public void init() { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; count = scan.nextInt(); x0 = scan.nextLong(); y0 = scan.nextLong(); int result = 0; boolean special = false; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { long tempx = scan.nextLong(); long tempy = scan.nextLong(); if (tempx == x0 && tempy == y0) { special = true; continue; } boolean isDuplicate = false; for (int j = 0; j < result; j++) { long x1 = xList.get(j); long y1 = yList.get(j); if ((x1 - x0) * (tempy - y0) == (y1 - y0) * (tempx - x0)) { isDuplicate = true; break; } } if (!isDuplicate) { xList.add(tempx); yList.add(tempy); result++; } } if (special && result == 0) result = 1; System.out.println(result); scan.close(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Scanner in = new Scanner(; int t = in.nextInt(); TreeMap<Long, Long> tmap = new TreeMap<>(); long res = 0; while (t-- > 0) { res = 0; int n = in.nextInt(); long m = in.nextLong(); tmap.clear(); long[] arr = new long[n]; res = in.nextLong(); arr[0] = res % m; res = Long.MIN_VALUE; tmap.put(arr[0], arr[0]); for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = in.nextLong(); arr[i] %= m; arr[i] += arr[i - 1]; arr[i] %= m; if (tmap.higherEntry(arr[i]) == null) { res = Math.max(res, arr[i]); tmap.put(arr[i], arr[i]); continue; } long val = tmap.higherEntry(arr[i]).getValue(); res = Math.max(res, (arr[i] - val + m) % m); tmap.put(arr[i], arr[i]); } System.out.println(res); } }
public static void main(String args[]) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; long T = scan.nextLong(); for (long i = 0; i < T; i++) { long N = scan.nextLong() - 1; long sum = ap(N / 3, 3, 3) + ap(N / 5, 5, 5) - ap(N / 15, 15, 15); System.out.println(sum); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */ Scanner scan = new Scanner(; long T = scan.nextLong(); for (long i = 0; i < T; i++) { long N = scan.nextLong(); long diff = 0; diff = wholeSum(N) - indiSum(N); System.out.println(diff); } }
private static boolean getNumberOfLines(File file, int total, float mean) { try { double difSum = 0; long last, actual; int nLines = 0; Scanner scan = new Scanner(file); scan.useLocale(Locale.US); if (scan.hasNextLine()) { scan.nextLine(); if (scan.hasNextLong() && scan.hasNextLine()) { last = scan.nextLong(); nLines++; scan.nextLine(); } else { scan.close(); return false; } } else { scan.close(); return false; } while (scan.hasNextLong()) { actual = scan.nextLong(); nLines++; difSum += actual - last; last = actual; if (scan.hasNextLine()) { scan.nextLine(); } else { break; } } scan.close(); total = nLines; mean = (float) difSum / (total - 1); return true; } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { return false; } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Scanner scr = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter the number of jobs: "); int n = scr.nextInt(); Set<Job> jobs = new HashSet<>(); System.out.println("Enter the arrival time and burst time of each job"); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) jobs.add(new Job(i, scr.nextLong(), scr.nextLong(), 1)); JobSchedule sjf = new SJF(jobs); System.out.println("Average Turn Around Time: " + sjf.averageTurnAroundTime()); System.out.println("Average Waiting Time: " + sjf.averageWaitingTime()); scr.close(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); long n = in.nextLong(); long x = in.nextLong() - 1; long y = in.nextLong() - 1; long nx = n - x; long ny = n - y; long king = 0; if (x - 1 >= 0 && y - 1 >= 0) king++; if (x - 1 >= 0 && y + 0 < n) king++; if (x - 1 >= 0 && y + 1 < n) king++; if (x + 0 < n && y - 1 >= 0) king++; if (x + 0 < n && y + 1 < n) king++; if (x + 1 < n && y - 1 >= 0) king++; if (x + 1 < n && y + 0 < n) king++; if (x + 1 < n && y + 1 < n) king++; long knight = 0; if (x + 1 < n && y + 2 < n) knight++; if (x + 2 < n && y + 1 < n) knight++; if (x - 1 >= 0 && y - 2 >= 0) knight++; if (x - 2 >= 0 && y - 1 >= 0) knight++; if (x + 1 < n && y - 2 >= 0) knight++; if (x + 2 < n && y - 1 >= 0) knight++; if (x - 1 >= 0 && y + 2 < n) knight++; if (x - 2 >= 0 && y + 1 < n) knight++; long bishop = 2 * n - 2 - Math.abs(x - y) - Math.abs(n - 1 - x - y); long rook = 2 * n - 2; long queen = rook + bishop; out.print("King: "); out.println(king); out.print("Knight: "); out.println(knight); out.print("Bishop: "); out.println(bishop); out.print("Rook: "); out.println(rook); out.print("Queen: "); out.println(queen); out.flush(); }
public static Charlie load(Scanner scanner) { int na = scanner.nextInt(); int nb = scanner.nextInt(); assert 1 <= na && na <= 100 : "out of range, na: " + na; assert 1 <= nb && nb <= 100 : "out of range, nb: " + nb; long[] CA = new long[na]; int[] TA = new int[na]; long[] CB = new long[nb]; int[] TB = new int[nb]; for (int i = 0; i < na; i++) { CA[i] = scanner.nextLong(); TA[i] = scanner.nextInt() - 1; } for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) { CB[i] = scanner.nextLong(); TB[i] = scanner.nextInt() - 1; } return new Charlie(CA, TA, CB, TB); }
public static LinkedList<profile> importer() throws IOException { LinkedList<profile> people = new LinkedList<profile>(); Scanner sFile; profile entry; try { sFile = new Scanner(new File("/Users/richarddavies/NetBeansProjects/typ_MatlabGraph/users.dat")); sFile.nextLine(); while (sFile.hasNext()) { String profile = sFile.nextLine(); // System.out.println(profile); Scanner profScan = new Scanner(profile); profScan.useDelimiter(","); while (profScan.hasNext()) { Long id = profScan.nextLong(); String ident = String.valueOf(id); String rot_Id = rot13.encrypt(ident); Long rot_IntId = Long.parseLong(rot_Id); String fname =; String rot_Name = rot13.encrypt(fname); // String sname =; // int age = profScan.nextInt(); String gender =; String nat =; entry = new profile(id, fname, gender, nat); // System.out.println("id: "+id+" name: "+fname+" gender: "+gender+" nationality: "+nat); // System.out.println("id: "+rot_IntId+" name: "+rot_Name+" gender: "+gender+" // nationality: "+nat); people.add(entry); } } } catch (IOException ex) { // return people; System.out.println("(No System File profile.txt)" + ex); } return people; }
public static void main(String[] argh) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; int t = sc.nextInt(); for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) { try { long x = sc.nextLong(); System.out.println(x + " can be fitted in:"); if (x >= -128 && x <= 127) System.out.println("* byte"); if (x >= -Math.pow(2, 15) && x <= (Math.pow(2, 15) - 1)) System.out.println("* short"); if (x >= -Math.pow(2, 31) && x <= (Math.pow(2, 31) - 1)) System.out.println("* int"); if (x >= -Math.pow(2, 63) && x <= (Math.pow(2, 63) - 1)) System.out.println("* long"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( + " can't be fitted anywhere."); } } }
public void solve() throws Exception { long a = in.nextLong(); long b = in.nextLong(); long ans = 0; while (a != 0 && b != 0) { if (a > b) { ans += a / b; a = a % b; } else { ans += b / a; b = b % a; } } out.println(ans); }
public void loadData(String file) { try { Scanner txt = new Scanner(new File(file)); mp3File = txt.nextLine(); artist = txt.nextLine(); album = txt.nextLine(); while (txt.hasNext()) { long noteTime = txt.nextLong(); int lengthThrowaway = txt.nextInt(); String states =; lines.add(new Line(noteTime, states)); } song = new Music(mp3File); song.load(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } // end loadData
static void solve() { long n = in.nextLong(); long m = in.nextLong(); long p = in.nextLong(); out.println(modPow(n, p, m)); }
public static void contactBookOperations(String contactBookName) throws IOException, ParseException { FileWriter fr = new FileWriter(contactBookName, true); BufferedReader fileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); BufferedWriter fileWriter = new BufferedWriter(fr); String address = ""; String name = ""; boolean validName = false; String dateOfBirth = ""; boolean dateValid = false; String petName = ""; int tag = 0; String contactType = ""; boolean invalidTag = false; boolean moreEmail = false; String email = ""; String emailChoice = ""; boolean morePhone = true; String phoneChoice = ""; String phoneList = ""; String contactAdded = ""; long phoneNum = 0; int choice = 0; ArrayList<String> nameList = new ArrayList<String>(); // arrayList to hold names of contacts in the file... Scanner sc = new Scanner(; String searchString = ""; Scanner stringReader = new Scanner(; String line = ""; String totalDetails = ""; // System.out.println(fileReader); while (choice != 6) { System.out.println("\nTO ADD CONTACT->PRESS 1 "); System.out.println("TO EDIT CONTACT->PRESS 2 "); System.out.println("TO REMOVE CONTACT->PRESS 3 "); System.out.println("TO LIST CONTACTS->PRESS 4 "); System.out.println("TO SEARCH CONTACT->PRESS 5 "); System.out.println("TO GO BACK TO PREVIOUS MENU->PRESS 6 "); while (!sc.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("\nENTER ONLY NUMBERS RANGED FROM 0 - 6");; } choice = sc.nextInt(); switch (choice) { // ADD A NEW CONTACT........ case 1: // add contact option............. // add name dateValid = false; invalidTag = true; moreEmail = true; morePhone = true; email = ""; phoneList = ""; nameList.clear(); System.out.println("\nENTER NAME OF THE PERSON(Ex: Aditya Dey)"); validName = false; fileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); while (!validName) { name = stringReader.nextLine(); // read contact name from user name = name.trim(); if (name.equals("")) { System.out.println( "\nNAME OF THE PERSON CANNOT BE BLANK\nENTER NAME OF THE PERSON(Ex: Aditya Dey)"); continue; } while (((line = fileReader.readLine()) != null)) // read till end of file { String s = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('=')); // add each name that exists in the file if (!nameList.contains(s)) { nameList.add(s); } } // System.out.println(nameList); if (nameList.contains(name)) // if name already exists, print error message { System.out.println("\nA CONTACT NAMED " + name + " ALREADY EXISTS."); System.out.println("\nPLEASE ADD ANOTHER NAME(Ex: Aditya Dey)"); } else { validName = true; nameList.add(name); } } // date of birth System.out.println( "\nENTER DOB OF THE PERSON IN DD/MM/YYYY FORMAT Ex: 12/05/1992 OR PRESS ENTER TO SKIP"); while (!dateValid) { dateOfBirth = stringReader.nextLine(); if (dateOfBirth.trim().compareTo("") == 0) dateValid = true; else // doubt? next() skips next scan... dateValid = isValidDate(dateOfBirth); if (!dateValid) { System.out.println( "\nINVALID DATE...\nENTER DOB OF THE PERSON IN DD/MM/YYYY FORMAT Ex: 12/05/1992"); } } // System.out.println(dateOfBirth); // add contact type System.out.println("\nENTER PET NAME OF THE PERSON OR ENTER TO SKIP"); petName = stringReader.nextLine(); System.out.println("\nCHOOSE CONTACT TYPE..."); System.out.println("\nFOR FAMILY->PRESS 1 "); System.out.println("FOR FRIENDS->PRESS 2 "); System.out.println("FOR ASSOCIATES->PRESS 3 "); System.out.println("FOR OTHERS->PRESS 4 "); while (!sc.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("\nENTER ONLY NUMBERS RANGED FROM 1 - 4"); sc.nextLine(); } tag = sc.nextInt(); while (invalidTag) { switch (tag) { case 1: contactType = "Family"; invalidTag = false; break; case 2: contactType = "Friend"; invalidTag = false; break; case 3: contactType = "Associate"; invalidTag = false; break; case 4: contactType = "Others"; invalidTag = false; break; default: System.out.println("\nENTER ONLY NUMBERS RANGED FROM 1-4"); invalidTag = true; break; } } // System.out.println(contactType); System.out.println("\nENTER ADDRESS IN ONE LINE OR PRESS ENTER TO SKIP"); address = stringReader.nextLine(); // System.out.println(address); while (moreEmail) { System.out.println("\nENTER EMAIL ADDRESS OR PRESS ENTER TO SKIP"); email = email + "," + stringReader.nextLine(); // System.out.println(email); if (!(email.trim()).equals(",")) { System.out.println( "\nTO ADD EMAIL ADRESS->PRESS 'Y' OR 'y'..TO STOP ADDING EMAIL PRESS ANY OTHER KEY"); emailChoice = stringReader.nextLine(); if (emailChoice.equals("y") || emailChoice.equals("Y")) { moreEmail = true; } else { moreEmail = false; } } else { moreEmail = false; } } email = email.substring(1, email.length()); // System.out.println(email); while (morePhone) { System.out.println("\nENTER CONTACT NUMBER"); while (!sc.hasNextLong()) { System.out.println("\nINVALID CONTACT NUMBER.\nENTER A VALID CONTACT NUMBER");; } phoneNum = sc.nextLong(); phoneList = phoneList + "," + phoneNum; sc.nextLine(); // doubt? not included: doesnt read phonechoice..... System.out.println( "\nTO ADD MORE PHONE NUMBERS->PRESS 'Y' OR 'y' \nOTHERWISE PRESS ANY OTHER KEY"); phoneChoice = sc.nextLine(); if (phoneChoice.equals("y") || phoneChoice.equals("Y")) { morePhone = true; } else { morePhone = false; } } phoneList = phoneList.substring(1, phoneList.length()); System.out.println("FOLLOWING DETAILS HAS BEEN SAVED IN THE PHONEBOOK"); System.out.println("---------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println( "[" + name + "," + petName + "," + contactType + "," + address + "," + dateOfBirth + "," + email + "," + phoneList + "]"); totalDetails = name + "=" + dateOfBirth + ":" + petName + ":" + contactType + ":" + address + ":" + email + ":" + phoneList + ":" + new Date(); fileWriter.write(totalDetails); fileWriter.newLine(); fileWriter.flush(); break; // EDITING A CONTACT case 2: String editName = ""; String details = ""; String line3 = ""; String[] detailParts; String newDob = ""; String newPetName = ""; String newAddress = ""; String newContactType = ""; String newEmail = ""; String newPhone = ""; String newString = ""; String name3 = ""; choice = 0; nameList.clear(); String[] parts; fileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); while (((line = fileReader.readLine()) != null)) // read till end of file { String s = line.substring(0, line.indexOf('=')); // add each name that exists in the file if (!nameList.contains(s)) { nameList.add(s); } } BufferedReader editReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); dateValid = false; invalidTag = true; String editContact = ""; System.out.println("\nENTER THE CONTACT TO BE EDITED"); editName = stringReader.nextLine(); if (!nameList.contains(editName)) { System.out.println("\nA CONTACT NAMED " + editName + " DOES NOT EXIST"); } else { while ((line3 = editReader.readLine()) != null) { // System.out.println(line3); name3 = line3.substring(0, line3.indexOf("=")); if (!name3.equals(editName)) { newString = newString + line3 + System.getProperty("line.separator"); } else { editContact = line3; } } details = editContact.substring(editContact.indexOf("=") + 1, editContact.length()); detailParts = details.split(":"); newDob = detailParts[0]; newPetName = detailParts[1]; newContactType = detailParts[2]; newAddress = detailParts[3]; newEmail = detailParts[4]; newPhone = detailParts[5]; while (choice != 7) { System.out.println("\nTO EDIT DATE OF BIRTH->PRESS 1"); System.out.println("TO EDIT PET NAME->PRESS 2 "); System.out.println("TO EDIT CONTACT TYPE->PRESS 3 "); System.out.println("TO EDIT ADDRESS->PRESS 4 "); System.out.println("TO ADD EMAIL->PRESS 5 "); System.out.println("TO ADD PHONE NUMBER->PRESS 6 "); System.out.println("TO GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS MENU->PRESS 7 "); System.out.print("ENTER YOUR CHOICE::\t"); while (!sc.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("ENTER ONLY INTEGERS IN THE RANGE 1-7"); sc.nextLine(); } choice = sc.nextInt(); switch (choice) { case 1: System.out.println( "\nENTER DOB OF THE PERSON IN DD/MM/YYYY FORMAT EG: 12/05/1992"); while (!dateValid) { newDob = stringReader.nextLine(); // doubt? next() skips next scan... dateValid = isValidDate(newDob); if (!dateValid) { System.out.println( "\nINVALID DATE...ENTER DOB OF THE PERSON IN DD/MM/YYYY FORMAT EG: 12/05/1992"); } } break; case 2: System.out.println("\nENTER NEW PET NAME OF THE PERSON OR ENTER TO SKIP"); newPetName = stringReader.nextLine(); break; case 3: System.out.println("\nCHOOSE CONTACT TYPE..."); System.out.println("\nFOR FAMILY->PRESS 1 "); System.out.println("FOR FRIENDS->PRESS 2 "); System.out.println("FOR ASSOCIATES->PRESS 3 "); System.out.println("FOR OTHERS->PRESS 4 "); while (!sc.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("\nENTER ONLY NUMBERS IN THE RANGE 1 - 3"); sc.nextLine(); } tag = sc.nextInt(); while (invalidTag) { switch (tag) { case 1: newContactType = "Family"; invalidTag = false; break; case 2: newContactType = "Friend"; invalidTag = false; break; case 3: newContactType = "Associate"; invalidTag = false; break; case 4: newContactType = "Others"; invalidTag = false; break; default: System.out.println("\nENTER ONLY NUMBERS RANGED FROM 1-4"); invalidTag = true; break; } } break; case 4: System.out.println("\nENTER NEW ADDRESS IN ONE LINE"); newAddress = stringReader.nextLine(); break; case 5: moreEmail = true; while (moreEmail) { System.out.println("\nENTER EMAIL ADDRESS OR PRESS ENTER TO SKIP"); newEmail = newEmail + "," + stringReader.nextLine(); // System.out.println(email); if (!(newEmail.trim()).equals(",")) { System.out.println( "TO ADD EMAIL->PRESS 'Y' OR 'y'..TO STOP ADDING EMAIL PRESS ANY OTHER KEY"); emailChoice = stringReader.nextLine(); if (emailChoice.equals("y") || emailChoice.equals("Y")) { moreEmail = true; } else { moreEmail = false; } } else { moreEmail = false; } } break; case 6: morePhone = true; while (morePhone) { System.out.println("\nENTER PHONE NUMBER"); while (!sc.hasNextLong()) { System.out.println("\nONLY VALID PHONE NUMBERS ALLOWED");; } phoneNum = sc.nextLong(); newPhone = phoneNum + ","; sc.nextLine(); // doubt? not included: doesnt read phonechoice..... System.out.println( "\nTO ADD MORE PHONE NUMBERS->PRESS 'y' or 'Y'\nOTHERWISE PRESS ANY OTHER KEY"); phoneChoice = sc.nextLine(); if (phoneChoice.equals("y") || phoneChoice.equals("Y")) { morePhone = true; } else { morePhone = false; } } phoneList = newPhone; phoneList = phoneList.substring(1, phoneList.length()); break; case 7: System.out.println( "[" + editName + "," + newPetName + "," + newContactType + "," + newAddress + "," + newDob + "," + newEmail + "," + newPhone + "]"); String newDetails = editName + "=" + newDob + ":" + newPetName + ":" + newContactType + ":" + newAddress + ":" + newEmail + ":" + newPhone + ":" + new Date(); newString = newString + newDetails + System.getProperty("line.separator"); BufferedWriter editWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(contactBookName)); editWriter.write(newString); editWriter.close(); break; default: System.out.println("\nENTER ONLY NUMBERS RANGED FROM 1-7"); break; } } } // dob:petname:tag:address:email1,email2,email3..:ph1,ph2,...:crtdate break; case 3: // REMOVING A CONTACT BufferedReader removalReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); String name2 = ""; String line2 = ""; String nameRemoved = ""; String finalString = ""; System.out.println("\nENTER THE NAME TO BE REMOVED"); nameRemoved = stringReader.nextLine(); if (!nameList.contains(nameRemoved)) { System.out.println("\nA CONTACT WITH NAME " + nameRemoved + " DOES NOT EXIST\n"); } else { while ((line2 = removalReader.readLine()) != null) { name2 = line2.substring(0, line2.indexOf("=")); if (!name2.equals(nameRemoved)) { finalString = finalString + line2 + System.getProperty("line.separator"); } } BufferedWriter removalWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(contactBookName)); removalWriter.write(finalString); removalWriter.close(); System.out.println("CONTACT " + nameRemoved + " REMOVED "); } break; // LISTING ELEMENTS case 4: int listChoice = 0; BufferedReader listReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); parts = null; TreeMap<String, String> nameDetailMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); String line4 = ""; while (listChoice != 4) { System.out.println("\nTO DISPLAY CONTACTS BY ALPHABETICAL ORDERING OF NAMES->PRESS 1 "); System.out.println("TO DISPLAY CONTACTS BY CREATED DATE->PRESS 2 "); System.out.println("TO DISPLAY CONTACTS BY TAG->PRESS 3 "); System.out.println("TO GO BACK TO PREVIOUS MENU->PRESS 4 "); System.out.print("ENTER CHOICE::\t"); while (!sc.hasNextInt()) { System.out.println("ENTER ONLY INTEGERS IN THE RANGE 1-4");; } listChoice = sc.nextInt(); switch (listChoice) { // ORDERING CONTACTS BY ALPHABETICAL ORDERING OF NAMES.............. case 1: listReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); line4 = ""; parts = null; while ((line4 = listReader.readLine()) != null) { parts = line4.split("="); nameDetailMap.put(parts[0], parts[1]); } Collection<String> c = nameDetailMap.keySet(); Iterator<String> it = c.iterator(); if (it.hasNext()) { System.out.println( "\nCONTACTS BELOW ARE LISTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDERING OF NAMES"); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------"); } else { System.out.println("NO CONTACTS AVAILABLE"); } while (it.hasNext()) { String s = (String); System.out.println("\n\n" + s); System.out.println("---------------------------------"); String[] contactDetail = nameDetailMap.get(s).split(":"); for (int i = 0; i < contactDetail.length; i++) { if (contactDetail[i].trim().compareTo("") == 0) { contactDetail[i] = "Unavailable"; } } System.out.println("Date of Birth::\t" + contactDetail[0]); System.out.println("Pet name::\t" + contactDetail[1]); System.out.println("Contact Type::\t" + contactDetail[2]); System.out.println("Address::\t" + contactDetail[3]); System.out.println("Email Address::\t" + contactDetail[4]); System.out.println("Phone No::\t" + contactDetail[5]); System.out.println("Contact added::\t" + contactDetail[6]); } break; // ORDERING CONTACTS BY CREATED DATE.............. case 2: BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); line4 = ""; String date = ""; String[] part; TreeMap<Date, String> tm = new TreeMap<Date, String>(); while ((line4 = br.readLine()) != null) { part = line4.split(":"); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd H:m"); String h = (part[6] + ":" + part[7]); Date d = formatter.parse(h); tm.put(d, line4); } Collection<Date> c1 = tm.keySet(); // System.out.println(c1); Iterator<Date> it1 = c1.iterator(); if (it1.hasNext()) { System.out.println("\nCONTACTS BELOW ARE LISTED IN ORDER OF CREATED DATES"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------"); } else { System.out.println("NO CONTACTS AVAILABLE"); } while (it1.hasNext()) { String s = + ""; // System.out.println(s); System.out.println("\n\n" + s); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("E MMM dd H:m"); Date d = formatter.parse(s); System.out.println("---------------------------------"); String[] nameContact = tm.get(d).split("="); System.out.println(nameContact[0]); String[] contactDetail = nameContact[1].split(":"); for (int i = 0; i < contactDetail.length; i++) { if (contactDetail[i].trim().compareTo("") == 0) { contactDetail[i] = "Unavailable"; } } System.out.println("Date of Birth::\t" + contactDetail[0]); System.out.println("Pet name::\t" + contactDetail[1]); System.out.println("Contact Type::\t" + contactDetail[2]); System.out.println("Address::\t" + contactDetail[3]); System.out.println("Email Address::\t" + contactDetail[4]); System.out.println("Phone No::\t" + contactDetail[5]); } break; //// ORDERING CONTACTS BY TAG.............. // dob:petname:tag:address:email1,email2,email3..:ph1,ph2,...:crtdate case 3: ArrayList<String> familyList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> friendsList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> colleaguesList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> othersList = new ArrayList<String>(); line4 = ""; parts = null; br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); while ((line4 = br.readLine()) != null) { parts = line4.split(":"); String relation = parts[2]; if (relation.equals("Family")) { familyList.add(line4); } else if (relation.equals("Friend")) { friendsList.add(line4); } else if (relation.equals("Associate")) { colleaguesList.add(line4); } else { othersList.add(line4); } } if (familyList.isEmpty() && friendsList.isEmpty() && colleaguesList.isEmpty() && othersList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("NO CONTACTS AVAILABLE."); } else { System.out.println("\nCONTACTS BELOW ARE LISTED ACCORDING TO TAGS"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------"); } if (!familyList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("\nFAMILY CONTACTS\n----------------------------"); for (Object s : familyList) { String[] nameContact = s.toString().split("="); System.out.println(nameContact[0] + "\n"); String[] contactDetail = nameContact[1].split(":"); for (int i = 0; i < contactDetail.length; i++) { if (contactDetail[i].trim().compareTo("") == 0) { contactDetail[i] = "Unavailable"; } } System.out.println(" Date of Birth::\t" + contactDetail[0]); System.out.println(" Pet name::\t\t" + contactDetail[1]); System.out.println(" Address::\t\t" + contactDetail[3]); System.out.println(" Email Address::\t" + contactDetail[4]); System.out.println(" Phone No::\t\t" + contactDetail[5]); System.out.println(" Contact added::\t" + contactDetail[6]); } } if (!friendsList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("\nFRIEND CONTACTS\n----------------------------"); for (Object s : friendsList) { String[] nameContact = s.toString().split("="); System.out.println(nameContact[0] + "\n"); String[] contactDetail = nameContact[1].split(":"); for (int i = 0; i < contactDetail.length; i++) { if (contactDetail[i].trim().compareTo("") == 0) { contactDetail[i] = "Unavailable"; } } System.out.println(" Date of Birth::\t" + contactDetail[0]); System.out.println(" Pet name::\t\t" + contactDetail[1]); System.out.println(" Address::\t\t" + contactDetail[3]); System.out.println(" Email Address::\t" + contactDetail[4]); System.out.println(" Phone No::\t\t" + contactDetail[5]); System.out.println(" Contact added::\t" + contactDetail[6]); } } if (!colleaguesList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("\nASSOCIATE CONTACTS\n----------------------------"); for (Object s : colleaguesList) { String[] nameContact = s.toString().split("="); System.out.println(nameContact[0] + "\n"); String[] contactDetail = nameContact[1].split(":"); for (int i = 0; i < contactDetail.length; i++) { if (contactDetail[i].trim().compareTo("") == 0) { contactDetail[i] = "Unavailable"; } } System.out.println(" Date of Birth::\t" + contactDetail[0]); System.out.println(" Pet name::\t\t" + contactDetail[1]); System.out.println(" Address::\t\t" + contactDetail[3]); System.out.println(" Email Address::\t" + contactDetail[4]); System.out.println(" Phone No::\t\t" + contactDetail[5]); System.out.println(" Contact added::\t" + contactDetail[6]); } } if (!othersList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("\nOTHER CONTACTS\n----------------------------"); for (Object s : othersList) { String[] nameContact = s.toString().split("="); System.out.println(nameContact[0] + "\n"); String[] contactDetail = nameContact[1].split(":"); for (int i = 0; i < contactDetail.length; i++) { if (contactDetail[i].trim().compareTo("") == 0) { contactDetail[i] = "Unavailable"; } } System.out.println(" Date of Birth::\t" + contactDetail[0]); System.out.println(" Pet name::\t\t" + contactDetail[1]); System.out.println(" Address::\t\t" + contactDetail[3]); System.out.println(" Email Address::\t" + contactDetail[4]); System.out.println(" Phone No::\t\t" + contactDetail[5]); System.out.println(" Contact added::\t" + contactDetail[6]); } } break; case 4: break; default: System.out.println("\nENTER ONLY INTEGERS IN THE RANGE 1-5"); break; } } break; // SEARCH CONTACTS BOOK... case 5: String[] details1 = null; line4 = ""; searchString = ""; parts = null; String addedDetails = ""; fileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(contactBookName)); System.out.println("ENTER THE STRING TO BE SERCHED FOR IN THE CONTACTS BOOK"); searchString = stringReader.nextLine(); ArrayList<String> nameMatchList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> emailMatchList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> tagMatchList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> addressMatchList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> dobMatchList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> phoneMatchList = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> petNameMatchList = new ArrayList<String>(); String addedString = ""; while ((line4 = fileReader.readLine()) != null) { parts = line4.split("="); name = parts[0]; details1 = parts[1].split(":"); dateOfBirth = details1[0]; petName = details1[1]; contactType = details1[2]; address = details1[3]; email = details1[4]; phoneList = details1[5]; contactAdded = details1[6]; addedString = ""; // System.out.println("name = "+name+" dateOfbirth = "+dateOfBirth+" petName // ="+petName+" contactType ="+contactType+"address ="+address+"email // ="+email+"phoneList ="+phoneList); if (name.contains(searchString)) { addedString = name + "=" + dateOfBirth + ":" + petName + ":" + contactType + ":" + address + ":" + email + ":" + phoneList + ":" + contactAdded; nameMatchList.add(addedString); } if (dateOfBirth.contains(searchString)) { addedString = name + "=" + dateOfBirth + ":" + petName + ":" + contactType + ":" + address + ":" + email + ":" + phoneList + ":" + contactAdded; dobMatchList.add(addedString); } if (petName.contains(searchString)) { addedString = name + "=" + dateOfBirth + ":" + petName + ":" + contactType + ":" + address + ":" + email + ":" + phoneList + ":" + contactAdded; petNameMatchList.add(addedString); } if (contactType.contains(searchString)) { addedString = name + "=" + dateOfBirth + ":" + petName + ":" + contactType + ":" + address + ":" + email + ":" + phoneList + ":" + contactAdded; tagMatchList.add(addedString); } if (address.contains(searchString)) { addedString = name + "=" + dateOfBirth + ":" + petName + ":" + contactType + ":" + address + ":" + email + ":" + phoneList + ":" + contactAdded; addressMatchList.add(addedString); } if (email.contains(searchString)) { addedString = name + "=" + dateOfBirth + ":" + petName + ":" + contactType + ":" + address + ":" + email + ":" + phoneList + ":" + contactAdded; emailMatchList.add(addedString); } if (phoneList.contains(searchString)) { addedString = name + "=" + dateOfBirth + ":" + petName + ":" + contactType + ":" + address + ":" + email + ":" + phoneList + ":" + contactAdded; phoneMatchList.add(addedString); } } System.out.println( "\nTOTAL NUMBER OF MATCHES = " + (nameMatchList.size() + dobMatchList.size() + petNameMatchList.size() + tagMatchList.size() + addressMatchList.size() + emailMatchList.size() + phoneMatchList.size())); if (!nameMatchList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "\nTOTAL " + nameMatchList.size() + " NAMES MATCH WITh " + searchString + "\n"); System.out.println( "\nTHE NAMES OF THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS MATCHES WITH THE SEARCH STRING "); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (Object s : nameMatchList) { showContactByType(s, 2); } } if (!dobMatchList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "\nTOTAL " + dobMatchList.size() + " DOBS' MATCH WITH " + searchString + "\n"); System.out.println( "\nTHE DOB'S OF THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS MATCHES WITH THE SEARCH STRING "); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (Object s : dobMatchList) { showContactByType(s, 2); } } if (!petNameMatchList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "\nTOTAL " + petNameMatchList.size() + " PET NAMES MATCH WITH " + searchString + "\n"); System.out.println( "\nTHE PET NAMES OF THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS MATCHES WITH THE SEARCH STRING "); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (Object s : petNameMatchList) { showContactByType(s, 2); } } if (!tagMatchList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "\nTOTAL " + tagMatchList.size() + " CONTACT TYPES MATCH WITH THE " + searchString + "\n"); System.out.println( "\nTHE TAGS OF THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS MATCHES WITH THE SEARCH STRING "); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (Object s : tagMatchList) { showContactByType(s, 2); } } if (!addressMatchList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "\nTOTAL " + addressMatchList.size() + " ADDRESSES MATCH WITH " + searchString + "\n"); System.out.println( "\nTHE ADDRESSES OF THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS MATCHES WITH THE SEARCH STRING "); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (Object s : addressMatchList) { showContactByType(s, 2); } } if (!emailMatchList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "\nTOTAL " + emailMatchList.size() + " EMAILS MATCH WITH " + searchString + "\n"); System.out.println( "\nTHE EMAIL'S OF THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS MATCHES WITH THE SEARCH STRING "); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (Object s : emailMatchList) { showContactByType(s, 2); } } if (!phoneMatchList.isEmpty()) { System.out.println( "\nTOTAL " + phoneMatchList.size() + " CONTACT NUMBERS MATCH WITH " + searchString + "\n"); System.out.println( "\nTHE PHONE NUMBERS OF THE FOLLOWING CONTACTS MATCHES WITH THE SEARCH STRING "); System.out.println( "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (Object s : phoneMatchList) { showContactByType(s, 2); } } break; case 6: break; default: System.out.println("\nENTER ONLY NUMBERS RANGED FROM 1-6"); break; } } // fileReader.close(); // fileWriter.close(); // stringReader.close(); // sc.close(); }
public static LinkedList<edge> importer(MatlabProxy proxy) throws IOException, MatlabConnectionException, MatlabInvocationException { Scanner sFile; edge entry; LinkedList<edge> tie = new LinkedList<edge>(); Long k, p; try { sFile = new Scanner(new File("/Users/richarddavies/NetBeansProjects/typ_MatlabGraph/edges.dat")); System.out.println(sFile.nextLine()); while (sFile.hasNext()) { String edge = sFile.nextLine(); // System.out.println(edge); Scanner edgeScan = new Scanner(edge); edgeScan.useDelimiter(","); while (edgeScan.hasNext()) { k = edgeScan.nextLong(); System.out.print(k + " "); String ident_k = String.valueOf(k); String rot_Id_k = rot13.encrypt(ident_k); Long rot_k = Long.parseLong(rot_Id_k); p = edgeScan.nextLong(); System.out.print(p); String ident_p = String.valueOf(p); String rot_Id_p = rot13.encrypt(ident_p); Long rot_p = Long.parseLong(rot_Id_p); // System.out.println(rot_k+" : "+rot_p); entry = new edge(k, p); int n =; int m =; System.out.print( " : " + Typ_MatlabGraph.people.get(n).idProf + " " + Typ_MatlabGraph.people.get(m).idProf); System.out.println(""); n++; m++; proxy.eval("adjMatrix(" + n + "," + m + ") = 1"); tie.add(entry); } } } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("(No System File profile.txt)" + ex); } return tie; }
public static boolean generateTrainingFile( String sensorDataFolder, String sensorDataFile, String sensorMarksFolder, String sensorMarksFile, String outFolder, String outFile, Context context) { IWindowData windowData = new WindowHalfOverlap(128); IFeatures myFeatures = new MyFeatures(); Scanner scanSD = null, scanSM = null; File sensorData = MyUtil.getSDFile(sensorDataFolder, sensorDataFile); File sensorMarks = MyUtil.getSDFile(sensorMarksFolder, sensorMarksFile); try { scanSD = new Scanner(sensorData); scanSD.useLocale(Locale.US); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { return false; } try { scanSM = new Scanner(sensorMarks); scanSM.useLocale(Locale.US); } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) { scanSD.close(); return false; } // progress bar int total = getNumberOfLines(sensorData); /* int total = 0; float mean = 0; boolean correct = getNumberOfLines(sensorData, total, mean); if(!correct){ scanSM.close(); scanSD.close(); return false; } Intent intent = new Intent("com.example.activityregistrator.UPDATE_HZ"); intent.putExtra("hz", 1/mean); context.sendBroadcast(intent); */ float done = 0; Long prevTimeSM, postTimeSM, timeSD = -1l, lastTimeSD = 0l, firstTimeSD = -1l; int prevLabel, postLabel; if (scanSM.hasNextLine()) { scanSM.nextLine(); prevTimeSM = scanSM.nextLong(); prevLabel = scanSM.nextInt(); scanSD.nextLine(); Intent intent = new Intent("com.example.activityregistrator.UPDATE_PROGRESS"); intent.putExtra("progress", (float) ((++done) / total) * 100); context.sendBroadcast(intent); // find next time and label while (scanSM.hasNextLine()) { scanSM.nextLine(); if (!scanSM.hasNextLong()) break; Log.d(TAG, "prevTimeSM: " + prevTimeSM + "; prevLabel: " + prevLabel); postTimeSM = scanSM.nextLong(); postLabel = scanSM.nextInt(); Log.d(TAG, "postTimeSM: " + postTimeSM + "; postLabel: " + postLabel); // each window has unique label windowData.clean(); // search windowData beginning // assumption: register only label>0 --> IGNORE<=0 while (prevLabel > 0) { if (timeSD < 0) { if (!scanSD.hasNextLong()) { break; } timeSD = scanSD.nextLong(); } // used to calculate hz lastTimeSD = timeSD; if (firstTimeSD < 0) firstTimeSD = timeSD; if (timeSD >= prevTimeSM) { if (timeSD <= postTimeSM) { Log.d(TAG, "timeSD: " + timeSD); // add x y z to windowData float[] linearAccel = {scanSD.nextFloat(), scanSD.nextFloat(), scanSD.nextFloat()}; if (windowData.addData((float) vecLength(linearAccel))) { // we have a complete windowData // calculate features float[] features = myFeatures.getFeatures(windowData); // save to libsvm file with the correct label String[] textToFile = new String[1]; textToFile[0] = prevLabel + " "; for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { textToFile[0] += (i + 1) + ":" + features[i] + " "; } MyUtil.writeToSDFile(textToFile, outFolder, outFile, true); } if (scanSD.hasNextLine()) { scanSD.nextLine(); intent = new Intent("com.example.activityregistrator.UPDATE_PROGRESS"); intent.putExtra("progress", (float) ((++done) / total) * 100); context.sendBroadcast(intent); timeSD = -1l; // get nextLong() } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { if (scanSD.hasNextLine()) { scanSD.nextLine(); intent = new Intent("com.example.activityregistrator.UPDATE_PROGRESS"); intent.putExtra("progress", (float) ((++done) / total) * 100); context.sendBroadcast(intent); timeSD = -1l; // get nextLong() } else { break; } } } prevTimeSM = postTimeSM; prevLabel = postLabel; } } scanSD.close(); scanSM.close(); Intent intent = new Intent("com.example.activityregistrator.UPDATE_HZ"); intent.putExtra("hz", done / (((float) (lastTimeSD - firstTimeSD)) / 1000f)); context.sendBroadcast(intent); Log.d(TAG, "[firstTimeSD,lastTimeSD,done]: " + firstTimeSD + " " + lastTimeSD + " " + done); return true; }