/** Test of giveAmountToPay method, of class PointOfSaleTerminalImpl. */ @Test public void testGiveAmountToPay_CCCCCCC() { terminal.clearScanned(); try { for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++) { terminal.scan("C"); } assertEquals(new BigDecimal(6.00), terminal.giveAmountToPay()); } catch (ProductNotFoundException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } }
/** Test of giveAmountToPay method, of class PointOfSaleTerminalImpl. */ @Test public void testGiveAmountToPay_ABCD() { terminal.clearScanned(); try { terminal.scan("A"); terminal.scan("B"); terminal.scan("C"); terminal.scan("D"); assertEquals(new BigDecimal(7.25), terminal.giveAmountToPay()); } catch (ProductNotFoundException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } }
/** Test of scan method, of class PointOfSaleTerminalImpl. */ @Test(expected = ProductNotFoundException.class) public void testScan_ProductNotFoundException() throws ProductNotFoundException { terminal.clearScanned(); terminal.scan("G"); }