public RhizomeAck(RandomAccessFile ra, int length) throws IOException { this.bundleIdPrefix = new byte[BUNDLE_ID_PREFIX_BYTES]; ra.readFully(this.bundleIdPrefix); this.offset = ra.readLong(); // read optional message time field if (length >= BUNDLE_ID_PREFIX_BYTES + 16) this.messageTime = ra.readLong(); else this.messageTime = 0; }
private boolean readIndex() { if (triedToReadIndex || !usePreindexedCache) { return false; } boolean ret = false; synchronized (this) { triedToReadIndex = true; RandomAccessFile raf = null; try { File indexFileName = getIndexFile(); raf = new RandomAccessFile(indexFileName, "r"); long fileStamp = raf.readLong(); if (zipFile.lastModified() != fileStamp) { ret = false; } else { directories = new LinkedHashMap<RelativeDirectory, DirectoryEntry>(); int numDirs = raf.readInt(); for (int nDirs = 0; nDirs < numDirs; nDirs++) { int dirNameBytesLen = raf.readInt(); byte[] dirNameBytes = new byte[dirNameBytesLen];; RelativeDirectory dirNameStr = getRelativeDirectory(new String(dirNameBytes, "UTF-8")); DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(dirNameStr, this); de.numEntries = raf.readInt(); de.writtenOffsetOffset = raf.readLong(); directories.put(dirNameStr, de); } ret = true; zipFileLastModified = fileStamp; } } catch (Throwable t) { // Do nothing } finally { if (raf != null) { try { raf.close(); } catch (Throwable tt) { // Do nothing } } } if (ret == true) { readFromIndex = true; } } return ret; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public long readLong() throws IOException { fileSize -= 8; if (fileSize < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } return dataInput.readLong(); }
@Override public ITmfEvent parseEvent(final ITmfContext context) { if (!(fEventStream instanceof TmfTraceStub)) { return null; } // Highly inefficient... final RandomAccessFile stream = ((TmfTraceStub) fEventStream).getStream(); if (stream == null) { return null; } // String name = eventStream.getName(); // name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // no need to use synchronized since it's already cover by the calling method long location = 0; if (context != null && context.getLocation() != null) { location = (Long) context.getLocation().getLocationInfo(); try {; final long ts = stream.readLong(); stream.readUTF(); /* Previously source, now unused */ final String type = stream.readUTF(); stream.readInt(); /* Previously reference, now unused */ final int typeIndex = Integer.parseInt(type.substring(typePrefix.length())); final String[] fields = new String[typeIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < typeIndex; i++) { fields[i] = stream.readUTF(); } final StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer("["); if (typeIndex > 0) { content.append(fields[0]); } for (int i = 1; i < typeIndex; i++) { content.append(", ").append(fields[i]); } content.append("]"); final TmfEventField root = new TmfEventField(ITmfEventField.ROOT_FIELD_ID, content.toString(), null); final ITmfEvent event = new TmfEvent( fEventStream, ITmfContext.UNKNOWN_RANK, fEventStream.createTimestamp(ts * 1000000L), fTypes[typeIndex], root); return event; } catch (final EOFException e) { } catch (final IOException e) { } } return null; }
/** * Create a new DBWriter according to the input file name. * * @param fileName the name of the file * @exception FileNotFoundException from library call * @exception IOException from library call or if file is corrupted */ public DBWriter(String fileName) throws IOException { outStream = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); lastPosition = outStream.length(); // case this is a new database if (lastPosition == 0) { wroteColumnNames = false; headerSize = 0; numRows = 0; CRC = 0; needReposition = false; } // case this might be an old database else if (lastPosition > MIN_DATA_OFFSET) { // check that we have a valid database here checkID(); wroteColumnNames = true; // read header data; headerSize = outStream.readLong(); numRows = outStream.readLong(); numColumns = outStream.readLong(); // read description - DESCRIPTION_SIZE - ID_SIZE - CRC_SIZE); description = ""; for (int i = 0; i < DESCRIPTION_LENGTH; i++) description += outStream.readChar(); description = description.trim(); // read CRC - CRC_SIZE); CRC = outStream.readInt(); // by default we append to an existing database needReposition = true; } // case this is not a database else throw new IOException("Attempting to load invalid database"); }
private long internalOffsetOfElement(RandomAccessFile randomSerializeIndexFile, long index) throws IOException { long offsetOffset = 8 * index; if (randomSerializeIndexFile.length() < offsetOffset + 8) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Invalid index: " + index + "!"); }; // if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Offset of element {}: {}", index, result); return randomSerializeIndexFile.readLong(); }
/** * read one record from the EUID index file * * @return */ public EuidIndexFileRecord readRecord() { EuidIndexFileRecord r = null; byte[] bs = new byte[euidLenght]; try {; r = new EuidIndexFileRecord(new String(bs), raf.readLong()); } catch (IOException e) {; } return r; }
public final long readLong() throws IOException { if (mIsLittleEndian) { mRaf.readFully(mByteBuffer, 0, 8); return (long) (mByteBuffer[7]) << 56 | (long) (mByteBuffer[6] & 0xff) << 48 | (long) (mByteBuffer[5] & 0xff) << 40 | (long) (mByteBuffer[4] & 0xff) << 32 | (long) (mByteBuffer[3] & 0xff) << 24 | (long) (mByteBuffer[2] & 0xff) << 16 | (long) (mByteBuffer[1] & 0xff) << 8 | (long) (mByteBuffer[0] & 0xff); } else { return mRaf.readLong(); } }
private NameFileIdEntry readNextNameIdEntry() throws IOException { try { final int nameSize = nameIdMapHolder.readInt(); byte[] serializedName = new byte[nameSize]; nameIdMapHolder.readFully(serializedName); final String name = OStringSerializer.INSTANCE.deserialize(serializedName, 0); final long fileId = nameIdMapHolder.readLong(); return new NameFileIdEntry(name, fileId); } catch (EOFException eof) { return null; } }
protected long readHeader(RandomAccessFile raFile) throws IOException {; if (raFile.length() == 0) return -1; String versionHint = raFile.readUTF(); if (!"GH".equals(versionHint)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not a GraphHopper file! Expected 'GH' as file marker but was " + versionHint); // use a separate version field int majorVersion = raFile.readInt(); if (majorVersion != version()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "This GraphHopper file has the wrong version! " + "Expected " + version() + " but was " + majorVersion); long bytes = raFile.readLong(); segmentSize(raFile.readInt()); for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) { header[i] = raFile.readInt(); } return bytes; }
@Benchmark public long readLongSlow() throws IOException { long value = raf.readLong(); addToOffset(8); return value; }
public DMGMetadata(RandomAccessFile dmgFile) throws IOException { - PLIST_ADDRESS_1); long plistBegin1 = dmgFile.readLong(); long plistEnd = dmgFile.readLong(); - PLIST_ADDRESS_2); long plistBegin2 = dmgFile.readLong(); long plistSize = dmgFile.readLong(); rawData = new byte[(int) (dmgFile.length() - plistBegin1)];; dmgFile.readFully(rawData); plistXmlData = new byte[(int) plistSize];; dmgFile.readFully(plistXmlData); unknown1_256 = new byte[256]; dmgFile.readFully(unknown1_256); LinkedList<PartitionBlockList> blockListList = new LinkedList<PartitionBlockList>(); int length = dmgFile.readInt(); byte[] fourcc = new byte[4]; dmgFile.readFully(fourcc); String fourccString = new String(fourcc, "US-ASCII"); - 4); while (fourccString.equals("mish")) { blockListList.add(new PartitionBlockList(dmgFile, length)); length = dmgFile.readInt(); dmgFile.readFully(fourcc); fourccString = new String(fourcc, "US-ASCII"); - 4); } blockLists = blockListList.toArray(new PartitionBlockList[blockListList.size()]); unknown2_12 = new byte[12]; dmgFile.readFully(unknown2_12); LinkedList<APMPartition> partitionList = new LinkedList<APMPartition>(); byte[] currentPartitionEntry = new byte[0x200]; dmgFile.readFully(currentPartitionEntry); byte[] pmSig = new byte[2]; pmSig[0] = currentPartitionEntry[0]; pmSig[1] = currentPartitionEntry[1]; while (new String(pmSig, "US-ASCII").equals("PM")) { partitionList.addLast(new APMPartition(currentPartitionEntry)); dmgFile.readFully(currentPartitionEntry); pmSig[0] = currentPartitionEntry[0]; pmSig[1] = currentPartitionEntry[1]; } while (onlyZeros(currentPartitionEntry)) dmgFile.readFully(currentPartitionEntry); partitions = partitionList.toArray(new APMPartition[partitionList.size()]); unknown3_unknown = new byte[(int) (dmgFile.length() - dmgFile.getFilePointer() - 512)]; dmgFile.readFully(unknown3_unknown); koly = new byte[512]; - koly.length); dmgFile.readFully(koly); if (dmgFile.getFilePointer() != dmgFile.length()) System.out.println( "MISCALCULATION! FP=" + dmgFile.getFilePointer() + " LENGTH=" + dmgFile.length()); }
private void initEntries() { if (entriesInited) { return; } if (!zipFileIndex.readFromIndex) { int from = -Arrays.binarySearch(zipFileIndex.entries, new Entry(dirName, ZipFileIndex.MIN_CHAR)) - 1; int to = -Arrays.binarySearch(zipFileIndex.entries, new Entry(dirName, MAX_CHAR)) - 1; for (int i = from; i < to; i++) { entries.add(zipFileIndex.entries[i]); } } else { File indexFile = zipFileIndex.getIndexFile(); if (indexFile != null) { RandomAccessFile raf = null; try { raf = new RandomAccessFile(indexFile, "r");; for (int nFiles = 0; nFiles < numEntries; nFiles++) { // Read the name bytes int zfieNameBytesLen = raf.readInt(); byte[] zfieNameBytes = new byte[zfieNameBytesLen];; String eName = new String(zfieNameBytes, "UTF-8"); // Read isDir boolean eIsDir = raf.readByte() == (byte) 0 ? false : true; // Read offset of bytes in the real Jar/Zip file int eOffset = raf.readInt(); // Read size of the file in the real Jar/Zip file int eSize = raf.readInt(); // Read compressed size of the file in the real Jar/Zip file int eCsize = raf.readInt(); // Read java time stamp of the file in the real Jar/Zip file long eJavaTimestamp = raf.readLong(); Entry rfie = new Entry(dirName, eName); rfie.isDir = eIsDir; rfie.offset = eOffset; rfie.size = eSize; rfie.compressedSize = eCsize; rfie.javatime = eJavaTimestamp; entries.add(rfie); } } catch (Throwable t) { // Do nothing } finally { try { if (raf != null) { raf.close(); } } catch (Throwable t) { // Do nothing } } } } entriesInited = true; }
public long readLong() throws IOException { return (raf.readLong()); }
/** This reads a binary long from the file. */ public long readBinaryLong(int col, int row) throws IOException { * nBytesPerRow + columnStartAt[col]); return raf.readLong(); }
private void loadPluginsIntoClassLoader() { File pluginsFile = environment.pluginsFile(); if (!pluginsFile.exists()) { return; } if (!pluginsFile.isDirectory()) { return; } ClassLoader classLoader = settings.getClassLoader(); Class classLoaderClass = classLoader.getClass(); Method addURL = null; while (!classLoaderClass.equals(Object.class)) { try { addURL = classLoaderClass.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", URL.class); addURL.setAccessible(true); break; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // no method, try the parent classLoaderClass = classLoaderClass.getSuperclass(); } } if (addURL == null) { logger.debug( "Failed to find addURL method on classLoader [" + classLoader + "] to add methods"); return; } File[] pluginsFiles = pluginsFile.listFiles(); for (File pluginFile : pluginsFiles) { if (!pluginFile.getName().endsWith(".zip")) { continue; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Processing [{}]", pluginFile); } String pluginNameNoExtension = pluginFile.getName().substring(0, pluginFile.getName().lastIndexOf('.')); File extractedPluginDir = new File(new File(environment.workFile(), "plugins"), pluginNameNoExtension); extractedPluginDir.mkdirs(); File stampsDir = new File(new File(environment.workFile(), "plugins"), "_stamps"); stampsDir.mkdirs(); boolean extractPlugin = true; File stampFile = new File(stampsDir, pluginNameNoExtension + ".stamp"); if (stampFile.exists()) { // read it, and check if its the same size as the pluginFile RandomAccessFile raf = null; try { raf = new RandomAccessFile(stampFile, "r"); long size = raf.readLong(); if (size == pluginFile.length()) { extractPlugin = false; if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("--- No need to extract plugin, same size [" + size + "]"); } } } catch (Exception e) { // ignore and extract the plugin } finally { if (raf != null) { try { raf.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } } if (extractPlugin) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("--- Extracting plugin to [" + extractedPluginDir + "]"); } deleteRecursively(extractedPluginDir, false); ZipFile zipFile = null; try { zipFile = new ZipFile(pluginFile); Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> zipEntries = zipFile.entries(); while (zipEntries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry zipEntry = zipEntries.nextElement(); if (!(zipEntry.getName().endsWith(".jar") || zipEntry.getName().endsWith(".zip"))) { continue; } String name = zipEntry.getName().replace('\\', '/'); File target = new File(extractedPluginDir, name); Streams.copy(zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry), new FileOutputStream(target)); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to extract plugin [" + pluginFile + "], ignoring...", e); continue; } finally { if (zipFile != null) { try { zipFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } } try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(stampFile, "rw"); raf.writeLong(pluginFile.length()); raf.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } try { for (File jarToAdd : extractedPluginDir.listFiles()) { if (!(jarToAdd.getName().endsWith(".jar") || jarToAdd.getName().endsWith(".zip"))) { continue; } addURL.invoke(classLoader, jarToAdd.toURI().toURL()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to add plugin [" + pluginFile + "]", e); } } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see tlc2.tool.fp.DiskFPSet#mergeNewEntries(long[], int,, */ protected void mergeNewEntries(RandomAccessFile inRAF, RandomAccessFile outRAF) throws IOException { final long buffLen = tblCnt.get(); final TLCIterator itr = new TLCIterator(tbl); // Precompute the maximum value of the new file. // If this isn't the first merge, the index has // the last element of the disk file. In that case // the new maxVal is the larger element of the two // in-memory and on-disk elements. // The largest on-disk element is passed to the // iterator as a lower bound. long maxVal; if (index != null) { maxVal = itr.getLast(index[index.length - 1]); } else { maxVal = itr.getLast(); } int indexLen = calculateIndexLen(buffLen); index = new long[indexLen]; index[indexLen - 1] = maxVal; currIndex = 0; counter = 0; // initialize positions in "buff" and "inRAF" long value = 0L; // initialize only to make compiler happy boolean eof = false; if (fileCnt > 0) { try { value = inRAF.readLong(); } catch (EOFException e) { eof = true; } } else { eof = true; } // merge while both lists still have elements remaining boolean eol = false; long fp =; while (!eof || !eol) { if ((value < fp || eol) && !eof) { writeFP(outRAF, value); try { value = inRAF.readLong(); } catch (EOFException e) { eof = true; } } else { // prevent converting every long to String when assertion holds (this is expensive) if (value == fp) { Assert.check(false, EC.TLC_FP_VALUE_ALREADY_ON_DISK, String.valueOf(value)); } writeFP(outRAF, fp); // we used one fp up, thus move to next one try { fp =; } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // has read all elements? Assert.check(!itr.hasNext(), EC.GENERAL); Assert.check(itr.reads() == buffLen, EC.GENERAL); eol = true; } } } // both sets used up completely Assert.check(eof && eol, EC.GENERAL); // currIndex is amount of disk writes Assert.check(currIndex == indexLen - 1, EC.SYSTEM_INDEX_ERROR); // maintain object invariants fileCnt += buffLen; }
static EventQueueBackingStore get( File checkpointFile, File backupCheckpointDir, int capacity, String name, boolean upgrade, boolean shouldBackup, boolean compressBackup) throws Exception { File metaDataFile = Serialization.getMetaDataFile(checkpointFile); RandomAccessFile checkpointFileHandle = null; try { boolean checkpointExists = checkpointFile.exists(); boolean metaDataExists = metaDataFile.exists(); if (metaDataExists) { // if we have a metadata file but no checkpoint file, we have a problem // delete everything in the checkpoint directory and force // a full replay. if (!checkpointExists || checkpointFile.length() == 0) { LOG.warn( "MetaData file for checkpoint " + " exists but checkpoint does not. Checkpoint = " + checkpointFile + ", metaDataFile = " + metaDataFile); throw new BadCheckpointException( "The last checkpoint was not completed correctly, " + "since Checkpoint file does not exist while metadata " + "file does."); } } // brand new, use v3 if (!checkpointExists) { if (!checkpointFile.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException("Cannot create " + checkpointFile); } return new EventQueueBackingStoreFileV3( checkpointFile, capacity, name, backupCheckpointDir, shouldBackup, compressBackup); } // v3 due to meta file, version will be checked by backing store if (metaDataExists) { return new EventQueueBackingStoreFileV3( checkpointFile, capacity, name, backupCheckpointDir, shouldBackup, compressBackup); } checkpointFileHandle = new RandomAccessFile(checkpointFile, "r"); int version = (int) checkpointFileHandle.readLong(); if (Serialization.VERSION_2 == version) { if (upgrade) { return upgrade( checkpointFile, capacity, name, backupCheckpointDir, shouldBackup, compressBackup); } return new EventQueueBackingStoreFileV2(checkpointFile, capacity, name); } LOG.error("Found version " + Integer.toHexString(version) + " in " + checkpointFile); throw new BadCheckpointException( "Checkpoint file exists with " + Serialization.VERSION_3 + " but no metadata file found."); } finally { if (checkpointFileHandle != null) { try { checkpointFileHandle.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to close " + checkpointFile, e); } } } }