コード例 #1
  public void visitField(PsiField field) {
    // There is a possible case that more than one field is declared for the same type like 'int i,
    // j;'. We want to process only
    // the first one then.
    PsiElement fieldPrev = getPreviousNonWsComment(field.getPrevSibling(), 0);
    if (fieldPrev instanceof PsiJavaToken
        && ((PsiJavaToken) fieldPrev).getTokenType() == JavaTokenType.COMMA) {

    // There is a possible case that fields which share the same type declaration are located on
    // different document lines, e.g.:
    //    int i1,
    //        i2;
    // We want to consider only the first declaration then but need to expand its range to all
    // affected lines (up to semicolon).
    TextRange range = field.getTextRange();
    PsiElement child = field.getLastChild();
    boolean needSpecialProcessing = true;
    if (isSemicolon(child)) {
      needSpecialProcessing = false;
    } else if (child instanceof PsiComment) {
      // There is a possible field definition like below:
      //   int f; // my comment.
      // The comment goes into field PSI here, that's why we need to handle it properly.
      PsiElement prev = getPreviousNonWsComment(child, range.getStartOffset());
      needSpecialProcessing = prev != null && !isSemicolon(prev);

    if (needSpecialProcessing) {
      for (PsiElement e = field.getNextSibling(); e != null; e = e.getNextSibling()) {
        if (e instanceof PsiWhiteSpace || e instanceof PsiComment) { // Skip white space and comment
        } else if (e instanceof PsiJavaToken) {
          if (((PsiJavaToken) e).getTokenType() == JavaTokenType.COMMA) { // Skip comma
          } else {
        } else if (e instanceof PsiField) {
          PsiElement c = e.getLastChild();
          if (c != null) {
            c = getPreviousNonWsComment(c, range.getStartOffset());
          // Stop if current field ends by a semicolon.
          if (c instanceof PsiErrorElement // Incomplete field without trailing semicolon
              || (c instanceof PsiJavaToken
                  && ((PsiJavaToken) c).getTokenType() == JavaTokenType.SEMICOLON)) {
            range = TextRange.create(range.getStartOffset(), c.getTextRange().getEndOffset());
          } else {
    JavaElementArrangementEntry entry = createNewEntry(field, range, FIELD, field.getName(), true);
    processEntry(entry, field, field.getInitializer());