コード例 #1
  * @see
  *     edu.virginia.cs.geneticalgorithm.fitness.FitnessFactory#createFitness(edu.virginia.cs.geneticalgorithm.gene.Genotype)
 public Fitness createFitness(final Genotype individual) {
   final ProxyFitness preFit = _preFit.createFitness(individual);
   final Fitness postFit =
           ? preFit.getPostFitness()
           : _postFit.createFitness(individual);
   final ShortCircuitFitness retval =
       new ShortCircuitFitness(preFit, _preThreshold, postFit, _postFitLen);
   return retval;
コード例 #2
  * @param preFactory {@link FitnessFactory} that generates {@link Fitness} functions requiring
  *     less time to run than those generated by postFactory and can often act as a reasonable
  *     proxy
  * @param preThreshold {@link java.util.List List} of threshold values for multi-objective fitness
  *     which must all be passed for the postFit {@link Fitness} function to be evaluated
  * @param postFactory {@link FitnessFactory} that generates {@link Fitness} function to run if
  *     threshold is met
  * @param postFitLen Number of fitness values returned by the postFit {@link Fitness} function
 public ShortCircuitFitnessFactory(
     final ProxyFitnessFactory preFactory,
     final List<Double> preThreshold,
     final FitnessFactory postFactory,
     final int postFitLen) {
   _preFit = preFactory;
   _preThreshold = preThreshold;
   _postFit = postFactory;
   _postFitLen = postFitLen;
   if (postFactory == null && !preFactory.generatesPostFitness())
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "If the proxy fitness factory cannot generate a post "
             + "fitness function, one must be provided!");
コード例 #3
 public void ready() {
   if (_postFit != null) _postFit.ready();