HtmlPage createFolderInRepositoryWithValidation(
     WebDrone driver, String folderName, String folderTitle, String folderDesc) {
   HtmlPage htmlPage =
       ShareUserSitePage.createFolderWithValidation(driver, folderName, folderTitle, folderDesc);
   if (htmlPage instanceof DocumentLibraryPage) {
     RepositoryPage repositoryPage = htmlPage.render();
     return repositoryPage;
   return htmlPage;
コード例 #9
   * This method does the copy or move the folder or document into another folder. User should be on
   * RepositoryPage Page.
   * @param isCopy
   * @param testFolderName
   * @param copyFolderName
   * @param docLibPage
   * @return CopyOrMoveContentPage
  public static CopyOrMoveContentPage copyOrMoveToFolderInRepository(
      WebDrone drone, String sourceFolder, String[] destinationFolders, boolean isCopy) {
    if ((StringUtils.isEmpty(sourceFolder)) || (destinationFolders.length == 0)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "sitename/sourceFolder/destinationFolders should not be empty or null");

    CopyOrMoveContentPage copyOrMoveContentPage;

    FileDirectoryInfo contentRow = ShareUserSitePage.getFileDirectoryInfo(drone, sourceFolder);
    if (isCopy) {
      copyOrMoveContentPage = contentRow.selectCopyTo().render();
    } else {
      copyOrMoveContentPage = contentRow.selectMoveTo().render();
    copyOrMoveContentPage = copyOrMoveContentPage.selectDestination(REPO).render();
    copyOrMoveContentPage = copyOrMoveContentPage.selectPath(destinationFolders).render();
    return copyOrMoveContentPage;
コード例 #10
  * Sorts the document library by the given field.
  * @param drone
  * @param field The field to sort by.
  * @param sortAscending <code>true</code> if ascending. <code>false</code> if descending.
  * @return {@link RepositoryPage}
 public static RepositoryPage sortLibraryOn(
     WebDrone drone, SortField field, boolean sortAscending) {
   return (RepositoryPage) ShareUserSitePage.sortLibraryOn(drone, field, sortAscending);
コード例 #11
  * Add tag from repository page.
  * @param drone
  * @param contentName
  * @param tagName
 public static RepositoryPage addTag(WebDrone drone, String contentName, String tagName) {
   RepositoryPage repoPage =
       ((RepositoryPage) ShareUserSitePage.addTag(drone, contentName, tagName)).render();
   return repoPage;
コード例 #12
   * Creates files in a folder in site's document library
   * @param numberOfFiles
   * @param siteName
   * @param siteNumber
   * @throws Exception
  public static void createFilesInSiteFolder(
      WebDrone drone,
      String testName,
      int numberOfFiles,
      String siteName,
      int siteNumber,
      String rule)
      throws Exception {

    // Create folder
    String folderName = getFileName(testName + "_" + siteNumber);
    DocumentLibraryPage documentLibraryPage =
        ShareUserSitePage.createFolder(drone, folderName, folderName);

    // create rule if rule is set
    if (MOVE_RULE.equalsIgnoreCase(rule)) {
      FolderRulesPage folderRulesPage =

      CreateRulePage createRulePage = folderRulesPage.openCreateRulePage().render();
      createRulePage.fillNameField("New Move Rule Name");
      createRulePage.fillDescriptionField("New Move Rule Description");

      ActionSelectorEnterpImpl actionSelectorEnterpImpl = createRulePage.getActionOptionsObj();

      // move rule
      actionSelectorEnterpImpl.selectMove(siteName, "Documents");

      FolderRulesPageWithRules folderRulesPageWithRules = createRulePage.clickCreate().render();
      documentLibraryPage = ShareUser.openSitesDocumentLibrary(drone, siteName);

    } else if (COPY_RULE.equalsIgnoreCase(rule)) {
      FolderRulesPage folderRulesPage =

      CreateRulePage createRulePage = folderRulesPage.openCreateRulePage().render();
      createRulePage.fillNameField("New Copy and Transform Rule Name");
      createRulePage.fillDescriptionField("New Copy and Transform Rule Description");

      ActionSelectorEnterpImpl actionSelectorEnterpImpl = createRulePage.getActionOptionsObj();

      // copy rule
      actionSelectorEnterpImpl.selectTransformAndCopy("XML", siteName, "Documents");

      FolderRulesPageWithRules folderRulesPageWithRules = createRulePage.clickCreate().render();
      documentLibraryPage = ShareUser.openSitesDocumentLibrary(drone, siteName);


    // Create Files
    for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfFiles - 1; i++) {
      ContentDetails contentDetails = new ContentDetails();
      String fileName = getFileName(testName + "_" + i + "." + "txt");
      contentDetails.setTitle(testName + " title");
      contentDetails.setDescription(testName + " description");
      contentDetails.setContent(testName + " content");
      CreatePlainTextContentPage contentPage =
      ShareUserSitePage.navigateToFolder(drone, folderName);
コード例 #13
  * Edits the document using the in-line edit form.
  * @param drone
  * @param fileName
  * @param mimeType
  * @param details
  * @return
 public static HtmlPage editTextDocumentInLine(
     WebDrone drone, String fileName, ContentDetails details) {
   return ShareUserSitePage.editTextDocumentInLine(drone, fileName, details);
コード例 #14
 public static DocumentDetailsPage uploadNewVersionFromDocDetail(
     WebDrone drone, boolean majorVersion, String fileName, String comments) {
   return ShareUserSitePage.uploadNewVersionFromDocDetail(drone, majorVersion, fileName, comments);
コード例 #15
  * Opens the content details page starting from the parent folder within DocumentLibrary Assume
  * that user currently in {@link RepositoryPage}.
  * @param drone
  * @param contentName
  * @param isFile
  * @return DetailsPage
 public static DetailsPage getContentDetailsPage(WebDrone drone, String contentName) {
   return ShareUserSitePage.getContentDetailsPage(drone, contentName);
コード例 #16
  * @param drone
  * @param folderName
  * @param properString
  * @param doSave
  * @return
 public static RepositoryPage editContentProperties(
     WebDrone drone, String folderName, String properString, boolean doSave) {
   return ((RepositoryPage)
           ShareUserSitePage.editContentProperties(drone, folderName, properString, doSave))
コード例 #17
   * Method to get given Node Template Node Ref.
   * @param drone
   * @param contentName
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  public static String getNodeTemplateNodeRef(WebDrone drone, String contentName) throws Exception {

    return ShareUserSitePage.getFileDirectoryInfo(drone, contentName).getNodeRef();
コード例 #18
  * Assumes User is logged in and a specific Site's RepositoryPage is open, Parent Folder is
  * pre-selected.
  * @param file File Object for the file in reference
  * @return RepositoryPage
  * @throws SkipException if error in this API
 public static RepositoryPage uploadFileInRepository(WebDrone driver, File file) throws Exception {
   RepositoryPage repositoryPage =
       ((RepositoryPage) ShareUserSitePage.uploadFile(driver, file)).render();
   return repositoryPage;
コード例 #19
  * @param drone
  * @param contentName
  * @return
 public static ContentDetails getInLineEditContentDetails(WebDrone drone, String contentName) {
   return ShareUserSitePage.getInLineEditContentDetails(drone, contentName);
コード例 #20
  * Creates a new folder at the Path specified, Starting from the RepositoryPage Page. Assumes User
  * is logged in and a specific Site is open.
  * @param driver WebDrone Instance
  * @param folderName String Name of the folder to be created
  * @param folderTitle String Title of the folder to be created
  * @param folderDesc String Description of the folder to be created
  * @return RepositoryPage
 public static RepositoryPage createFolderInRepository(
     WebDrone driver, String folderName, String folderTitle, String folderDesc) {
   RepositoryPage repositoryPage =
       ShareUserSitePage.createFolder(driver, folderName, folderTitle, folderDesc).render();
   return repositoryPage;
コード例 #21
   * Utility to create events in share for adhoc reports
   * @param drone
   * @param testName
   * @throws Exception
  public static void userShareInteractions(WebDrone drone, String testName) throws Exception {
    String testUser = getUserNameForDomain(testName, DOMAIN_FREE);
    String[] testUserInfo = new String[] {testUser};
    String siteName = getSiteName(testName);

    // Create test user
    CreateUserAPI.createActivateUserAsTenantAdmin(drone, ADMIN_USERNAME, testUserInfo);

    // Login as created test user
    ShareUser.login(drone, testUser, DEFAULT_PASSWORD);

    // test user creates site
    SiteUtil.createSite(drone, siteName, AbstractUtils.SITE_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC);

    String folderName = getFolderName(testName) + System.currentTimeMillis();

    // and a folder in sites document library
    ShareUserSitePage.createFolder(drone, folderName, folderName);

    // add comment to folder
    ShareUserSitePage.addComment(drone, folderName, "folderComment");

    // create text file in the folder - file-previewed
    String fileName = getFileName(testName) + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    ContentDetails contentDetails = new ContentDetails();

        drone, contentDetails, ContentType.PLAINTEXT, siteName, folderName);


    // uploads a file in the folder
    String fileName1 = getFileName(testName) + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_1" + ".txt";
    File file1 = newFile(fileName1, fileName1);
    ShareUserSitePage.uploadFile(drone, file1);

    // add comment to file - file-previewed
    ShareUserSitePage.addComment(drone, fileName1, "fileComment");


    // like file
    ShareUserSitePage.likeContent(drone, fileName1);

    // share file
    ShareUserSitePage.getFileDirectoryInfo(drone, fileName1).clickShareLink().render();

    ContentDetails newContentDetails = new ContentDetails();

    DocumentLibraryPage documentLibPage = ShareUser.openDocumentLibrary(drone);

    // edit document inline
    ShareUserSitePage.editTextDocumentInLine(drone, fileName1, newContentDetails).render();

    // select all

    // delete all
    ConfirmDeletePage confirmDeletePage = documentLibPage.getNavigation().selectDelete().render();

    // add user with write permissions to write to the site
        drone, testUser, testName, siteName, UserRole.COLLABORATOR);

    // change the user role
    ShareUserMembers.assignRoleToSiteMember(drone, testName, siteName, UserRole.CONTRIBUTOR);

    // Inviting user logs out

    // Invited User logs in
    ShareUser.login(drone, testName, DEFAULT_PASSWORD);

    // user leaves site
    ShareUserMembers.userRequestToLeaveSite(drone, siteName);
コード例 #22
  * Return EditDocumentPropertiesPopup from RepositoryPage or documentLibrary page.
  * @param drone
  * @param folderName
  * @return
 public static EditDocumentPropertiesPage returnEditDocumentProperties(
     WebDrone drone, String folderName) {
   return ShareUserSitePage.getFileDirectoryInfo(drone, folderName)