コード例 #1
ファイル: PlotterSurface.java プロジェクト: geogebra/geogebra
  * draw a sphere with center and radius. view scaling is used to know how many triangles are
  * needed
  * @param center center of the sphere
  * @param radius radius of the sphere
  * @param longitude longitude length for rendering, corresponding to 2*PI (must be power of 2)
  * @param longitudeStart for sphere parts, first longitude to draw
  * @param longitudeLength for sphere parts, longitude width (must be power of 2)
 public void drawSphere(
     Coords center, double radius, int longitude, double longitudeStart, int longitudeLength) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: PlotterSurface.java プロジェクト: geogebra/geogebra
   * draw an ellipsoid
   * @param center center
   * @param ev0 first eigenvector
   * @param ev1 second eigenvector
   * @param ev2 third eigenvector
   * @param r0 first half axis
   * @param r1 second half axis
   * @param r2 third half axis
   * @param longitude longitude length for rendering
  public void drawEllipsoid(
      Coords center,
      Coords ev0,
      Coords ev1,
      Coords ev2,
      double r0,
      double r1,
      double r2,
      int longitude) {

    if (managerElements == null) {
      managerElements =
          new ManagerElementForGLList(manager.getRenderer(), manager.getView3D(), manager);
      plotterElements = new PlotterSurfaceElements(managerElements);

    plotterElements.drawEllipsoid(center, ev0, ev1, ev2, r0, r1, r2, longitude);
コード例 #3
ファイル: PlotterSurface.java プロジェクト: geogebra/geogebra
   * draw a paraboloid
   * @param center center
   * @param ev0 first eigenvector
   * @param ev1 second eigenvector
   * @param ev2 third eigenvector
   * @param r0 first half axis
   * @param r1 second half axis
   * @param longitude longitude length for rendering
   * @param min minimum parameter for axis
   * @param max maximum parameter for axis
   * @param fading if we need fading or not
  public void drawParaboloid(
      Coords center,
      Coords ev0,
      Coords ev1,
      Coords ev2,
      double r0,
      double r1,
      int longitude,
      double min,
      double max,
      boolean fading) {

    if (managerElements == null) {
      managerElements =
          new ManagerElementForGLList(manager.getRenderer(), manager.getView3D(), manager);
      plotterElements = new PlotterSurfaceElements(managerElements);

    plotterElements.drawParaboloid(center, ev0, ev1, ev2, r0, r1, longitude, min, max, fading);
コード例 #4
ファイル: PlotterSurface.java プロジェクト: geogebra/geogebra
   * draw a parabolic cylinder
   * @param center center
   * @param ev0 first eigenvector
   * @param ev1 second eigenvector
   * @param ev2 third eigenvector
   * @param r half axis
   * @param min minimum parameter for quadric axis
   * @param max maximum parameter for quadric axis
   * @param lineMin minimum parameter for line axis
   * @param lineMax maximum parameter for line axis
   * @param fading if we need fading or not
  public void drawParabolicCylinder(
      Coords center,
      Coords ev0,
      Coords ev1,
      Coords ev2,
      double r,
      double min,
      double max,
      double lineMin,
      double lineMax,
      boolean fading) {

    if (managerElements == null) {
      managerElements =
          new ManagerElementForGLList(manager.getRenderer(), manager.getView3D(), manager);
      plotterElements = new PlotterSurfaceElements(managerElements);

        center, ev0, ev1, ev2, r, min, max, lineMin, lineMax, fading);
コード例 #5
ファイル: PlotterSurface.java プロジェクト: geogebra/geogebra
   * draw an hyperbolic paraboloid
   * @param center center
   * @param ev0 first eigenvector
   * @param ev1 second eigenvector
   * @param ev2 third eigenvector
   * @param r0 first half axis
   * @param r1 second half axis
   * @param min0 minimum parameter for first axis
   * @param max0 maximum parameter for first axis
   * @param min1 minimum parameter for second axis
   * @param max1 maximum parameter for second axis
   * @param fading if we need fading or not
  public void drawHyperbolicParaboloid(
      Coords center,
      Coords ev0,
      Coords ev1,
      Coords ev2,
      double r0,
      double r1,
      double min0,
      double max0,
      double min1,
      double max1,
      boolean fading) {

    if (managerElements == null) {
      managerElements =
          new ManagerElementForGLList(manager.getRenderer(), manager.getView3D(), manager);
      plotterElements = new PlotterSurfaceElements(managerElements);

        center, ev0, ev1, ev2, r0, r1, min0, max0, min1, max1, fading);
コード例 #6
ファイル: PlotterSurface.java プロジェクト: geogebra/geogebra
  public void drawSphere(
      Coords center,
      double radius,
      int longitude,
      double longitudeStart,
      int longitudeLength,
      double frustumRadius) {


    // set texture to (0,0)

    int latitude = longitude / 4;

    // check which parts are visible (latitudes)
    Coords o = manager.getView3D().getCenter();

    double z = center.getZ();
    double zMin = o.getZ() - frustumRadius;
    double zMax = o.getZ() + frustumRadius;

    int latitudeMaxTop = 0;
    latitudeMaxTop = latitude;
    if (Kernel.isGreater(z + radius, zMax)) {
      double angle = Math.asin((zMax - z) / radius);
      latitudeMaxTop = (int) (latitude * 2 * angle / Math.PI) + 2;

    int latitudeMaxBottom = 0;
    latitudeMaxBottom = latitude;
    if (Kernel.isGreater(zMin, z - radius)) {
      double angle = Math.asin((z - zMin) / radius);
      latitudeMaxBottom = (int) (latitude * 2 * angle / Math.PI) + 2;

    // Log.debug(latitudeMaxBottom+","+latitudeMaxTop);

    int latitudeMax = Math.max(latitudeMaxTop, latitudeMaxBottom);

    int latitudeMin = 0; // start on equator
    if (latitudeMaxTop < 0) { // start below equator
      latitudeMin = -latitudeMaxTop;
    } else if (latitudeMaxBottom < 0) { // start above equator
      latitudeMin = -latitudeMaxBottom;

    // check which parts are visible (longitudes)

    // start drawing
    if (coordsArray.length <= longitudeLength) {
      coordsArray = new Coords[longitudeLength + 1];
      for (int ui = 0; ui <= longitudeLength; ui++) {
        coordsArray[ui] = new Coords(4);

    Coords norm1 = new Coords(4), norm2 = new Coords(4), n1b = new Coords(4), n2b = new Coords(4);

    double[] cosSinV = new double[2];

    // equator
    // cosSinV[0] = 1; // cos(0)
    // cosSinV[1] = 0; // sin(0)
    cosSin(latitudeMin, latitude, cosSinV);
    double lastCos = 1;
    for (int ui = 0; ui <= longitudeLength; ui++) {
      sphericalCoords(ui, longitude, longitudeStart, cosSinV, coordsArray[ui]);

    // shift for longitude
    int shift = 1;

    boolean jumpNeeded = false;

    for (int vi = latitudeMin + 1; vi < latitudeMax; vi++) {

      cosSin(vi, latitude, cosSinV);

      // check if parallel is small enough to make jumps
      if (2 * cosSinV[0] < lastCos) {
        lastCos = lastCos / 2;
        jumpNeeded = true;
      } else {
        jumpNeeded = false;

      // first values
      sphericalCoords(0, longitude, longitudeStart, cosSinV, n2b);

      // first : no jump
      boolean jump = jumpNeeded;

      for (int ui = shift; ui <= longitudeLength; ui += shift) {

        // last latitude values

        // new latitude values and draw triangles
        if (jumpNeeded) {
          if (jump) { // draw edge triangle and center triangle

            sphericalCoords(ui + shift, longitude, longitudeStart, cosSinV, n2b);

            if (vi < latitudeMaxTop) { // top triangles
              drawNCr(norm1, center, radius);
              drawNCr(norm2, center, radius);
              drawNCr(n1b, center, radius);

              drawNCr(n1b, center, radius);
              drawNCr(norm2, center, radius);
              drawNCr(n2b, center, radius);

            if (vi < latitudeMaxBottom) { // bottom triangles
              drawNCrm(norm1, center, radius);
              drawNCrm(n1b, center, radius);
              drawNCrm(norm2, center, radius);

              drawNCrm(n1b, center, radius);
              drawNCrm(n2b, center, radius);
              drawNCrm(norm2, center, radius);

          } else { // draw edge triangle

            sphericalCoords(ui, longitude, longitudeStart, cosSinV, n2b);

            if (vi < latitudeMaxTop) { // top triangles
              drawNCr(norm1, center, radius);
              drawNCr(norm2, center, radius);
              drawNCr(n1b, center, radius);

            if (vi < latitudeMaxBottom) { // bottom triangles
              drawNCrm(norm1, center, radius);
              drawNCrm(n1b, center, radius);
              drawNCrm(norm2, center, radius);
        } else { // no jump : draw two triangles

          sphericalCoords(ui, longitude, longitudeStart, cosSinV, n2b);

          if (vi < latitudeMaxTop) { // top triangles
            drawNCr(norm1, center, radius);
            drawNCr(norm2, center, radius);
            drawNCr(n1b, center, radius);

            drawNCr(norm2, center, radius);
            drawNCr(n2b, center, radius);
            drawNCr(n1b, center, radius);

          if (vi < latitudeMaxBottom) { // bottom triangles
            drawNCrm(norm1, center, radius);
            drawNCrm(n1b, center, radius);
            drawNCrm(norm2, center, radius);

            drawNCrm(norm2, center, radius);
            drawNCrm(n1b, center, radius);
            drawNCrm(n2b, center, radius);


        if (jumpNeeded) {
          jump = !jump;

      // if just jumps done, next shift is twice
      if (jumpNeeded) {
        shift = shift * 2;

      sphericalCoords(0, longitude, longitudeStart, cosSinV, coordsArray[0]);

    if (latitudeMax == latitude) {
      // pole
      for (int ui = shift; ui <= longitudeLength; ui += shift) {

        if (latitudeMaxTop == latitude) { // top triangles
          drawNCr(norm1, center, radius);
          drawNCr(norm2, center, radius);
          drawNCr(Coords.VZ, center, radius);

        if (latitudeMaxBottom == latitude) { // bottom triangles
          drawNCrm(norm1, center, radius);
          drawNCrm(Coords.VZ, center, radius);
          drawNCrm(norm2, center, radius);
