コード例 #1
ファイル: WsdlXsdSchema.java プロジェクト: gschroed/citrus
   * Loads nested schema type definitions from wsdl.
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws WSDLException
   * @throws TransformerFactoryConfigurationError
   * @throws TransformerException
   * @throws TransformerConfigurationException
  private void loadSchemas()
      throws WSDLException, IOException, TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException,
          TransformerFactoryConfigurationError {
    Definition definition =

    Types types = definition.getTypes();
    List<?> schemaTypes = types.getExtensibilityElements();

    for (Object schemaObject : schemaTypes) {
      if (schemaObject instanceof SchemaImpl) {
        SchemaImpl schema = (SchemaImpl) schemaObject;

        inheritNamespaces(schema, definition);

        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Source source = new DOMSource(schema.getElement());
        Result result = new StreamResult(bos);

        TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer().transform(source, result);
        Resource schemaResource = new ByteArrayResource(bos.toByteArray());


        if (definition
            .equals(schema.getElement().getAttribute("targetNamespace"))) {
      } else {
        log.warn("Found unsupported schema type implementation " + schemaObject.getClass());
コード例 #2
   * Parse out a list of {@link Definition} from the provided text description.
   * <p>The format expected here is one definition per line; using the format
   * "name=...expression..".
   * @param definition
   * @return List of definition
  public static List<Definition> toDefinition(String definition) {
    List<Definition> list = new ArrayList<Definition>();
    HashSet<String> check = new HashSet<String>();

    // clean up cross platform differences of line feed
    String[] defs = splitDefinitions(definition);

    for (String line : defs) {
      int mark = line.indexOf("=");
      if (mark != -1) {
        String name = line.substring(0, mark).trim();
        String expressionDefinition = line.substring(mark + 1).trim();

        if (check.contains(name)) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attribute " + name + " defined more than once");
        Expression expression;
        try {
          expression = ECQL.toExpression(expressionDefinition);
        } catch (CQLException e) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "Unable to parse expression " + name + "=" + expressionDefinition + " " + e, e);
        Definition def = new Definition();
        def.name = name;
        def.expression = expression;
        check.add(name); // to catch duplicates!
    return list;
コード例 #3
  /** Add a symbol to our scope */
  void add(Definition def) {
    // Check to see if we already have a definition
    Definition oldDef = (Definition) elements.get(def.getName());

    // If so, we'll create a MultiDef to hold them
    if (oldDef != null) {
      // If the symbol there so far was not a MultiDef
      if (!(oldDef instanceof MultiDef)) {
        // remove the old definition

        // create a new MultiDef
        MultiDef newMulti = new MultiDef(def.getName(), oldDef);

        // add the old symbol to the MultiDef
        oldDef = newMulti;

        // add the MultiDef back into the scope
        elements.put(def.getName(), oldDef);

      // We now have a multidef, so add the new symbol to it
      ((MultiDef) oldDef).addDef(def);

    // Otherwise, just add the new symbol to the scope
    else {
      elements.put(def.getName(), def);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Deletes.java プロジェクト: vocatan/datasift-java
  /** @param args */
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      // Authenticate
      System.out.println("Creating user...");
      User user = new User(Config.username, Config.api_key);

      // Create the definition
      Definition d = user.createDefinition("interaction.sample < 1.0");

      // Create the consumer
      System.out.println("Getting the consumer...");
      StreamConsumer consumer = d.getConsumer(StreamConsumer.TYPE_HTTP, new Deletes());

      // And start consuming
    } catch (EInvalidData e) {
      System.out.print("InvalidData: ");
    } catch (ECompileFailed e) {
      System.out.print("CompileFailed: ");
    } catch (EAccessDenied e) {
      System.out.print("AccessDenied: ");
コード例 #5
  public String toString(int level) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    if (this.definitions == null) {
      sb.append("struct { }"); // $NON-NLS-1$
    } else {
      if (this.definitions.size() == 0) {
        sb.append("struct { }"); // $NON-NLS-1$
      } else {
        sb.append("struct {\n"); // $NON-NLS-1$
        List<String> keys = this.declaration.getFieldsList();
        for (int i = 0; i < keys.size() - 1; ++i) {
          String key = keys.get(i);
          Definition def = this.definitions.get(key);
          sb.append(Definition.getIndentString(level + 1) + key + ": "); // $NON-NLS-1$
          sb.append(def.toString(level + 1));
          sb.append(",\n"); // $NON-NLS-1$
            Definition.getIndentString(level + 1)
                + keys.get(this.definitions.size() - 1)
                + ": "); //$NON-NLS-1$
            this.definitions.get(keys.get(keys.size() - 1)).toString(level + 1)
                + "\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        sb.append(Definition.getIndentString(level) + "}"); // $NON-NLS-1$

    return sb.toString();
コード例 #6
   * Test the hierachy process. This test verify bug, that caused codes to be badly resolve, is
   * fixed.
  public void testHierachyBug() {
    RPClass b = new RPClass("RPClassTest::K");
    b.add(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "a", Type.INT, Definition.STANDARD);
    b.add(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "b", Type.FLAG, Definition.STANDARD);
    b.add(DefinitionClass.STATIC, "c", "test", Definition.STANDARD);

    RPClass c = new RPClass("RPClassTest::M");
    c.add(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "a", Type.STRING, Definition.STANDARD);
    c.add(DefinitionClass.STATIC, "c", "subclass", Definition.STANDARD);

    Attributes attr = new Attributes(c);
    attr.put("a", 10);

    assertEquals("subclass", attr.get("c"));

    Definition def = c.getDefinition(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "a");
    assertEquals(Type.STRING, def.getType());
    short code = def.getCode();

    assertEquals("a", c.getName(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, code));
コード例 #7
 private static RaiseException templateError(
     ThreadContext ctx, String message, HashAdapter definition) {
   Definition d = new Definition(definition, null);
   String codec = d.getCodec(ctx).asJavaString();
   String name = d.getName().orNull();
   return Errors.newASN1Error(
       ctx.getRuntime(), "Error while processing(" + codec + "|" + name + ") " + message);
コード例 #8
ファイル: WPGenerator.java プロジェクト: bananen/faehrmann
   * Uses a VariableReplacer to replace the appropriate variable in the term which is calculated
   * until now.
  public Definition define(Definition definition) {
    if (definition == null || definition.getTerm() == null) {
      return null;

    Replacement replacement = new Replacement(definition.getVariable(), definition.getTerm());
    VariableReplacer variableReplacer = new VariableReplacer(replacement);
    wp = variableReplacer.replace(wp);

    return null;
コード例 #9
 public void processDocument(Document docProcess, Object objCurrent) throws NotesException {
   for (Iterator<Definition> itDefinition = m_Definition.iterator(); itDefinition.hasNext(); ) {
     Definition defCurrent = itDefinition.next();
コード例 #10
   * Lookup a method in the scope This is usually just a hashtable lookup, but if the element
   * returned is a MultiDef, we need to ask it to find the best match
  Definition lookup(String name, int numParams) {
    // Try to find the name in our scope
    Definition d = (Definition) elements.get(name);

    // if we found multiple defs of the same name, ask the multidef
    //  to do the resolution for us.
    if (d instanceof MultiDef) return d.lookup(name, numParams);

    // if we got a method back, check to see that the params apply
    else if (d instanceof MethodDef)
      if (((MethodDef) d).getParamCount() == numParams) return d;
      else return null;
    else return d;
コード例 #11
  public void read(String name, IReader reader) {
    reader.openStruct(this, name);

    // Browse all fields
    final List<String> fieldList = this.declaration.getFieldsList();
    for (String fName : fieldList) {
      Definition def = this.definitions.get(fName);
      assert (def != null);
      def.read(fName, reader);

    reader.closeStruct(this, name);
コード例 #12
  public long getSize(long offset) {
    // Align
    long at = Definition.align(offset, this.declaration.getAlignment());

    // Browse all fields
    final List<String> fieldList = this.declaration.getFieldsList();
    for (String fName : fieldList) {
      Definition def = this.definitions.get(fName);
      assert (def != null);
      at += def.getSize(at);

    return at - offset;
コード例 #13
ファイル: DefParser.java プロジェクト: Pesegato/GoldMonkey
  private Definition parseEvent(XMLEvent event, Definition def) {
    StartElement se = event.asStartElement();
    String elementName = se.getName().getLocalPart();
    if (elementName.equals("catalog")) {
      return null;

    Iterator<Attribute> attributes = se.getAttributes();

    if (def == null) {
      Attribute id = attributes.next();
      if (id.getName().toString() != ID) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
            "At line "
                + event.getLocation().getLineNumber()
                + ", problem with definition '"
                + elementName
                + "'. The first attribute of a definition must be called '"
                + ID
                + "'.");
      def = new Definition(elementName, id.getValue());
      // LogUtil.logger.info("def cree "+def.type+" - "+def.id);
    } else {
      DefElement de = new DefElement(elementName);
      while (attributes.hasNext()) {
        Attribute a = attributes.next();
        de.addVal(a.getName().toString(), a.getValue());
      // LogUtil.logger.info("    element ajouté : "+de.name+" - "+de.getVal());
    return def;
コード例 #14
  public final ForcedType getConfiguredForcedType(
      Definition definition, DataTypeDefinition definedType) {
    for (ForcedType forcedType : getConfiguredForcedTypes()) {
      String expression = forcedType.getExpression();

      if (forcedType.getExpressions() != null) {
        expression = forcedType.getExpressions();
            "The <expressions/> element in <forcedType/> is deprecated. Use <expression/> instead");

      String types = forcedType.getTypes();
      boolean match = true;

      if (expression != null && !definition.getQualifiedName().matches(expression)) {
        match = false;

      if (types != null && definedType != null && !definedType.getType().matches(types)) {
        match = false;

      if (match) {
        return forcedType;

    return null;
コード例 #15
ファイル: MetaK.java プロジェクト: TomGebhardt/k
  public static Definition setConfiguration(
      Definition node, org.kframework.kil.loader.Context context, final Configuration conf) {
    try {
      return (Definition)
              new CopyOnWriteTransformer("Configuration setter", context) {
                public ASTNode transform(Configuration node) {
                  return conf;

                public ASTNode transform(org.kframework.kil.Context node) {
                  return node;

                public ASTNode transform(Rule node) {
                  return node;

                public ASTNode transform(Syntax node) {
                  return node;
    } catch (TransformerException e) {
    return node;
コード例 #16
   * This test case shows a bug fix for a Marauroa 1.3x bug where two attributes definition even in
   * diferent classes where created as the same one ( ignoring the second definition ).
   * <p>For example A ( id string ) B ( id int )
   * <p>They are different attributes and of different type. Check that it is true.
  public void testGlobalDefinitionBug() {
    RPClass b = new RPClass("RPClassTest::G");

    b.add(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "a", Type.INT, Definition.STANDARD);
    b.add(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "b", Type.FLAG, Definition.STANDARD);

    RPClass c = new RPClass("H");

    c.add(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "a", Type.STRING, Definition.STANDARD);
    c.add(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "b", Type.FLOAT, Definition.HIDDEN);

    Definition defb = b.getDefinition(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "a");
    Definition defc = c.getDefinition(DefinitionClass.ATTRIBUTE, "a");

    assertFalse(defb.getType() == defc.getType());
コード例 #17
ファイル: Search.java プロジェクト: bingzhang/pegasus
   * Print a list of definitions in different format: fqdn, vdlt, and vdlx
   * @param writer the target to output the list
   * @param defList a list of definitions
   * @param format the output format
   * @see #FORMAT_FQDN
   * @see #FORMAT_VDLT
   * @see #FORMAT_VDLX NOTE: might be better to move into another module?
  public void printDefinitionList(Writer writer, java.util.List defList, int format)
      throws IOException {
    if (defList == null || defList.isEmpty()) return;
    Definitions defs = new Definitions();
    if (format != FORMAT_FQDN) {
      if (format == FORMAT_VDLX) defs.toXML(writer, "");
      else if (format == FORMAT_VDLT) defs.toString(writer);
    } else {
      for (Iterator i = defList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        Definition def = (Definition) i.next();

コード例 #18
   * Initialise the object.
   * @param user The user this consumer should run as.
   * @param definition The definition this consumer will consume.
   * @throws EAccessDenied
   * @throws ECompileFailed
   * @throws EInvalidData
  protected void Init(User user, Definition definition, boolean isHistoric)
      throws EInvalidData, ECompileFailed, EAccessDenied {
    // Set the user
    _user = user;

    // Set the definition
    _definition = definition;

    // If we have a definition, compile it to ensure it's valid for use
    if (_definition != null) {
      if (_definition.getHash().isEmpty()) {

    // Set whether this is a historic consumer
    _is_historic = isHistoric;
コード例 #19
  * This method adds the given Definition to whatever storage is implemented underneath.
  * @param d is the Definition that is ready to be stored.
  * @return true, if new version was stored and database modified
 public boolean store(VDL d) {
   if (d instanceof Definition) {
     this.m_memory = (Definition) d;
     Logging.instance().log("chunk", 0, "found " + m_memory.shortID());
     return true;
   } else {
     Logging.instance().log("chunk", 0, "not a definition: " + d.toString());
     return false;
コード例 #20
 /** Resolve referenced names */
 void resolveTypes(SymbolTable symbolTable) {
   symbolTable.pushScope(this); // push the current scope
   elements.resolveTypes(symbolTable); // resolve elements in this scope
   if (unresolvedStuff != null) { // resolve refs to other syms
     unresolvedStuff = null;
   symbolTable.popScope(); // pop back out of the scope
   super.resolveTypes(symbolTable); // let superclass resolve if needed
コード例 #21
 protected void copyDefinitionData(ComplexTypeDefinition clone) {
   clone.superType = this.superType;
   clone.containerMarker = this.containerMarker;
   clone.objectMarker = this.objectMarker;
   clone.xsdAnyMarker = this.xsdAnyMarker;
   clone.extensionForType = this.extensionForType;
   clone.compileTimeClass = this.compileTimeClass;
コード例 #22
ファイル: AbstractDatabase.java プロジェクト: nchangnon/jOOQ
  public final ForcedType getConfiguredForcedType(Definition definition) {
    for (ForcedType forcedType : getConfiguredForcedTypes()) {
      if (definition.getQualifiedName().matches(forcedType.getExpressions())) {
        return forcedType;

    return null;
コード例 #23
    public MustDef apply(MustDef a, MustDef b) {
      MustDef result = new MustDef();
      Map<Var, Definition> resultMap = result.reachingDef;

      // Take the join of all variables that are not TOP in this.
      for (Var var : a.reachingDef.keySet()) {

        Definition aDef = a.reachingDef.get(var);

        if (aDef == null) {
          // "a" is BOTTOM implies that the variable has more than one possible
          // definition. We set the join of this to be BOTTOM regardless of what
          // "b" might be.
          resultMap.put(var, null);

        Node aNode = aDef.node;

        if (b.reachingDef.containsKey(var)) {
          Definition bDef = b.reachingDef.get(var);

          if (aDef.equals(bDef)) {
            resultMap.put(var, aDef);
          } else {
            resultMap.put(var, null);
        } else {
          resultMap.put(var, aDef);

      // Take the join of all variables that are not TOP in other but it is TOP
      // in this.
      for (Var var : b.reachingDef.keySet()) {
        if (!a.reachingDef.containsKey(var)) {
          resultMap.put(var, b.reachingDef.get(var));
      return result;
コード例 #24
  public int compareTo(Definition definition) {
    long primaryKey = definition.getPrimaryKey();

    if (getPrimaryKey() < primaryKey) {
      return -1;
    } else if (getPrimaryKey() > primaryKey) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 0;
コード例 #25
ファイル: DefParser.java プロジェクト: Pesegato/GoldMonkey
  public void readFile() {
    String log = "updated : ";
    boolean notempty = false;
    for (String fileName : filesToRead) {
      try {
        notempty = true;
        log = log.concat(fileName + ", ");
        XMLInputFactory inputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
        InputStream in = null;
        if (GoldMonkeyAppState.external) in = new FileInputStream(fileName);
        else in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName);
        XMLEventReader eventReader = inputFactory.createXMLEventReader(in);

        Definition def = null;
        // read the XML document
        while (eventReader.hasNext()) {
          XMLEvent event = eventReader.nextEvent();
          if (event.isStartElement()) {
            def = parseEvent(event, def);
          } else if (event.isEndElement()) {
            String elementName = event.asEndElement().getName().getLocalPart();
            if (def != null && elementName.equals(def.getType())) {
              def = null;
            // else
            // throw new
            // RuntimeException("("+fileName+") At line "+event.getLocation().getLineNumber()+",
            // find a closing element that is not closing a definition"+elementName);
      } catch (FileNotFoundException | XMLStreamException e) {
    if (notempty) {
コード例 #26
 public void testExtractMetadataFromFlvVideo() {
   File file = flvFile;
   MetaData result = instance.extractMetadata(file);
   assertThat(result, is(notNullValue()));
   assertThat(result.getSilverId(), nullValue());
   assertThat(result.getSilverName(), nullValue());
   assertThat(result.getMemoryData().getSizeAsLong(), is(file.length()));
   assertThat(result.getDefinition(), is(Definition.of(1280, 720)));
   assertThat(result.getFramerate().intValue(), is(25));
   assertThat(result.getDuration().getTimeAsLong(), is(6120l));
   assertThat(result.getDuration().getFormattedDurationAsHMSM(), is("00:00:06.120"));
   assertThat(result.getDuration().getFormattedDurationAsHMS(), is("00:00:06"));
コード例 #27
 private void walkBindingNode(
     final Compiler.Context context, final AST node, final Definition message) {
   List<AST> children = node.getChildNodes();
   final String identifier = getString(children.get(0));
   final Binding binding = message.createLanguageBinding(identifier);
   for (int i = 1; i < children.size(); i += 2) {
     final String key = getString(children.get(i));
     final String value = getString(children.get(i + 1));
     final Binding.Data prev = binding.getData(key);
     if (prev != null) {
               + " language binding for "
               + message.getName()
               + " already defined for '"
               + key
               + "'");
       context.warning(prev.getCodePosition(), "this was the location of the previous definition");
     binding.setData(key, value, node.getCodePosition());
コード例 #28
   * Generate the display of the results of the Define command
   * @param data the result of the Define command
   * @param word the queried word
   * @return the formatted result
  private String retrieveDefine(List<Definition> data, String word) {
    StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
    Definition def;

    for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
      def = data.get(i);

      if (i != 0 && data.size() > 0) {
      res.append(def.getDefinition().replaceAll("\n", "<br>"))
          .append("<div align=\"right\"><font size=\"-2\">-- From ")

    String result = res.toString();
    result = formatResult(result, "\\\\", "<em>", "</em>");
    result = formatResult(result, "[\\[\\]]", "<cite>", "</cite>");
    result = formatResult(result, "[\\{\\}]", "<strong>", "</strong>");
    result = formatWordDefined(result, word);

    return result;
コード例 #29
ファイル: MetaK.java プロジェクト: TomGebhardt/k
  public static Configuration getConfiguration(
      Definition node, org.kframework.kil.loader.Context context) {
    final List<Configuration> result = new LinkedList<Configuration>();
        new BasicVisitor(context) {
          public void visit(Configuration node) {

          public void visit(org.kframework.kil.Context node) {

          public void visit(Rule node) {

          public void visit(Syntax node) {
    if (result.size() == 0) {
          new KException(
              "Internal compiler error --- Cannot find configuration.",
    return result.get(0);
コード例 #30
 public void testExtractMetadataFromTifImage() {
   File file = tifFile;
   MetaData result = instance.extractMetadata(file);
   assertThat(result, is(notNullValue()));
   assertThat(result.getTitle(), is("Logo Silverpeas"));
   assertThat(result.getSubject(), is("silverpeas"));
   assertThat(result.getAuthor(), is("AuroreAllibe"));
   assertThat(result.getComments(), is("Logo silverpeas txt noir"));
   assertThat(result.getKeywords(), is(notNullValue()));
   assertThat(result.getKeywords().length, is(2));
   assertThat(result.getKeywords()[0], is("silverpeas"));
   assertThat(result.getKeywords()[1], is("logo"));
   assertThat(result.getSilverId(), is(nullValue()));
   assertThat(result.getSilverName(), is(nullValue()));
   assertThat(result.getCreationDate().getTime(), is(1340963223000L));
   assertThat(result.getLastSaveDateTime(), is(nullValue()));
   assertThat(result.getMemoryData().getSizeAsLong(), is(file.length()));
   assertThat(result.getDefinition(), is(Definition.of(1942, 1309)));
   assertThat(result.getFramerate(), nullValue());
   assertThat(result.getDuration(), nullValue());