コード例 #1
ファイル: RoboTvExtractor.java プロジェクト: pipelka/roboTV
  public boolean sniff(ExtractorInput input) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    scratch.peek(input, 2);
    int packetType = scratch.getU16();

    return (packetType == Connection.XVDR_STREAM_CHANGE
        || packetType == Connection.XVDR_STREAM_MUXPKT);
コード例 #2
ファイル: RoboTvExtractor.java プロジェクト: pipelka/roboTV
  public synchronized int read(ExtractorInput input, PositionHolder seekPosition)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // read packet header

    // messageId  uint16  2 bytes
    // frameType  uint16  2 bytes
    // length     uint32  4 bytes

    scratch.read(input, 4);

    int messageId = scratch.getU16();
    int frameType = scratch.getU16();

    // check for format packet
    if (messageId == Connection.XVDR_STREAM_CHANGE) {
      Log.d(TAG, "stream change packet received");
      scratch.peek(input, 512);

      int bytesRead = scratch.position();
      Log.d(TAG, "skipping " + bytesRead + " bytes (stream change packet)");

      // reset position reference
      return RESULT_CONTINUE;

    // exit if we didn't receive a stream packet
    if (messageId != Connection.XVDR_STREAM_MUXPKT) {
      Log.d(TAG, "unknown message id: " + messageId);
      return RESULT_CONTINUE;

    // read stream packet header

    // pid        uint16  2 bytes
    // pts        int64   8 bytes
    // dts        int64   8 bytes
    // duration   uint32  4 bytes
    // length     uint32  4 bytes

    scratch.read(input, 26);

    int pid = scratch.getU16();
    long pts = scratch.getS64();
    long dts = scratch.getS64();

    int size = (int) scratch.getU32(); // size of encapsulated stream data

    StreamReader reader = streamManager.get(pid);

    // unknown stream ?
    if (reader == null) {
      return RESULT_CONTINUE;

    // convert TS -> timeUs
    long timeUs = position.adjustTimestamp(pts);

    // consume stream data
    reader.consume(input, size, timeUs, C.BUFFER_FLAG_KEY_FRAME);

    // get current position
    // position   uint64  8 bytes

    scratch.read(input, 8);

    long pos = scratch.getU64();

    // sanity check if position is within the range
    if (position.getStartPosition() < pos && pos < position.getEndPosition()) {
      position.set(timeUs, pos);
