private void setRelationalUpdateValues( List<ParsedPropertyReplacement> replacementProps, FeatureTypeMapping ftMapping, PreparedStatement stmt, IdFilter filter, FIDMapping fidMapping) throws SQLException { int i = 1; for (ParsedPropertyReplacement replacement : replacementProps) { Property replacementProp = replacement.getNewValue(); QName propName = replacementProp.getType().getName(); Mapping mapping = ftMapping.getMapping(propName); if (mapping != null) { if (mapping.getJoinedTable() != null && !mapping.getJoinedTable().isEmpty()) { continue; } Object value = replacementProp.getValue(); if (value != null) { ParticleConverter<TypedObjectNode> converter = (ParticleConverter<TypedObjectNode>) fs.getConverter(mapping); if (mapping instanceof PrimitiveMapping) { MappingExpression me = ((PrimitiveMapping) mapping).getMapping(); if (!(me instanceof DBField)) { continue; } converter.setParticle(stmt, (PrimitiveValue) value, i++); } else if (mapping instanceof GeometryMapping) { MappingExpression me = ((GeometryMapping) mapping).getMapping(); if (!(me instanceof DBField)) { continue; } converter.setParticle(stmt, (Geometry) value, i++); } } else { stmt.setObject(i++, null); } } } for (String id : filter.getMatchingIds()) { IdAnalysis analysis = schema.analyzeId(id); int j = i; for (String fidKernel : analysis.getIdKernels()) { PrimitiveValue value = new PrimitiveValue(fidKernel, new PrimitiveType(fidMapping.getColumnType())); Object sqlValue = SQLValueMangler.internalToSQL(value); stmt.setObject(j++, sqlValue); } stmt.addBatch(); } }
private String createRelationalUpdateStatement( FeatureTypeMapping ftMapping, FIDMapping fidMapping, List<ParsedPropertyReplacement> replacementProps, List<ResourceId> list) throws FilterEvaluationException, FeatureStoreException, SQLException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("UPDATE "); sql.append(ftMapping.getFtTable()); sql.append(" SET "); boolean first = true; for (ParsedPropertyReplacement replacement : replacementProps) { Property replacementProp = replacement.getNewValue(); QName propName = replacementProp.getType().getName(); Mapping mapping = ftMapping.getMapping(propName); if (mapping != null) { if (mapping.getJoinedTable() != null && !mapping.getJoinedTable().isEmpty()) { addRelationallyMappedMultiProperty(replacement, mapping, ftMapping, list); continue; } String column = null; ParticleConverter<TypedObjectNode> converter = (ParticleConverter<TypedObjectNode>) fs.getConverter(mapping); if (mapping instanceof PrimitiveMapping) { MappingExpression me = ((PrimitiveMapping) mapping).getMapping(); if (!(me instanceof DBField)) { continue; } column = ((DBField) me).getColumn(); if (!first) { sql.append(","); } else { first = false; } sql.append(column); sql.append("="); // TODO communicate value for non-prepared statement converters sql.append(converter.getSetSnippet(null)); } else if (mapping instanceof GeometryMapping) { MappingExpression me = ((GeometryMapping) mapping).getMapping(); if (!(me instanceof DBField)) { continue; } column = ((DBField) me).getColumn(); if (!first) { sql.append(","); } else { first = false; } sql.append(column); sql.append("="); // TODO communicate value for non-prepared statement converters sql.append(converter.getSetSnippet(null)); } else { LOG.warn( "Updating of " + mapping.getClass() + " is currently not implemented. Omitting."); continue; } } else { LOG.warn("No mapping for update property '" + propName + "'. Omitting."); } } // only property changes in multi properties? if (first) { return null; } sql.append(" WHERE "); sql.append(fidMapping.getColumns().get(0).first); sql.append("=?"); for (int i = 1; i < fidMapping.getColumns().size(); i++) { sql.append(" AND "); sql.append(fidMapping.getColumns().get(i)); sql.append("=?"); } return sql.toString(); }
private void deleteJoinedRows(Mapping particle, Map<SQLIdentifier, Object> keyColToValue) throws FeatureStoreException { // TODO: After FeatureTypeJoin is introduced, rework this case (may allow joins) if (particle instanceof FeatureMapping) { return; } // determine and delete joined rows if (particle.getJoinedTable() != null && !particle.getJoinedTable().isEmpty()) { TableJoin tableJoin = particle.getJoinedTable().get(0); PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("SELECT "); boolean first = true; for (SQLIdentifier selectColumn : tableJoin.getToColumns()) { if (!first) { sql.append(','); } else { first = false; } sql.append("X2."); sql.append(selectColumn); } sql.append(" FROM "); sql.append(tableJoin.getFromTable()); sql.append(" X1,"); sql.append(tableJoin.getToTable()); sql.append(" X2"); sql.append(" WHERE"); first = true; int i = 0; for (SQLIdentifier fromColumn : tableJoin.getFromColumns()) { SQLIdentifier toColumn = tableJoin.getToColumns().get(i++); if (!first) { sql.append(','); } else { first = false; } sql.append(" X1."); sql.append(fromColumn); sql.append("="); sql.append("X2."); sql.append(toColumn); first = false; } for (Entry<SQLIdentifier, Object> joinKey : keyColToValue.entrySet()) { sql.append(" AND X1."); sql.append(joinKey.getKey()); sql.append("=?"); first = false; } stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); i = 1; for (Entry<SQLIdentifier, Object> joinKey : keyColToValue.entrySet()) { stmt.setObject(i++, joinKey.getValue()); } LOG.debug("Executing SELECT (following join): " + stmt); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); while ( { Map<SQLIdentifier, Object> joinKeyToValue = new HashMap<SQLIdentifier, Object>(); i = 1; for (SQLIdentifier toColumn : tableJoin.getToColumns()) { joinKeyToValue.put(toColumn, rs.getObject(i++)); } deleteJoinedRows(particle, tableJoin, joinKeyToValue); } } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new FeatureStoreException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { JDBCUtils.close(stmt); } } else { // process compound particle structure if (particle instanceof CompoundMapping) { CompoundMapping cm = (CompoundMapping) particle; for (Mapping child : cm.getParticles()) { deleteJoinedRows(child, keyColToValue); } } } }