コード例 #1
  * Perform a HTTP PUT request and track the Android Context which initiated the request. And set
  * one-time headers for the request
  * @param context the Android Context which initiated the request.
  * @param url the URL to send the request to.
  * @param headers set one-time headers for this request
  * @param entity a raw {@link HttpEntity} to send with the request, for example, use this to send
  *     string/json/xml payloads to a server by passing a {@link
  *     ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.entity.StringEntity}.
  * @param contentType the content type of the payload you are sending, for example
  *     application/json if sending a json payload.
  * @param responseHandler the response handler instance that should handle the response.
 public void put(
     Context context,
     String url,
     Header[] headers,
     HttpEntity entity,
     String contentType,
     AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
   HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase request = addEntityToRequestBase(new HttpPut(url), entity);
   if (headers != null) request.setHeaders(headers);
   sendRequest(cachingHttpClient, httpContext, request, contentType, responseHandler, context);
コード例 #2
  * Perform a HTTP POST request and track the Android Context which initiated the request. Set
  * headers only for this request
  * @param context the Android Context which initiated the request.
  * @param url the URL to send the request to.
  * @param headers set headers only for this request
  * @param params additional POST parameters to send with the request.
  * @param contentType the content type of the payload you are sending, for example
  *     application/json if sending a json payload.
  * @param responseHandler the response handler instance that should handle the response.
 public void post(
     Context context,
     String url,
     Header[] headers,
     RequestParams params,
     String contentType,
     AsyncHttpResponseHandler responseHandler) {
   HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase request = new HttpPost(url);
   if (params != null) request.setEntity(paramsToEntity(params));
   if (headers != null) request.setHeaders(headers);
   sendRequest(cachingHttpClient, httpContext, request, contentType, responseHandler, context);
コード例 #3
  private HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase addEntityToRequestBase(
      HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase requestBase, HttpEntity entity) {
    if (entity != null) {

    return requestBase;