コード例 #1
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, returns the default value.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @param def default value
  * @see #getClass(String)
 public static Class getClass(String name, Class def) {
   return config.getClass(name, def);
コード例 #2
  * Returns the name of a protocol that has the given identifier.
  * <p>Note that this is not a constant time operation in the number of protocols, although
  * typically there are very few protocols defined.
  * @param pid numeric protocol identifier.
  * @return name of the protocol that has the given id. null if no protocols have the given id.
 public static String lookupPid(int pid) {
   return config.lookupPid(pid);
コード例 #3
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, throws a {@link MissingParameterException}.
  * When creating the Class object, a few attempts are done to resolve the classname. See {@link
  * Configuration} for details.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
 public static Class getClass(String name) {
   return config.getClass(name);
コード例 #4
  * Calls {@link #getPid(String)}, and returns the default if no property is defined with the given
  * name.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @param pid the default protocol identifier
  * @return the numeric protocol identifier associated to the value of the property, or the default
  *     if not defined
 public static int getPid(String name, int pid) {
   return config.getPid(name, pid);
コード例 #5
  * Returns the numeric protocol identifier of the given protocol name.
  * @param protname the protocol name.
  * @return the numeric protocol identifier associated to the protocol name
 public static int lookupPid(String protname) {
   return config.lookupPid(protname);
コード例 #6
  * It returns an array of class instances. The instances are constructed by calling {@link
  * #getInstance(String)} on the names returned by {@link #getNames(String)}.
  * @param name The component type (i.e. prefix of the list of configuration properties) which will
  *     be passed to {@link #getNames(String)}.
 public static Object[] getInstanceArray(String name) {
   return config.getInstanceArray(name);
コード例 #7
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, throws a {@link MissingParameterException}.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @param def default value
 public static boolean getBoolean(String name, boolean def) {
   return config.getBoolean(name, def);
コード例 #8
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, throws a MissingParameterException.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
 public static double getDouble(String name) {
   return config.getDouble(name);
コード例 #9
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, returns the default value.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @param def default value
 public static String getString(String name, String def) {
   return config.getString(name, def);
コード例 #10
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, returns the default value.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @param def default value
 public static long getLong(String name, long def) {
   if (name == Network.PAR_SIZE || name == Network.PAR_MAXSIZE)
     return config.getLong(name, def) / Communicator.getSize();
   else return config.getLong(name, def);
コード例 #11
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, returns the default value.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @param def default value
 public static double getDouble(String name, double def) {
   return config.getDouble(name, def);
コード例 #12
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, throws a {@link MissingParameterException}.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
 public static int getInt(String name) {
   if (name == Network.PAR_SIZE || name == Network.PAR_MAXSIZE)
     return config.getInt(name) / Communicator.getSize();
   else return config.getInt(name);
コード例 #13
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, returns the default value.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @param def default value
 public static int getInt(String name, int def) {
   return config.getInt(name, def);
コード例 #14
  * Reads given property. If not found, or the value is empty string then throws a {@link
  * MissingParameterException}. Empty string is not accepted as false due to the similar function
  * of {@link #contains} which returns true in that case. True is returned if the lowercase value
  * of the property is "true", otherwise false is returned.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
 public static boolean getBoolean(String name) {
   return config.getBoolean(name);
コード例 #15
  * Reads given configuration property for a class name. It returns an instance of the class. The
  * class must implement a constructor that takes a String as an argument. The value of this string
  * will be <tt>name</tt>. The constructor of the class can see the configuration so it can make
  * use of this name to read its own parameters from it.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @throws MissingParameterException if the given property is not defined
  * @throws IllegalParameterException if there is any problem creating the instance
 public static Object getInstance(String name) {
   return config.getInstance(name);
コード例 #16
  * Reads given configuration property. If not found, throws a MissingParameterException. Removes
  * trailing whitespace characters.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
 public static String getString(String name) {
   return config.getString(name);
コード例 #17
  * Reads given configuration property for a class name. It returns an instance of the class. The
  * class must implement a constructor that takes a String as an argument. The value of this string
  * will be <tt>name</tt>. The constructor of the class can see the configuration so it can make
  * use of this name to read its own parameters from it.
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @param def The default object that is returned if there is no property defined with the given
  *     name
  * @throws IllegalParameterException if the given name is defined but there is a problem creating
  *     the instance.
 public static Object getInstance(String name, Object def) {
   return config.getInstance(name, def);
コード例 #18
  * Reads the given property from the configuration interpreting it as a protocol name. Returns the
  * numeric protocol identifier of this protocol name. See the discussion of protocol name at
  * {@link Configuration} for details on how this numeric id is calculated
  * @param name Name of configuration property
  * @return the numeric protocol identifier associated to the value of the property
 public static int getPid(String name) {
   return config.getPid(name);
コード例 #19
  * Returns an array of names prefixed by the specified name. The array is sorted as follows. If
  * there is no config entry <code>{@value #PAR_INCLUDE}+"."+name</code> or <code>
  * {@value #PAR_ORDER}+"."+name</code> then the order is alphabetical. Otherwise this entry
  * defines the order. For more information see {@link Configuration}.
  * @param name the component type (i.e., the prefix)
  * @return the full property names in the order specified by the configuration
 public static String[] getNames(String name) {
   return config.getNames(name);
コード例 #20
 /** @return true if and only if name is a specified (existing) property. */
 public static boolean contains(String name) {
   return config.contains(name);