コード例 #1
  public List<ExecEdge> computeCriticalPath(ExecVertex start, ExecVertex stop) {
    this.start = start;
    this.stop = stop;
    visitedEdges = new HashSet<ExecEdge>();
    Stack<ExecVertex> splits = new Stack<ExecVertex>();
    Stack<ExecEdge> path = new Stack<ExecEdge>();
    HashSet<ExecVertex> visitedSplits = new HashSet<ExecVertex>();
    ExecVertex curr = start;
    while (curr != null) {

      // FIXME: check time bounds to stop traversing non-convergent path
      if (curr == stop) {
        log.debug("stop verted reached, break");

      log.debug("processing " + curr);
      ExecEdge selfEdge = null;
      ExecVertex next = null;
      Set<ExecEdge> out = graph.getGraph().outgoingEdgesOf(curr);

      for (ExecEdge e : out) {
        ExecVertex target = graph.getGraph().getEdgeTarget(e);
        if (target.getOwner() != curr.getOwner()) {
          if (!visitedSplits.contains(curr)) {
            log.debug("push split vertex " + curr);
        } else {
          log.debug("push self edge " + e);
          selfEdge = e;

      if (selfEdge != null) {

      // detect blocking
      if (path.peek().getType() == EdgeType.BLOCKED && splits.isEmpty()) {
        log.debug("blocking ahead, splits empty, search for new head");
        ExecVertex mergeVertex = graph.getGraph().getEdgeTarget(path.peek());
        Set<ExecEdge> incomingEdges = graph.getGraph().incomingEdgesOf(mergeVertex);
        ExecEdge mergeEdge = null;
        for (ExecEdge edge : incomingEdges) {
          ExecVertex source = graph.getGraph().getEdgeSource(edge);
          ExecVertex target = graph.getGraph().getEdgeTarget(edge);
          if (source.getOwner() != target.getOwner()) {
            mergeEdge = edge;
        if (mergeEdge == null) {
          log.debug("no merge edge found, break");
        log.debug("clear path");

        // roll-back
        // FIXME: make sure we traverse connected edges
        ExecVertex source = graph.getGraph().getEdgeSource(mergeEdge);
        List<ExecVertex> list = graph.getVertexMap().get(source.getOwner());
        int index = BinarySearch.floor(list, start);
        next = list.get(index);
        log.debug("changing curr to " + next);
      } else if (path.peek().getType() == EdgeType.BLOCKED || selfEdge == null) {
        if (path.peek().getType() == EdgeType.BLOCKED) log.debug("blocking ahead");
        if (selfEdge == null) log.debug("dead-end ahead");
        if (splits.isEmpty()) {
          log.debug("splits empty, break");
        } else {
          ExecVertex top = splits.pop();
          // rewind path to top split vertex
          log.debug("rewind path until " + top);
          while (!path.isEmpty() && graph.getGraph().getEdgeTarget(path.peek()) != top) {
            ExecEdge edge = path.pop();
            log.debug("pop " + edge);
          if (!path.isEmpty()) log.debug("path.peek() " + path.peek());
          // switch actor
          out = graph.getGraph().outgoingEdgesOf(top);
          for (ExecEdge e : out) {
            ExecVertex target = graph.getGraph().getEdgeTarget(e);
            if (target.getOwner() != top.getOwner()) {
              next = target;
      } else {
        next = graph.getGraph().getEdgeTarget(selfEdge);
        log.debug("self next " + next);
      if (curr.getOwner() != next.getOwner()) {
        log.debug("switch actor from " + curr.getOwner() + " to " + next.getOwner());
      if (curr == next) {
        log.debug("the algorithm do not progress, break");
      curr = next;
      log.debug("stack splits:");
      for (ExecVertex split : splits) {
        log.debug("  " + split);
      log.debug("stack path:");
      for (ExecEdge edge : path) {
        log.debug("  " + edge);
    propagateParentOwner(graph, path);
    return path;