@Override public void write(OutputStream ous) { WordprocessingMLPackage doc; try { doc = WordprocessingMLPackage.createPackage(); MainDocumentPart content = doc.getMainDocumentPart(); // Create header and footer createHeader(doc); createFooter(doc); // Add first page P docTitle = content.addStyledParagraphOfText("Heading1", p.getTitle()); alignParagraph(docTitle, JcEnumeration.CENTER); addPageBreak(content); // Add sections Iterator<DocumentSectionInstance> itdsi = SWBComparator.sortSortableObject(di.listDocumentSectionInstances()); while (itdsi.hasNext()) { DocumentSectionInstance dsi = itdsi.next(); SemanticClass cls = dsi.getSecTypeDefinition() != null && dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().getSectionType() != null ? dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().getSectionType().transformToSemanticClass() : null; if (null == cls || !dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().isActive()) continue; // Add section title content.addStyledParagraphOfText("Heading2", dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().getTitle()); // Gather sectionElement instances Iterator<SectionElement> itse = SWBComparator.sortSortableObject(dsi.listDocuSectionElementInstances()); List<SectionElement> sectionElementInstances = new ArrayList<SectionElement>(); while (itse.hasNext()) { SectionElement se = itse.next(); sectionElementInstances.add(se); } if (cls.isSubClass(Instantiable.swpdoc_Instantiable, false)) { // Get visible props from config String[] props = dsi.getSecTypeDefinition().getVisibleProperties().split("\\|"); // Add properties table if (props.length > 0 && !sectionElementInstances.isEmpty()) { int writableWidthTwips = doc.getDocumentModel() .getSections() .get(0) .getPageDimensions() .getWritableWidthTwips(); int cellWidthTwips = new Double(Math.floor((writableWidthTwips / props.length))).intValue(); Tbl propsTable = TblFactory.createTable( sectionElementInstances.size() + 1, props.length, cellWidthTwips); setStyle(propsTable, "TableGrid"); // Add table header Tr headerRow = (Tr) propsTable.getContent().get(0); int c = 0; for (String prop : props) { Tc col = (Tc) headerRow.getContent().get(c++); P colContent = objectFactory.createP(); // (P) col.getContent().get(0); TcPr cellProps = col.getTcPr(); cellProps.getTcW().setType(TblWidth.TYPE_DXA); Text colText = objectFactory.createText(); colText.setValue(prop.substring(0, prop.indexOf(";"))); R colRun = objectFactory.createR(); colRun.getContent().add(colText); setFontStyle(colRun, false, true); colContent.getContent().add(colRun); col.getContent().set(0, colContent); // alignParagraph(colContent, JcEnumeration.CENTER); // fillTableCell(col); } // Add rows int r = 1; for (SectionElement se : sectionElementInstances) { Tr row = (Tr) propsTable.getContent().get(r++); c = 0; for (String prop : props) { Tc col = (Tc) row.getContent().get(c++); String idProperty = prop.substring(prop.indexOf(";") + 1, prop.length()); SemanticProperty sprop = SWBPlatform.getSemanticMgr() .getVocabulary() .getSemanticPropertyById(idProperty); P colContent; if (null == sprop) { colContent = content.createParagraphOfText(""); } else { if (!sprop.getPropId().equals(Referable.swpdoc_file.getPropId())) { colContent = content.createParagraphOfText( se.getSemanticObject().getProperty(sprop) != null ? se.getSemanticObject().getProperty(sprop) : ""); } else { colContent = content.createParagraphOfText(se.getTitle()); } } col.getContent().set(0, colContent); alignParagraph(colContent, JcEnumeration.BOTH); setStyle(colContent, "Normal"); } } // Add table to document content.addObject(propsTable); } } else if (cls.equals(FreeText.sclass)) { XHTMLImporterImpl importer = new XHTMLImporterImpl(doc); for (SectionElement se : sectionElementInstances) { FreeText freeText = (FreeText) se; if (null != se) { String sContent = freeText.getText(); if (null != sContent && !sContent.isEmpty()) { sContent = sContent.replace( "<!DOCTYPE html>", "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"); sContent = sContent.replace("<html>", "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">"); // Override styles and alignment List<Object> objects = importer.convert(sContent, null); for (Object o : objects) { if (o instanceof Tbl) setStyle((Tbl) o, "TableGrid"); if (o instanceof P) { // Fix harcoded runProperties List<Object> pChilds = ((P) o).getContent(); for (Object child : pChilds) { if (child instanceof R) { // ((R)child).setRPr(objectFactory.createRPr()); RPr rpr = ((R) child).getRPr(); if (null != rpr) { rpr.getRFonts().setAsciiTheme(null); rpr.getRFonts().setAscii(null); rpr.getRFonts().setHAnsiTheme(null); rpr.getRFonts().setHAnsi(null); } } } alignParagraph((P) o, JcEnumeration.BOTH); setStyle((P) o, "Normal"); } } content.getContent().addAll(objects); } } } } else if (cls.equals(Activity.sclass)) { for (SectionElement se : sectionElementInstances) { Activity a = (Activity) se; if (a.getDescription() != null && !a.getDescription().isEmpty()) { XHTMLImporterImpl importer = new XHTMLImporterImpl(doc); content.addStyledParagraphOfText("Heading3", a.getTitle()); String sContent = a.getDescription(); if (null != sContent && !sContent.isEmpty()) { sContent = sContent.replace( "<!DOCTYPE html>", "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"\n\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"); sContent = sContent.replace("<html>", "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">"); // Override styles and alignment List<Object> objects = importer.convert(sContent, null); for (Object o : objects) { if (o instanceof Tbl) setStyle((Tbl) o, "TableGrid"); if (o instanceof P) { // Fix harcoded runProperties List<Object> pChilds = ((P) o).getContent(); for (Object child : pChilds) { if (child instanceof R) { // ((R)child).setRPr(null); RPr rpr = ((R) child).getRPr(); if (null != rpr) { rpr.getRFonts().setAsciiTheme(null); rpr.getRFonts().setAscii(null); rpr.getRFonts().setHAnsiTheme(null); rpr.getRFonts().setHAnsi(null); } } } alignParagraph((P) o, JcEnumeration.BOTH); setStyle((P) o, "Normal"); } } content.getContent().addAll(objects); } } } } else if (cls.equals(Model.sclass)) { File img = new File(assetsPath + "/" + p.getId() + ".png"); if (img.exists()) { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(img); long length = img.length(); if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { log.error("File too large in model generation"); } else { // Read image bytes byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) length]; int offset = 0; int numRead = 0; while (offset < bytes.length && (numRead = fis.read(bytes, offset, bytes.length - offset)) >= 0) { offset += numRead; } if (offset < bytes.length) { log.error("Could not completely read file " + img.getName()); } fis.close(); // Generate ImagePart BinaryPartAbstractImage imagePart = BinaryPartAbstractImage.createImagePart(doc, bytes); Inline inline = imagePart.createImageInline("", "", 0, 1, false); // Add image to paragraph P p = objectFactory.createP(); R run = objectFactory.createR(); p.getContent().add(run); Drawing drawing = objectFactory.createDrawing(); run.getContent().add(drawing); drawing.getAnchorOrInline().add(inline); content.getContent().add(p); } } } addPageBreak(content); } doc.save(ous); } catch (Docx4JException | FileNotFoundException ex) { log.error("Error creating DOCX document", ex); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("Error creating DOCX document", ex); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error creating DOCX document", ex); } }