コード例 #1
   * Create, initialize, and register an {@link RepoRawFileStoreI} with the proper setting (read or
   * write).
   * @param checked The file that will be read. Can't be null, and must have ID set.
   * @param mode The mode for writing. If null, read-only.
   * @param __current The current user's session information.
   * @return A proxy ready to be returned to the user.
   * @throws ServerError
   * @throws InternalException
  protected RawFileStorePrx createRepoRFS(CheckedPath checked, String mode, Current __current)
      throws ServerError, InternalException {

    final Ice.Current adjustedCurr = makeAdjustedCurrent(__current);
    final BlitzExecutor be = context.getBean("throttlingStrategy", BlitzExecutor.class);

    RepoRawFileStoreI rfs;
    try {
      final RawFileStore service =
          repositoryDao.getRawFileStore(checked.getId(), checked, mode, __current);
      rfs = new RepoRawFileStoreI(be, service, adjustedCurr);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      if (t instanceof ServerError) {
        throw (ServerError) t;
      } else {
        omero.InternalException ie = new omero.InternalException();
        IceMapper.fillServerError(ie, t);
        throw ie;

    final _RawFileStoreTie tie = new _RawFileStoreTie(rfs);
    Ice.ObjectPrx prx = registerServant(tie, rfs, adjustedCurr);
    return RawFileStorePrxHelper.uncheckedCast(prx);
コード例 #2
  * Set the import log file's size in the database to its current size on the filesystem.
  * @throws ServerError if the import log's size could not be updated in the database
 private void setLogFileSize() throws ServerError {
   final OriginalFile logFile =
           sf.getQueryService().get(OriginalFile.class.getSimpleName(), logPath.getId());