コード例 #1
  public Object eval(CallStack callstack, Interpreter interpreter) throws EvalError {
    Object lhs = ((SimpleNode) jjtGetChild(0)).eval(callstack, interpreter);

    	Doing instanceof?  Next node is a type.
    if (kind == INSTANCEOF) {
      // null object ref is not instance of any type
      if (lhs == Primitive.NULL) return new Primitive(false);

      Class rhs = ((BSHType) jjtGetChild(1)).getType(callstack, interpreter);
      	// primitive (number or void) cannot be tested for instanceof
                if (lhs instanceof Primitive)
      		throw new EvalError("Cannot be instance of primitive type." );
      	Primitive (number or void) is not normally an instanceof
      	anything.  But for internal use we'll test true for the
      	bsh.Primitive class.
      	i.e. (5 instanceof bsh.Primitive) will be true
      if (lhs instanceof Primitive)
        if (rhs == lib.bsh.Primitive.class) return new Primitive(true);
        else return new Primitive(false);

      // General case - performe the instanceof based on assignability
      boolean ret = Types.isJavaBaseAssignable(rhs, lhs.getClass());
      return new Primitive(ret);

    // The following two boolean checks were tacked on.
    // This could probably be smoothed out.

    	Look ahead and short circuit evaluation of the rhs if:
    		we're a boolean AND and the lhs is false.
    if (kind == BOOL_AND || kind == BOOL_ANDX) {
      Object obj = lhs;
      if (isPrimitiveValue(lhs)) obj = ((Primitive) lhs).getValue();
      if (obj instanceof Boolean && (((Boolean) obj).booleanValue() == false))
        return new Primitive(false);
    	Look ahead and short circuit evaluation of the rhs if:
    		we're a boolean AND and the lhs is false.
    if (kind == BOOL_OR || kind == BOOL_ORX) {
      Object obj = lhs;
      if (isPrimitiveValue(lhs)) obj = ((Primitive) lhs).getValue();
      if (obj instanceof Boolean && (((Boolean) obj).booleanValue() == true))
        return new Primitive(true);

    // end stuff that was tacked on for boolean short-circuiting.

    	Are both the lhs and rhs either wrappers or primitive values?
    	do binary op
    boolean isLhsWrapper = isWrapper(lhs);
    Object rhs = ((SimpleNode) jjtGetChild(1)).eval(callstack, interpreter);
    boolean isRhsWrapper = isWrapper(rhs);
    if ((isLhsWrapper || isPrimitiveValue(lhs)) && (isRhsWrapper || isPrimitiveValue(rhs))) {
      // Special case for EQ on two wrapper objects
      if ((isLhsWrapper && isRhsWrapper && kind == EQ)) {
        	Don't auto-unwrap wrappers (preserve identity semantics)
      } else
        try {
          return Primitive.binaryOperation(lhs, rhs, kind);
        } catch (UtilEvalError e) {
          throw e.toEvalError(this, callstack);
    Doing the following makes it hard to use untyped vars...
    e.g. if ( arg == null ) ...what if arg is a primitive?
    The answer is that we should test only if the var is typed...?
    need to get that info here...

    	// Do we have a mixture of primitive values and non-primitives ?
    	// (primitiveValue = not null, not void)

    	int primCount = 0;
    	if ( isPrimitiveValue( lhs ) )
    	if ( isPrimitiveValue( rhs ) )

    	if ( primCount > 1 )
    		// both primitive types, should have been handled above
    		throw new InterpreterError("should not be here");
    	if ( primCount == 1 )
    		// mixture of one and the other
    		throw new EvalError("Operator: '" + tokenImage[kind]
    			+"' inappropriate for object / primitive combination.",
    			this, callstack );

    	// else fall through to handle both non-primitive types

    	// end check for primitive and non-primitive mix

    	Treat lhs and rhs as arbitrary objects and do the operation.
    	(including NULL and VOID represented by their Primitive types)
    // System.out.println("binary op arbitrary obj: {"+lhs+"}, {"+rhs+"}");
    switch (kind) {
      case EQ:
        return new Primitive((lhs == rhs));

      case NE:
        return new Primitive((lhs != rhs));

      case PLUS:
        if (lhs instanceof String || rhs instanceof String) return lhs.toString() + rhs.toString();


        if (lhs instanceof Primitive || rhs instanceof Primitive)
          if (lhs == Primitive.VOID || rhs == Primitive.VOID)
            throw new EvalError(
                "illegal use of undefined variable, class, or 'void' literal", this, callstack);
          else if (lhs == Primitive.NULL || rhs == Primitive.NULL)
            throw new EvalError("illegal use of null value or 'null' literal", this, callstack);

        throw new EvalError(
            "Operator: '" + tokenImage[kind] + "' inappropriate for objects", this, callstack);