/** This method search for the files mentioned in manifest inside PCI Package */ private void validateManifestFilePaths() throws ValidationException { for (String fileName : manifestFilePaths) { if (!inputFilePaths.contains(fileName)) { reporter.error(messages.getMessage("msg.missedResource") + fileName); } } }
private static String getErrorMessage(String key, Exception ex) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(MANIFEST_FILENAME); sb.append(':'); sb.append(' '); sb.append(messages.getMessage(key)); sb.append(ex.getMessage()); return sb.toString(); }
/** * This method search for the files which exist in PCI Package but are not mentioned in manifest */ private void validateInputFilePaths() throws ValidationException { for (String packageFileName : inputFilePaths) { if (!manifestFilePaths.contains(packageFileName)) { if (!isPathAllowed(packageFileName)) { reporter.error(messages.getMessage("msg.unexpectedResource") + packageFileName); } } } }
private void validatePaths(String[] paths) throws ValidationException, PciApiException { scanInputPaths(paths); if (!manifestExists) { throw new ValidationException(messages.getMessage("msg.missingManifest")); } scanManifestPaths(MANIFEST_FILENAME); validateManifestFilePaths(); validateInputFilePaths(); }