コード例 #1
  private void invoke(boolean extendToInterfaces) throws NoSuchMethodException, Throwable {
    FilterService fs = createMock(FilterService.class);
    IService service = createMock(IService.class);

    // expect
    int paramValue = 10;
    Object retValue = new Object();
    Method method = IService.class.getDeclaredMethod("test0", int.class);
    expect(fs.invoke(service, extendToInterfaces, method, paramValue)).andReturn(retValue);

    // replay
    replay(service, fs);

    // test
    FilterInterceptor fi = new FilterInterceptor();
    MethodInvocation mi = new TestMethodInvocation(service, method, new Object[] {paramValue});
    Object ret = fi.invoke(mi);

    // check
    verify(service, fs);
    assertNotNull("Result must not be null", ret);
    assertEquals("FilterService must be called", retValue, ret);
コード例 #2
  public void springSupport() {

    // TODOJ7: change try
    ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = null;
    // try (ClosableClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new
    // ClosableClassPathXmlApplicationContext("org/filterinterceptor/proxy/spring/spring-config.xml");) {
    try {
      context =
          new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(

      IService service = (IService) context.getBean("service");
      IService realService = (IService) context.getBean("realService");
      FilterService filterService = (FilterService) context.getBean("filterService");

      String paramValue = "correctParam";
      DtoSample2 param = new DtoSample2(0, null, paramValue, null);

      // test controle
      DtoSample2 ret = realService.test2(param);
      // check
      assertTrue("References must be equals", param == ret);
      assertSame("C property must be unchanged: real service called", paramValue, ret.getC());

      // test on proxy
      ret = service.test2(param);
      // check
      assertTrue("References must be equals", param == ret);
          "C property must be reassigned to a new value: filter called", paramValue, ret.getC());

      // unactivate the filter
      Filter<?> filter = filterService.getActiveFilter(ServiceImpl.class, "test2");
      filterService.setFilterActiveStatus(filter, false);

      // test on proxy
      ret = service.test2(param);
      // check
      assertTrue("References must be equals", param == ret);
      assertSame("C property must be unchanged: filter is unactivate", paramValue, ret.getC());
    } finally { // TODOJ7: remove
      if (context != null) context.close();