public void open(int x, int y, int id, GuiPhone guiPhone) { if (x > this.x && y > this.y && x < this.x + 41 && y < this.y + 41) { System.out.println("Clicked mouse with coords: " + x + " ," + y + "!"); IApp app = PhoneRegistry.getAppFromID(appID); app.parent = guiPhone; app.offsetX = guiPhone.phonePosX; app.offsetY = guiPhone.phonePosY; Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(app); } }
public void resumeApps() { IApp app; Vector names = repository.getInstalledAppNames(); for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { app = repository.getApp((String) names.elementAt(i)); app.resume(); } }
public IApp findByVendor() throws Exception { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select * from app"); sql.append(" where isdeleted=?isdeleted"); sql.append(" and comcode=?comcode"); sql.append(" order by appid desc"); IApp findListings = (IApp) Database.sql(IApp.class, sql.toString()); findListings.setComcode(this.getComcode()); findListings.setIsDeleted(false);; return findListings; }
public IApp findMe() throws Exception { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append( "select app.*, comtable.comname, comtable.description, comtable.repmail from app, comtable"); sql.append(" where app.comcode = comtable.comcode"); sql.append(" and app.appId=?appId"); IApp findListing = (IApp) Database.sql(IApp.class, sql.toString()); findListing.setStatus(STATUS_PUBLISHED); findListing.setAppId(this.getAppId());; if ( return findListing; else return null; }
public IApp findNewApps() throws Exception { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append( "select app.*, comtable.comname, comtable.description, comtable.repmail from app, comtable"); sql.append(" where app.comcode = comtable.comcode"); sql.append(" and status=?status"); sql.append(" and app.isdeleted=?isdeleted"); sql.append( " and DATE_FORMAT(createdate,'%Y-%m-%d') between DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 15 DAY) and CURRENT_DATE"); // from 15days ago IApp findListing = (IApp) Database.sql(IApp.class, sql.toString()); findListing.setStatus(STATUS_PUBLISHED); findListing.setIsDeleted(false);; return findListing; }
public static IApp findApp(String categoryId, String keyword) throws Exception { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("select * from app"); sql.append(" where status=?status"); sql.append(" and isdeleted=?isdeleted"); if (categoryId != null && !categoryId.equals("0")) sql.append(" and categoryId=?categoryId"); if (keyword != null) sql.append(" and appName like ?AppName"); IApp findListing = (IApp) Database.sql(IApp.class, sql.toString()); findListing.set("categoryId", categoryId); findListing.setAppName("%" + keyword + "%"); findListing.setStatus(STATUS_PUBLISHED); findListing.setIsDeleted(false);; return findListing; }