コード例 #1
   * Encode an SPNEGO NegTokenInit blob
   * @return byte[]
   * @exception IOException
  public byte[] encode() throws IOException {
    // Create the list of objects to be encoded

    List objList = new ArrayList();

    objList.add(new DEROid(OID.ID_SPNEGO));

    // Build the sequence of tagged objects

    DERSequence derSeq = new DERSequence();

    // mechTypes sequence

    DERSequence mechTypesSeq = new DERSequence();

    for (int i = 0; i < m_mechTypes.length; i++) {
      Oid mechType = m_mechTypes[i];
      mechTypesSeq.addObject(new DEROid(mechType.toString()));


    // mechListMIC
    // Note: This field is not as specified

    if (m_mecListMICPrincipal != null) {
      DERSequence derMecSeq = new DERSequence();

      DERGeneralString mecStr = new DERGeneralString(m_mecListMICPrincipal);


    // Add the sequence to the object list


    // Pack the objects

    DERBuffer derBuf = new DERBuffer();


    // Return the packed negTokenInit blob

    return derBuf.getBytes();
コード例 #2
   * Decode an SPNEGO NegTokenInit blob
   * @param buf byte[]
   * @param off int
   * @param len int
   * @exception IOException
  public void decode(byte[] buf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
    // Create a DER buffer to decode the blob

    DERBuffer derBuf = new DERBuffer(buf, off, len);

    // Get the first object from the blob

    DERObject derObj = derBuf.unpackApplicationSpecific();

    if (derObj instanceof DEROid) {

      // Check that the OID indicates SPNEGO

      DEROid derOid = (DEROid) derObj;

      if (derOid.getOid().equals(OID.ID_SPNEGO) == false)
        throw new IOException("Not an SPNEGO blob");

      // Get the remaining objects from the DER buffer

      derObj = derBuf.unpackObject();

      if (derObj instanceof DERSequence) {

        // Access the sequence, should be a sequence of tagged values

        DERSequence derSeq = (DERSequence) derObj;

        // Get the mechTypes list

        derObj = derSeq.getTaggedObject(0);
        if (derObj == null) throw new IOException("No mechTypes list in blob");
        if (derObj instanceof DERSequence == false)
          throw new IOException("Invalid mechTypes object");

        // Unpack the OID list (required)

        DERSequence derOidSeq = (DERSequence) derObj;
        m_mechTypes = new Oid[derOidSeq.numberOfObjects()];
        int idx = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < derOidSeq.numberOfObjects(); i++) {
          derObj = derOidSeq.getObjectAt(i);
          if (derObj instanceof DEROid) {
            derOid = (DEROid) derObj;
            try {
              m_mechTypes[idx++] = new Oid(derOid.getOid());
            } catch (GSSException ex) {
              throw new IOException("Bad mechType OID");

        // Unpack the context flags (optional)

        derObj = derSeq.getTaggedObject(1);
        if (derObj != null) {

          // Check the type

          if (derObj instanceof DERBitString) {

            // Get the bit flags

            DERBitString derBitStr = (DERBitString) derObj;
            m_contextFlags = derBitStr.intValue();

        // Unpack the mechToken (required)

        derObj = derSeq.getTaggedObject(2);
        if (derObj == null) throw new IOException("No mechToken in blob");
        if (derObj instanceof DEROctetString == false)
          throw new IOException("Invalid mechToken object");

        DEROctetString derStr = (DEROctetString) derObj;
        m_mechToken = derStr.getValue();

        // Unpack the mechListMIC (optional)
         * derObj = derSeq.getTaggedObject( 3);
         * <p>if ( derObj != null) {
         * <p>// Check for the Microsoft format mechListMIC
         * <p>if ( derObj instanceof DERSequence) { } }
      } else throw new IOException("Bad object type in blob");
    } else throw new IOException("Invalid security blob");