コード例 #1
   * Tests encode of a key and the decode of its "code" byte.
   * @see ITermIndexCodes
  public void test_encodeDecodeCodeByte() {

    assertEquals(ITermIndexCodes.TERM_CODE_URI, fixture.value2Key(RDF.TYPE)[0]);

    assertEquals(ITermIndexCodes.TERM_CODE_BND, fixture.value2Key(new BNodeImpl("foo"))[0]);

    assertEquals(ITermIndexCodes.TERM_CODE_LIT, fixture.value2Key(new LiteralImpl("abc"))[0]);

    assertEquals(ITermIndexCodes.TERM_CODE_LCL, fixture.value2Key(new LiteralImpl("abc", "en"))[0]);

        ITermIndexCodes.TERM_CODE_DTL, fixture.value2Key(new LiteralImpl("abc", XSD.BOOLEAN))[0]);
コード例 #2
   * Tests the gross ordering over the different kinds of {@link Value}s but deliberately does not
   * pay attention to the sort key ordering for string data.
   * @see ITermIndexCodes
  public void test_keyOrder() {

    final byte[] uri = fixture.value2Key(RDF.TYPE);

    final byte[] bnd = fixture.value2Key(new BNodeImpl("foo"));

    final byte[] lit = fixture.value2Key(new LiteralImpl("abc"));

    final byte[] lcl = fixture.value2Key(new LiteralImpl("abc", "en"));

    final byte[] dtl = fixture.value2Key(new LiteralImpl("abc", XSD.BOOLEAN));

    // URIs before plain literals.
    assertTrue(UnsignedByteArrayComparator.INSTANCE.compare(uri, lit) < 0);

    // plain literals before language code literals.
    assertTrue(UnsignedByteArrayComparator.INSTANCE.compare(lit, lcl) < 0);

    // language code literals before datatype literals.
    assertTrue(UnsignedByteArrayComparator.INSTANCE.compare(lcl, dtl) < 0);

    // datatype literals before blank nodes.
    assertTrue(UnsignedByteArrayComparator.INSTANCE.compare(dtl, bnd) < 0);
コード例 #3
   * This is an odd issue someone reported for the trunk. There are two version of a plain Literal
   * <code>Brian McCarthy</code>, but it appears that one of the two versions has a leading bell
   * character when you decode the Unicode byte[]. I think that this is actually an issue with the
   * {@link Locale} and the Unicode sort key generation. If {@link KeyBuilder} as configured on the
   * system generates Unicode sort keys which compare as EQUAL for these two inputs then that will
   * cause the lexicon to report an "apparent" inconsistency. In fact, what we probably need to do
   * is just disable the inconsistency check in the lexicon.
   * <pre>
   * ERROR: com.bigdata.rdf.lexicon.Id2TermWriteProc.apply(Id2TermWriteProc.java:205): val=[0, 2, 0, 14, 66, 114, 105, 97, 110, 32, 77, 99, 67, 97, 114, 116, 104, 121]
   * ERROR: com.bigdata.rdf.lexicon.Id2TermWriteProc.apply(Id2TermWriteProc.java:206): oldval=[0, 2, 0, 15, 127, 66, 114, 105, 97, 110, 32, 77, 99, 67, 97, 114, 116, 104, 121]
   * </pre>
  public void test_consistencyIssue() {

    final BigdataValueSerializer<Value> fixture =
        new BigdataValueSerializer<Value>(ValueFactoryImpl.getInstance());

    final byte[] newValBytes =
        new byte[] {0, 2, 0, 14, 66, 114, 105, 97, 110, 32, 77, 99, 67, 97, 114, 116, 104, 121};

    final byte[] oldValBytes =
        new byte[] {
          0, 2, 0, 15, 127, 66, 114, 105, 97, 110, 32, 77, 99, 67, 97, 114, 116, 104, 121

    final Value newValue = fixture.deserialize(newValBytes);

    final Value oldValue = fixture.deserialize(oldValBytes);

    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
      log.info("new=" + newValue);
      log.info("old=" + oldValue);

     * Note: This uses the default Locale and the implied Unicode collation
     * order to generate the sort keys.
    //        final IKeyBuilder keyBuilder = new KeyBuilder();

     * Note: This allows you to explicitly configure the behavior of the
     * KeyBuilder instance based on the specified properties.  If you want
     * your KB to run with these properties, then you need to specify them
     * either in your environment or using -D to java.
    final Properties properties = new Properties();

    // specify that all aspects of the Unicode sequence are significant.
    properties.setProperty(KeyBuilder.Options.STRENGTH, StrengthEnum.Identical.toString());

    //        // specify that that only primary character differences are significant.
    //        properties.setProperty(KeyBuilder.Options.STRENGTH,StrengthEnum.Primary.toString());

    final IKeyBuilder keyBuilder = KeyBuilder.newUnicodeInstance(properties);

    final LexiconKeyBuilder lexKeyBuilder = new LexiconKeyBuilder(keyBuilder);

    // encode as unsigned byte[] key.
    final byte[] newValKey = lexKeyBuilder.value2Key(newValue);

    final byte[] oldValKey = lexKeyBuilder.value2Key(oldValue);

    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
      log.info("newValKey=" + BytesUtil.toString(newValKey));
      log.info("oldValKey=" + BytesUtil.toString(oldValKey));

     * Note: if this assert fails then the two distinct Literals were mapped
     * onto the same unsigned byte[] key.
    assertFalse(BytesUtil.bytesEqual(newValKey, oldValKey));