コード例 #1
 * An object representing the information extracted from an article from one or more heuristics.
 * @author Sam Sarjant
public class MinedInformation implements Mergeable<MinedInformation>, Serializable {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  /** The bitwise int for all info types being true. */
  public static final int ALL_TYPES = (1 << InformationType.values().length) - 1;

  /** The non-parentage assertions found for this concept */
  private Collection<PartialAssertion> assertions_ = new HashSet<>();

  /** The assertions that are non-refutable and the selected disambiguated assertions. */
  private Collection<DefiniteAssertion> concreteAssertions_ = new ArrayList<>();

  /** The assertions to make during disjointness disambiguation. */
  private Collection<DefiniteAssertion> concreteParentageAssertions_ = new ArrayList<>();

  /** If there are any assertions that COULD be resolved as parentage assertions. */
  private boolean hasParentageAssertions_ = false;

  private transient boolean isModified_ = false;

  /** The bitwise representation of the mined information. */
  private int minedTypes_ = -1;

  /** The self ref to the mappable article. */
  private WikipediaMappedConcept selfRef_;

  /** The article being processed. */
  protected int articleID_;

  /** The type of infobox this article contains (if any). */
  protected List<String> infoboxType_ = null;

  /** The extracted standing for articles. */
  protected WeightedStanding standing_ = new WeightedStanding();

   * Constructor for a new MinedInformation
   * @param cycTerm The term this information represents.
   * @param article The article to extract information from.
  public MinedInformation(int article) {
    articleID_ = article;
    selfRef_ = MiningHeuristic.createSelfRefConcept(articleID_);

   * Adds an assertion to this information.
   * @param singleAssertion The assertion to add.
  public void addAssertion(MinedAssertion singleAssertion) {
    if (singleAssertion == null) return;
    if (singleAssertion instanceof DefiniteAssertion) {
      // A definite assertion - add to concretes.
      concreteAssertions_.add((DefiniteAssertion) singleAssertion);
      if (singleAssertion.isHierarchical()) {
        concreteParentageAssertions_.add((DefiniteAssertion) singleAssertion);
        hasParentageAssertions_ = true;
    } else {
      // Only partially complete - add to disambiguatable.
      assertions_.add((PartialAssertion) singleAssertion);
      if (singleAssertion.isHierarchical()) hasParentageAssertions_ = true;
    isModified_ = true;

   * Adds an assertion to this information from the predicate and args.
   * @param predicate The predicate of the assertion.
   * @param provenance The source of the assertion.
   * @param args The arguments of the assertion - can be {@link MappableConcept}.
  public void addAssertion(
      OntologyConcept predicate, HeuristicProvenance provenance, AssertionArgument... args) {
    if (predicate == null || args == null || args.length == 0) return;
    boolean isMappable = false;
    for (AssertionArgument aa : args) {
      if (aa instanceof MappableConcept) {
        isMappable = true;

    MinedAssertion assertion = null;
    if (isMappable) assertion = new PartialAssertion(predicate, provenance, args);
    else assertion = new DefiniteAssertion(predicate, provenance, (OntologyConcept[]) args);

   * Adds a mined information type to the mined types this object has used.
   * @param infoType The information types mined.
  public void addMinedInfoType(InformationType infoType) {
    int val = 1 << infoType.ordinal();
    if (minedTypes_ == -1) minedTypes_ = val;
    minedTypes_ |= val;

   * Adds a mined information type to the mined types this object has used.
   * @param infoType The information types mined.
  public void addMinedInfoType(int infoType) {
    if (minedTypes_ == -1) minedTypes_ = infoType;
    minedTypes_ |= infoType;

  public void addStandingInformation(
      TermStanding standing, double weight, HeuristicProvenance provenance) {
    standing_.addStanding(provenance, standing, weight);
    isModified_ = true;

  public void addStandingInformation(WeightedStanding standing) throws Exception {
    isModified_ = true;

  public void clearInformation() {
    standing_ = new WeightedStanding();
    infoboxType_ = null;
    minedTypes_ = -1;
    isModified_ = false;

  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (this == obj) return true;
    if (obj == null) return false;
    if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
    MinedInformation other = (MinedInformation) obj;
    if (articleID_ != other.articleID_) return false;
    if (assertions_ == null) {
      if (other.assertions_ != null) return false;
    } else if (!assertions_.equals(other.assertions_)) return false;
    if (concreteAssertions_ == null) {
      if (other.concreteAssertions_ != null) return false;
    } else if (!concreteAssertions_.equals(other.concreteAssertions_)) return false;
    if (infoboxType_ == null) {
      if (other.infoboxType_ != null) return false;
    } else if (!infoboxType_.equals(other.infoboxType_)) return false;
    if (minedTypes_ != other.minedTypes_) return false;
    if (standing_ == null) {
      if (other.standing_ != null) return false;
    } else if (!standing_.equals(other.standing_)) return false;
    return true;

  public Integer getArticle() {
    return articleID_;

  public WeightedStanding getArticleStanding(int article) {
    return standing_;

   * Gets the unresolved assertion queues.
   * @return The unresolved assertion queues.
  public Collection<PartialAssertion> getAssertions() {
    return assertions_;

  public Collection<DefiniteAssertion> getConcreteAssertions() {
    return concreteAssertions_;

  public Collection<DefiniteAssertion> getConcreteParentageAssertions() {
    return concreteParentageAssertions_;

  public List<String> getInfoboxTypes() {
    return infoboxType_;

  public MappableConcept getMappableSelfRef() {
    return selfRef_;

  public int getMinedInformation() {
    if (minedTypes_ == -1) return 0;
    return minedTypes_;

  public WeightedStanding getStanding() {
    return getArticleStanding(articleID_);

   * Returns a bitwise int of the information that has not been mined by this {@link
   * MinedInformation} yet.
   * @return A bitwise int of the unmined information.
  public int getUnminedInformation() {
    if (minedTypes_ == -1) return ALL_TYPES;
    return minedTypes_ ^ ALL_TYPES;

  public int hashCode() {
    final int prime = 31;
    int result = 1;
    result = prime * result + articleID_;
    result = prime * result + ((assertions_ == null) ? 0 : assertions_.hashCode());
    result = prime * result + ((concreteAssertions_ == null) ? 0 : concreteAssertions_.hashCode());
    result = prime * result + ((infoboxType_ == null) ? 0 : infoboxType_.hashCode());
    result = prime * result + minedTypes_;
    result = prime * result + ((standing_ == null) ? 0 : standing_.hashCode());
    return result;

  public boolean hasParentageAssertions() {
    return hasParentageAssertions_;

  public boolean isMined() {
    return minedTypes_ >= 0;

  public boolean isModified() {
    return isModified_;

  public boolean mergeInformation(MinedInformation otherInfo) throws Exception {
    return mergeInformation(otherInfo, false);

   * If, during the merging, internal data should be recreated (cloned).
   * @param otherInfo The other info to merge.
   * @param recreateInternals If internal data should be cloned.
   * @return True if the merging was successful.
   * @throws Exception Should something go awry...
  public boolean mergeInformation(MinedInformation otherInfo, boolean recreateInternals)
      throws Exception {
    // No info, do nothing.
    if (otherInfo == null || !otherInfo.isModified_ || otherInfo == this) return true;
    isModified_ = true;

    // Non-matching information!
    if (articleID_ != otherInfo.articleID_) throw new Exception("Information does not match!");

    for (PartialAssertion assertionQueue : otherInfo.assertions_) {
      if (recreateInternals) addAssertion(assertionQueue.clone());
      else addAssertion(assertionQueue);
    for (DefiniteAssertion concrete : otherInfo.concreteAssertions_) {
      if (recreateInternals) addAssertion(concrete.clone());
      else addAssertion(concrete);
    if (otherInfo.infoboxType_ != null) infoboxType_ = otherInfo.infoboxType_;
    if (minedTypes_ == -1) minedTypes_ = otherInfo.minedTypes_;
    else minedTypes_ &= otherInfo.minedTypes_;

    // Resolve standing
    return true;

  public void setInfoboxTypes(List<String> infoboxTypes) {
    infoboxType_ = infoboxTypes;
    isModified_ = true;

   * Prints out any new info found in this mined information.
   * @return The new info string.
  public String toFlatString() {
    return toString().replaceAll("\\n", ", ");

  public String toString() {
    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder("Mined info for " + articleID_);
    // Standing
    if (!standing_.isEmpty()) buffer.append("\nStanding: " + standing_);
    if (infoboxType_ != null) buffer.append("\nInfobox type: " + infoboxType_);
    // Parentage
    if (!concreteAssertions_.isEmpty())
      buffer.append("\nConcrete parentage assertions: " + concreteParentageAssertions_);
    return buffer.toString();

  public void setModified(boolean b) {
    isModified_ = true;