コード例 #1
   * Extract data to cache. Call synchronized on ctx.
   * @param key The key the data was fetched from.
   * @param archiveType The archive type. Must be Metadata.ARCHIVE_ZIP | Metadata.ARCHIVE_TAR.
   * @param data The actual data fetched.
   * @param archiveContext The context for the whole fetch process.
   * @param ctx The ArchiveStoreContext for this key.
   * @param element A particular element that the caller is especially interested in, or null.
   * @param callback A callback to be called if we find that element, or if we don't.
   * @throws ArchiveFailureException If we could not extract the data, or it was too big, etc.
   * @throws ArchiveRestartException
   * @throws ArchiveRestartException If the request needs to be restarted because the archive
   *     changed.
  public void extractToCache(
      FreenetURI key,
      ARCHIVE_TYPE archiveType,
      COMPRESSOR_TYPE ctype,
      final Bucket data,
      ArchiveContext archiveContext,
      ArchiveStoreContext ctx,
      String element,
      ArchiveExtractCallback callback,
      ClientContext context)
      throws ArchiveFailureException, ArchiveRestartException {
    logMINOR = Logger.shouldLog(LogLevel.MINOR, this);

    MutableBoolean gotElement = element != null ? new MutableBoolean() : null;

    if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "Extracting " + key);
    ctx.removeAllCachedItems(this); // flush cache anyway
    final long expectedSize = ctx.getLastSize();
    final long archiveSize = data.size();
     * Set if we need to throw a RestartedException rather than returning success, after we have
     * unpacked everything.
    boolean throwAtExit = false;
    if ((expectedSize != -1) && (archiveSize != expectedSize)) {
      throwAtExit = true;
    byte[] expectedHash = ctx.getLastHash();
    if (expectedHash != null) {
      byte[] realHash;
      try {
        realHash = BucketTools.hash(data);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ArchiveFailureException("Error reading archive data: " + e, e);
      if (!Arrays.equals(realHash, expectedHash)) throwAtExit = true;

    if (archiveSize > archiveContext.maxArchiveSize)
      throw new ArchiveFailureException(
          "Archive too big (" + archiveSize + " > " + archiveContext.maxArchiveSize + ")!");
    else if (archiveSize <= 0)
      throw new ArchiveFailureException("Archive too small! (" + archiveSize + ')');
    else if (logMINOR)
      Logger.minor(this, "Container size (possibly compressed): " + archiveSize + " for " + data);

    InputStream is = null;
    try {
      final ExceptionWrapper wrapper;
      if ((ctype == null) || (ARCHIVE_TYPE.ZIP == archiveType)) {
        if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "No compression");
        is = data.getInputStream();
        wrapper = null;
      } else if (ctype == COMPRESSOR_TYPE.BZIP2) {
        if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "dealing with BZIP2");
        is = new BZip2CompressorInputStream(data.getInputStream());
        wrapper = null;
      } else if (ctype == COMPRESSOR_TYPE.GZIP) {
        if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "dealing with GZIP");
        is = new GZIPInputStream(data.getInputStream());
        wrapper = null;
      } else if (ctype == COMPRESSOR_TYPE.LZMA_NEW) {
        // LZMA internally uses pipe streams, so we may as well do it here.
        // In fact we need to for LZMA_NEW, because of the properties bytes.
        PipedInputStream pis = new PipedInputStream();
        PipedOutputStream pos = new PipedOutputStream();
        final OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(pos);
        wrapper = new ExceptionWrapper();
            new Runnable() {

              public void run() {
                InputStream is = null;
                try {
                      is = data.getInputStream(), os, data.size(), expectedSize);
                } catch (CompressionOutputSizeException e) {
                  Logger.error(this, "Failed to decompress archive: " + e, e);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                  Logger.error(this, "Failed to decompress archive: " + e, e);
                } finally {
                  try {
                  } catch (IOException e) {
                    Logger.error(this, "Failed to close PipedOutputStream: " + e, e);
        is = pis;
      } else if (ctype == COMPRESSOR_TYPE.LZMA) {
        if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "dealing with LZMA");
        is = new LzmaInputStream(data.getInputStream());
        wrapper = null;
      } else {
        wrapper = null;

      if (ARCHIVE_TYPE.ZIP == archiveType)
        handleZIPArchive(ctx, key, is, element, callback, gotElement, throwAtExit, context);
      else if (ARCHIVE_TYPE.TAR == archiveType)
        handleTARArchive(ctx, key, is, element, callback, gotElement, throwAtExit, context);
        throw new ArchiveFailureException(
            "Unknown or unsupported archive algorithm " + archiveType);
      if (wrapper != null) {
        Exception e = wrapper.get();
        if (e != null)
          throw new ArchiveFailureException(
              "An exception occured decompressing: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      throw new ArchiveFailureException("An IOE occured: " + ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
    } finally {