/** Test of the Iz periodgram. */
 public void testPeriodgramIzWithZeroData() {
   System.out.println("test Iz periodogram with data all zeros");
   final int N = 10;
   final double Tmin = 0.7;
   final double Tmax = 1.2;
   final double q = 10;
   final double[] y = new double[N];
   for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) y[i] = 0.0;
   QuantisedPeriodogramFFT instance = new QuantisedPeriodogramFFT(N, Tmin, Tmax, q);
   for (double f = 0; f <= q; f += 0.01) assertEquals(instance.Iz(f), N * N, 0.000001);
 /** Test of the D against B */
 public void testPeriodgramIzAgainstD() {
   System.out.println("test slow Iz versus fast FFT computed D");
   final int N = 10;
   final double Tmin = 0.7;
   final double Tmax = 1.2;
   final double q = 10;
   final double[] y = new double[N];
   for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) y[i] = 1.0 * i;
   QuantisedPeriodogramFFT instance = new QuantisedPeriodogramFFT(N, Tmin, Tmax, q);
   int M = instance.M(); // set M to minimum possible
   double W = q / M; // width of the search grid
   Complex[] D = instance.computeV(); // compute the vector D by FFT
   int K = (int) Math.floor((instance.fmax - instance.fmin) / W);
   for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
     double f = instance.fmin + W * k;
     assertEquals(instance.Iz(f), D[k].abs2(), 0.000001);
  /** Test of estimate method, of class Quantised Periodogram FFT. */
  public void testEstimate() {
    System.out.println("Quantised Periodogram FFT estimator");

    double Tmin = 0.7;
    double Tmax = 1.3;
    int n = 50;
    double T = 1.0;
    double phase = 0.4;
    QuantisedPeriodogramFFT instance = new QuantisedPeriodogramFFT(n, Tmin, Tmax, 10);

    double noisestd = 0.001;
    Gaussian noise = new Gaussian(0.0, noisestd * noisestd);
    Poisson drv = new Poisson(2);

    SparseNoisyPeriodicSignal sig =
        new SparseNoisyPeriodicSignal(n, T, phase, new DifferencesIID(n, drv), noise);
    double[] y = sig.generate();

    System.out.println(instance.period() + "\t" + instance.phase());
    assertEquals(T, instance.period(), 0.001);
    assertEquals(phase, instance.phase(), 0.001);