/* (non-Javadoc) * @see Displayable#addCommand(Command) */ public void addCommand(Command command) { if (command != DISMISS_COMMAND) { super.addCommand(command); super.removeCommand(DISMISS_COMMAND); setCommandsVisibility(isModal()); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see Displayable#removeCommand(Command) */ public void removeCommand(Command command) { if (command != DISMISS_COMMAND) { super.removeCommand(command); if (getNumCommands() == 0) { super.addCommand(DISMISS_COMMAND); } setCommandsVisibility(isModal()); } }
/** * Create a new Alert with the specified title, text, image, and alert type. * * @param title the title string * @param text the text string * @param image the image * @param type the alert type */ public Alert(String title, String text, Image image, AlertType type) { super(title); construct(); this.type = type; setImage(image); setString(text); setTimeout(getDefaultTimeout()); super.addCommand(DISMISS_COMMAND); super.setCommandListener(implicitListener); }