public void setDownloadPathPopup(NSPopUpButton downloadPathPopup) { this.downloadPathPopup = downloadPathPopup; this.downloadPathPopup.setTarget(; final Selector action = Foundation.selector("downloadPathPopupClicked:"); this.downloadPathPopup.setAction(action); this.downloadPathPopup.removeAllItems(); // Default download folder this.addDownloadPath(action, host.getDownloadFolder());; this.addDownloadPath( action, LocalFactory.createLocal(Preferences.instance().getProperty(""))); // Shortcut to the Desktop this.addDownloadPath(action, LocalFactory.createLocal("~/Desktop")); // Shortcut to user home this.addDownloadPath(action, LocalFactory.createLocal("~")); // Shortcut to user downloads for 10.5 this.addDownloadPath(action, LocalFactory.createLocal("~/Downloads")); // Choose another folder // Choose another folder; this.downloadPathPopup .menu() .addItemWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent(CHOOSE, action, StringUtils.EMPTY); this.downloadPathPopup.lastItem().setTarget(; }
@Action public void anonymousCheckboxClicked(final NSButton sender) { if (sender.state() == NSCell.NSOnState) { host.getCredentials() .setUsername(Preferences.instance().getProperty("")); } if (sender.state() == NSCell.NSOffState) { if (Preferences.instance() .getProperty("") .equals(Preferences.instance().getProperty(""))) { host.getCredentials().setUsername(StringUtils.EMPTY); } else { host.getCredentials() .setUsername(Preferences.instance().getProperty("")); } } this.itemChanged(); this.init(); }
public static ApplicationBadgeLabeler get() { if (!Preferences.instance().getBoolean("queue.dock.badge")) { return new DisabledApplicationBadgeLabeler(); } if (!factories.containsKey(NATIVE_PLATFORM)) { log.warn(String.format("No implementation for %s", NATIVE_PLATFORM)); return new DisabledApplicationBadgeLabeler(); } return factories.get(NATIVE_PLATFORM).create(); }
@Override public void awakeFromNib() { this.cascade(); this.init(); this.setState( this.toggleOptionsButton, Preferences.instance().getBoolean("bookmark.toggle.options")); this.reachable(); this.updateFavicon(); super.awakeFromNib(); }
private void updateFavicon() { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("")) { this.background( new AbstractBackgroundAction<Void>() { @Override public void run() { NSImage img; final String f = host.getProtocol().favicon(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(f)) { img = IconCache.iconNamed(f, 16); } else { String url = host.getWebURL() + "/favicon.ico"; // Default favicon location final NSData data = NSData.dataWithContentsOfURL(NSURL.URLWithString(url)); if (null == data) { return; } img = NSImage.imageWithData(data); } if (null == img) { return; } favicon = IconCache.instance().convert(img, 16); } @Override public void cleanup() { if (null == favicon) { return; } webUrlImage.setImage(favicon); } @Override public Object lock() { return BookmarkController.this; } }); } }
private void init() { window.setTitle(host.getNickname()); this.updateField(hostField, host.getHostname()); hostField.setEnabled(host.getProtocol().isHostnameConfigurable()); hostField.cell().setPlaceholderString(host.getProtocol().getDefaultHostname()); this.updateField(nicknameField, host.getNickname()); final String url; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(host.getDefaultPath())) { url = host.toURL() + Path.normalize(host.getDefaultPath()); } else { url = host.toURL(); } urlField.setAttributedStringValue(HyperlinkAttributedStringFactory.create(url)); this.updateField(portField, String.valueOf(host.getPort())); portField.setEnabled(host.getProtocol().isPortConfigurable()); this.updateField(pathField, host.getDefaultPath()); this.updateField(usernameField, host.getCredentials().getUsername()); usernameField.cell().setPlaceholderString(host.getProtocol().getUsernamePlaceholder()); usernameField.setEnabled(!host.getCredentials().isAnonymousLogin()); anonymousCheckbox.setEnabled(host.getProtocol().isAnonymousConfigurable()); anonymousCheckbox.setState( host.getCredentials().isAnonymousLogin() ? NSCell.NSOnState : NSCell.NSOffState); protocolPopup.selectItemAtIndex( protocolPopup.indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject( String.valueOf(host.getProtocol().hashCode()))); if (null == host.getMaxConnections()) { transferPopup.selectItemWithTitle(DEFAULT); } else { transferPopup.selectItemWithTitle( host.getMaxConnections() == 1 ? TRANSFER_BROWSERCONNECTION : TRANSFER_NEWCONNECTION); } encodingPopup.setEnabled(host.getProtocol().isEncodingConfigurable()); connectmodePopup.setEnabled(host.getProtocol().isConnectModeConfigurable()); if (host.getProtocol().isConnectModeConfigurable()) { if (null == host.getFTPConnectMode()) { connectmodePopup.selectItemWithTitle(DEFAULT); } else if (host.getFTPConnectMode().equals(FTPConnectMode.PASV)) { connectmodePopup.selectItemWithTitle(CONNECTMODE_PASSIVE); } else if (host.getFTPConnectMode().equals(FTPConnectMode.PORT)) { connectmodePopup.selectItemWithTitle(CONNECTMODE_ACTIVE); } } pkCheckbox.setEnabled(host.getProtocol().equals(Protocol.SFTP)); if (host.getCredentials().isPublicKeyAuthentication()) { pkCheckbox.setState(NSCell.NSOnState); this.updateField(pkLabel, host.getCredentials().getIdentity().getAbbreviatedPath()); pkLabel.setTextColor(NSColor.textColor()); } else { pkCheckbox.setState(NSCell.NSOffState); pkLabel.setStringValue(Locale.localizedString("No private key selected")); pkLabel.setTextColor(NSColor.disabledControlTextColor()); } webURLField.setEnabled(host.getProtocol().isWebUrlConfigurable()); final String webURL = host.getWebURL(); webUrlImage.setToolTip(webURL); this.updateField(webURLField, host.getDefaultWebURL().equals(webURL) ? null : webURL); this.updateField(commentField, host.getComment()); this.timezonePopup.setEnabled(!host.getProtocol().isUTCTimezone()); if (null == host.getTimezone()) { if (host.getProtocol().isUTCTimezone()) { this.timezonePopup.setTitle(UTC.getID()); } else { if (Preferences.instance().getBoolean("")) { this.timezonePopup.setTitle(AUTO); } else { this.timezonePopup.setTitle( TimeZone.getTimeZone(Preferences.instance().getProperty("ftp.timezone.default")) .getID()); } } } else { this.timezonePopup.setTitle(host.getTimezone().getID()); } }
@Override protected void invalidate() { Preferences.instance().setProperty("bookmark.toggle.options", this.toggleOptionsButton.state()); BookmarkCollection.defaultCollection().removeListener(bookmarkCollectionListener); super.invalidate(); }
@Override public void write( boolean enabled, String origin, Distribution.Method method, String[] cnames, boolean logging, String loggingBucket, String defaultRootObject) { try { this.check(); // Configure CDN LoggingStatus loggingStatus = null; if (logging) { if (this.isLoggingSupported(method)) { final String loggingDestination = StringUtils.isNotBlank(loggingBucket) ? ServiceUtils.generateS3HostnameForBucket( loggingBucket, false, Protocol.S3_SSL.getDefaultHostname()) : origin; loggingStatus = new LoggingStatus( loggingDestination, Preferences.instance().getProperty("cloudfront.logging.prefix")); } } StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder(Locale.localizedString("Amazon CloudFront", "S3")) .append(" ") .append(method.toString()); if (enabled) { this.message( MessageFormat.format( Locale.localizedString("Enable {0} Distribution", "Status"), name)); } else { this.message( MessageFormat.format( Locale.localizedString("Disable {0} Distribution", "Status"), name)); } Distribution d = distributionStatus.get(method).get(origin); if (null == d) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format("No existing distribution found for method %s", method)); } this.createDistribution(enabled, method, origin, cnames, loggingStatus, defaultRootObject); } else { boolean modified = false; if (d.isEnabled() != enabled) { modified = true; } if (!Arrays.equals(d.getCNAMEs(), cnames)) { modified = true; } if (d.isLogging() != logging) { modified = true; } // Compare default root object for possible change if (!StringUtils.equals(d.getDefaultRootObject(), defaultRootObject)) { modified = true; } // Compare logging target for possible change if (!StringUtils.equals(d.getLoggingTarget(), loggingBucket)) { modified = true; } if (modified) { this.updateDistribution( enabled, method, origin, d.getId(), d.getEtag(), d.getReference(), cnames, loggingStatus, defaultRootObject); } else {"Skip updating distribution not modified."); } } } catch (CloudFrontServiceException e) { this.error("Cannot write CDN configuration", e); } catch (IOException e) { this.error("Cannot write CDN configuration", e); } finally { distributionStatus.get(method).clear(); } }
/** @version $Id: 10832 2013-04-10 14:57:36Z dkocher $ */ public final class IconCache { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(IconCache.class); /** * No resizing of the cached image. * * @param name Icon filename with extension * @return Cached icon */ public static NSImage iconNamed(final String name) { return IconCache.instance().iconForName(name); } /** * @param name Icon filename with extension * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public static NSImage iconNamed(final String name, final Integer size) { return IconCache.instance().iconForName(name, size); } /** * @param name Name to lookup * @param width Requested size * @param height Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public static NSImage iconNamed(final String name, final Integer width, final Integer height) { return IconCache.instance().iconForName(name, width, height); } /** * @param size Requested size * @return Standard folder icon for this platform */ public static NSImage folderIcon(final Integer size) { return IconCache.instance().iconForFolder(size); } public static NSImage documentIcon(final String extension) { return IconCache.instance().iconForExtension(extension, null); } public static NSImage documentIcon(final String extension, final Integer size) { return IconCache.instance().iconForExtension(extension, size); } public static NSImage aliasIcon(final String extension, final Integer size) { return IconCache.instance() .badge( IconCache.instance().iconForName("aliasbadge.tiff", size), IconCache.instance().iconForExtension(extension, size)); } private static IconCache instance = null; private static final Object lock = new Object(); public static IconCache instance() { synchronized (lock) { if (null == instance) { instance = new IconCache(); } } return instance; } private IconCache() { // } /** Cache limited to n entries */ private Map<String, Map<Integer, NSImage>> cache = new LRUMap(Preferences.instance().getInteger("icon.cache.size")) { @Override protected boolean removeLRU(LinkEntry entry) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removing from cache:" + entry); } return true; } }; private void put(final String key, final NSImage image, final Integer size) { Map<Integer, NSImage> versions; if (cache.containsKey(key)) { versions = cache.get(key); } else { versions = new HashMap<Integer, NSImage>(); } versions.put(size, image); cache.put(key, versions); } private NSImage load(final String key, final Integer size) { if (!cache.containsKey(key)) { log.debug(String.format("No cached image for %s", key)); return null; } final Map<Integer, NSImage> versions = cache.get(key); return versions.get(size); } /** * @param extension File type * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForExtension(final String extension, final Integer size) { NSImage image = this.load(extension, size); if (null == image) { image = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().iconForFileType(extension); this.put(extension, this.convert(image, size), size); } return image; } public NSImage iconForExtension(final NSImage badge, final String extension, final Integer size) { final String name = extension +; NSImage icon = this.iconForName(name, size); if (null == icon) { icon = this.badge(badge, this.iconForExtension(extension, size)); this.put(name, icon, size); } return icon; } public NSImage iconForFolder(final Integer size) { NSImage folder = this.iconForName("NSFolder", size); if (null == folder) { return this.iconForPath(FOLDER_PATH, size); } return folder; } private NSImage iconForFolder(final NSImage badge, final Integer size) { final String name = String.format("NSFolder-%s",; NSImage folder = this.iconForName(name, size); if (null == folder) { folder = this.badge(badge, this.convert(FOLDER_ICON, size)); this.put(name, folder, size); } return folder; } /** * Overlay badge image. * * @param badge Overlay * @param icon Icon * @return Cached icon */ private NSImage badge(final NSImage badge, final NSImage icon) { NSImage f = NSImage.imageWithSize(icon.size()); f.lockFocus(); icon.drawInRect( new NSRect(new NSPoint(0, 0), icon.size()), NSZeroRect, NSGraphics.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f); badge.drawInRect( new NSRect(new NSPoint(0, 0), icon.size()), NSZeroRect, NSGraphics.NSCompositeSourceOver, 1.0f); f.unlockFocus(); return f; } /** * @param name Icon name * @return Cached image */ protected NSImage iconForName(final String name) { return this.iconForName(name, null); } /** * @param name Icon filename with extension * @param size Requested size * @return Cached image * @see #convert(ch.cyberduck.ui.cocoa.application.NSImage, Integer) */ protected NSImage iconForName(final String name, final Integer size) { return this.iconForName(name, size, size); } /** * @param name When looking for files in the application bundle, it is better (but not required) * to include the filename extension in the name parameter * @param width Requested size * @param height Requested size * @return Cached icon * @see NSImage#imageNamed(String) * @see #convert(ch.cyberduck.ui.cocoa.application.NSImage, Integer, Integer) */ protected NSImage iconForName(final String name, final Integer width, final Integer height) { NSImage image = this.load(name, width); if (null == image) { if (name.startsWith("/")) { image = NSImage.imageWithContentsOfFile(name); } else { image = NSImage.imageNamed(name); } if (null == image) { log.warn(String.format("No icon named %s", name)); this.put(name, null, width); } else { // You can clear an image object from the cache explicitly by passing nil for the image // name. image.setName(null); this.put(name, this.convert(image, width, height), width); } } return image; } public NSImage iconForPath(final Local item) { return this.iconForPath(item, null); } /** * @param item File * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForPath(final Local item, final Integer size) { NSImage icon = null; if (item.exists()) { icon = this.load(item.getAbsolute(), size); if (null == icon) { icon = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().iconForFile(item.getAbsolute()); this.put(item.getAbsolute(), this.convert(icon, size), size); } } if (null == icon) { return this.iconForName("notfound.tiff", size); } return icon; } public NSImage iconForApplication(final String bundleIdentifier) { return this.iconForApplication(bundleIdentifier, null); } /** * @param bundleIdentifier Application * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForApplication(final String bundleIdentifier, final Integer size) { NSImage icon = this.load(bundleIdentifier, size); if (null == icon) { icon = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() .iconForFile( NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace() .absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier(bundleIdentifier)); this.put(bundleIdentifier, this.convert(icon, size), size); } if (null == icon) { return this.iconForName("notfound.tiff", size); } return icon; } private final NSRect NSZeroRect = new NSRect(0, 0); private static final Local FOLDER_PATH = LocalFactory.createLocal(Preferences.instance().getProperty("")); private final NSImage FOLDER_ICON = this.iconForPath(FOLDER_PATH); /** * @param item File * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForPath(final Path item, final Integer size) { return this.iconForPath( item, size, Preferences.instance().getBoolean("browser.markInaccessibleFolders")); } public NSImage iconForPath(final Path item, final Integer size, final boolean overlay) { if (item.attributes().isSymbolicLink()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("aliasbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("aliasbadge"); if (item.attributes().isDirectory()) { return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } return this.iconForExtension(badge, item.getExtension(), size); } if (item.attributes().isFile()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(item.getExtension())) { if (item.attributes().getPermission().isExecutable()) { return this.iconForName("executable.tiff", size); } } return this.iconForExtension(item.getExtension(), size); } if (item.attributes().isVolume()) { return this.iconForName(item.getHost().getProtocol().disk(), size); } if (item.attributes().isDirectory()) { if (overlay) { if (!item.attributes().getPermission().isExecutable()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("privatefolderbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("privatefolderbadge"); return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } if (!item.attributes().getPermission().isReadable()) { if (item.attributes().getPermission().isWritable()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("dropfolderbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("dropfolderbadge"); return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } } if (!item.attributes().getPermission().isWritable()) { final NSImage badge = this.iconForName("readonlyfolderbadge.tiff", size); badge.setName("readonlyfolderbadge"); return this.iconForFolder(badge, size); } } return this.iconForFolder(size); } return this.iconForName("notfound.tiff", size); } public NSImage convert(final NSImage icon, final Integer size) { return this.convert(icon, size, size); } public NSImage convert(final NSImage icon, final Integer width, final Integer height) { if (null == width || null == height) { log.debug(String.format("Return default size for %s",; return icon; } icon.setSize(new NSSize(width, height)); return icon; } }
/** * @param item File * @param size Requested size * @return Cached icon */ public NSImage iconForPath(final Path item, final Integer size) { return this.iconForPath( item, size, Preferences.instance().getBoolean("browser.markInaccessibleFolders")); }