コード例 #1
   * Prepare function prepare bundle to generate. It adds Primary Block Info at the start of
   * xmit_blocks and add endpoint eids at the start of dictionary.
   * @param bundle Bundle to prepare
   * @param xmit_blocks Empty xmit_blocks of the blundle
   * @param source Source endpoint id
   * @param link Link of the bundle
   * @param list Owner type
   * @return Return success message on success
  public int prepare(
      final Bundle bundle,
      BlockInfoVec xmit_blocks,
      final BlockInfo source,
      final Link link,
      list_owner_t list) {

    // There shouldn't already be anything in the xmit_blocks

    assert (xmit_blocks.size() == 0)
        : TAG + ": prepare() there shouldn't be anything already in xmit_blocks";

    // Add EIDs to start off the dictionary

    // make sure to add the primary to the front
    xmit_blocks.add(0, new BlockInfo(this, source));

    return BP_SUCCESS;
コード例 #2
   * Internal function get the total length of primary block to write on the buffer
   * @param bundle Bundle to generate
   * @param dict Dictionary to get the offsets of the endpoint eids
   * @param primary PrimaryBlock data strucre object
   * @return Total numbers of Bytes required to write primary block
  protected static int get_primary_len(final Bundle bundle, Dictionary dict, PrimaryBlock primary) {
    int primary_len = 0;
    int block_len = 0;

     * We need to figure out the total length of the primary block,
     * except for the SDNVs used to encode flags and the length itself and
     * the one byte version field.
     * First, we determine the size of the dictionary by first
     * figuring out all the unique strings, and in the process,
     * remembering their offsets and summing up their lengths
     * (including the null terminator for each).

    dict.get_offsets(bundle.dest(), primary.dest_scheme_offset(), primary.dest_ssp_offset());

    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(primary.dest_scheme_offset());
    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(primary.dest_ssp_offset());

    dict.get_offsets(bundle.source(), primary.source_scheme_offset(), primary.source_ssp_offset());

    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(primary.source_scheme_offset());
    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(primary.source_ssp_offset());

        bundle.replyto(), primary.replyto_scheme_offset(), primary.replyto_ssp_offset());

    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(primary.replyto_scheme_offset());
    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(primary.replyto_ssp_offset());

        bundle.custodian(), primary.custodian_scheme_offset(), primary.custodian_ssp_offset());

    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(primary.custodian_scheme_offset());
    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(primary.custodian_ssp_offset());


    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(bundle.creation_ts().seconds());
    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(bundle.creation_ts().seqno());
    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(bundle.expiration());

    block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(primary.dictionary_length_value());
    block_len += primary.dictionary_length_value();

     * If the bundle is a fragment, we need to include space for the
     * fragment offset and the original payload length.
     * Note: Any changes to this protocol must be reflected into the
     * FragmentManager since it depends on this length when
     * calculating fragment sizes.
    if (bundle.is_fragment()) {
      block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(bundle.frag_offset());
      block_len += SDNV.encoding_len(bundle.orig_length());

    // Format the processing flags.

    primary.set_processing_flags(primary.processing_flags_value() | format_cos_flags(bundle));
    primary.set_processing_flags(primary.processing_flags_value() | format_srr_flags(bundle));

     * Finally, add up the initial preamble and the variable
     * length part.


    primary_len =
                + SDNV.encoding_len(primary.processing_flags)
                + SDNV.encoding_len(primary.block_length())
                + primary.block_length_value());

    Log.d(TAG, "get_primary_len: for bundleid = " + bundle.bundleid() + ": " + primary_len);
    // Fill in the remaining values of 'primary' just for the sake of returning
    // a complete data structure.
    return primary_len;
コード例 #3
   * This function consumes the primary block of the bundle. It is a virtual from BlockProcessor.
   * @param bundle Bundle to set data after consuming
   * @param blcok Primary block to set data after consuming
   * @param buf Populated buffer to read data from for consuming
   * @param len Number of bytes to consume
   * @return Return number of bytes successfully consumed, In case of error return -1
  public int consume(Bundle bundle, BlockInfo block, IByteBuffer buffer, int len) {

    int consumed = buffer.position();

    PrimaryBlock primary = new PrimaryBlock();

    //        buf.position(0);
    assert (!block.complete()) : TAG + ": consume() block already complete";

    Dictionary dict = bundle.recv_blocks().dict();

    IByteBuffer byte_buffer_temp = new SerializableByteBuffer(len);

    //      	byte_buffer_temp = BufferHelper.reserve(byte_buffer_temp, len);

        byte_buffer_temp, byte_buffer_temp.position(), buffer, buffer.position(), len);
    byte_buffer_temp.position(byte_buffer_temp.position() + len);

    IByteBuffer buf_block_content = block.contents();

    int primary_len = len = buf_block_content.capacity() - buf_block_content.remaining();

    Log.d(TAG, " primary_len: " + primary_len + " : len:" + len);

    assert (primary_len == len) : TAG + ":  consume() primary!=len";


    if (primary.version() != BundleProtocol.CURRENT_VERSION) {
              "protocol version mismatch %s != %s",
              primary.version, BundleProtocol.CURRENT_VERSION));
      return -1;
    len -= 1;

    try {
      // Grab the SDNVs representing the flags and the block length.
      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.processing_flags());
      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.block_length());

              "parsed primary block: version %s length %s",
              primary.version(), block.data_length()));

      // Parse the flags.
      parse_bundle_flags(bundle, primary.processing_flags_value());
      parse_cos_flags(bundle, primary.processing_flags_value());
      parse_srr_flags(bundle, primary.processing_flags_value());

      // What remains in the buffer should now be equal to what the block-length
      // field advertised./
      assert (len == block.data_length()) : TAG + ": consume() data and block length not equal";

      // set data_offset

      block.set_data_length((int) primary.block_length_value());

      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.dest_scheme_offset());
      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.dest_ssp_offset());
      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.source_scheme_offset());
      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.source_ssp_offset());
      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.replyto_scheme_offset());
      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.replyto_ssp_offset());
      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.custodian_scheme_offset());
      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.custodian_ssp_offset());

      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.creation_time());
      if (primary.creation_time_value() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                "creation timestamp time is too large: %s", primary.creation_time_value()));
        return -1;

      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.creation_sequence());
      if (primary.creation_sequence_value() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                "creation timestamp sequence is too large: %s", primary.creation_sequence()));
        return -1;

      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.lifetime());
      if (primary.lifetime_value() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
        Log.e(TAG, String.format("lifetime is too large: %s", primary.lifetime));
        return -1;

      len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, primary.dictionary_length());

      // Make sure that the creation timestamp parts and the lifetime fit into
      // a 32 bit integer.

          new BundleTimestamp(primary.creation_time_value(), primary.creation_sequence_value()));
      bundle.set_expiration((int) primary.lifetime_value());

       * Verify that we have the whole dictionary.
      if (len < primary.dictionary_length_value()) {

            String.format("primary block advertised incorrect length %s", block.data_length()));

        return -1;

       * Make sure that the dictionary ends with a null byte./
      if (buf_block_content.get(
              (int) (buf_block_content.position() + primary.dictionary_length_value() - 1))
          != '\0') {
        Log.e(TAG, "dictionary does not end with a NULL character! " + primary_len);
        return -1;

       * Now use the dictionary buffer to parse out the various endpoint
       * identifiers, making sure that none of them peeks past the end
       * of the dictionary block.
      IByteBuffer dictionary = buf_block_content;

      len -= primary.dictionary_length_value();

      Log.d(TAG, "Dict starting point :" + (primary_len - primary.dictionary_length_value()));
      //        dictionary.position((int)(primary_len-primary.dictionary_length_value()));

      dict.set_dict(dictionary, (int) primary.dictionary_length_value());

      Log.d(TAG, "Extract source :" + (primary_len - primary.dictionary_length_value()));

      if (!dict.extract_eid(
          bundle.source(), primary.source_scheme_offset(), primary.source_ssp_offset())) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Extract source fail:");
      } else {
        Log.d(TAG, "Extract source :" + bundle.source().str());

      if (!dict.extract_eid(
          bundle.dest(), primary.dest_scheme_offset(), primary.dest_ssp_offset())) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Extract dest fail:");
      } else {
        Log.d(TAG, "Extract dest :" + bundle.dest().str());

      if (!dict.extract_eid(
          bundle.replyto(), primary.replyto_scheme_offset(), primary.replyto_ssp_offset())) {

        Log.e(TAG, "Extract reply fail :");
      } else {
        Log.d(TAG, "Extract reply :" + bundle.replyto().str());

      if (!dict.extract_eid(
          bundle.custodian(), primary.custodian_scheme_offset(), primary.custodian_ssp_offset())) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Extract custodian fail:");
      } else {
        Log.d(TAG, "Extract custodian :" + bundle.custodian().str());

          (int) (buf_block_content.position() + primary.dictionary_length_value()));
      // If the bundle is a fragment, grab the fragment offset and original
      // bundle size (and make sure they fit in a 32 bit integer).
      if (bundle.is_fragment()) {

        int[] sdnv_buf = new int[1];
        sdnv_buf[0] = 0;

        len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, sdnv_buf);
        if ((int) sdnv_buf[0] > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
          Log.e(TAG, String.format("fragment offset is too large: %s", sdnv_buf));
          return -1;

        sdnv_buf[0] = 0;

        len -= read_sdnv(buf_block_content, sdnv_buf);

        if (sdnv_buf[0] > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
          Log.e(TAG, String.format("fragment original length is too large: %s", sdnv_buf));
          return -1;


                "parsed fragmentation info: offset %s orig_len %s",

      Log.d(TAG, "primary_len: " + primary_len + " : ln" + len + ": Consumed" + consumed);


      return primary_len - len;

    } catch (BlockProcessorTooShortException e) {
      // revert position
      return -1;
コード例 #4
   * Check the validity of the Primary block
   * @param bundle Bundle to check the generic validity of block
   * @param block_list List of Blocks
   * @param block Block to check if it's valid or not
   * @param reception_reason If block is not valid then reception reason
   * @param deletion_reason If block is not balid then deletion reason
   * @return True if the block is valid else false
  public boolean validate(
      final Bundle bundle,
      BlockInfoVec block_list,
      BlockInfo block,
      status_report_reason_t[] reception_reason,
      status_report_reason_t[] deletion_reason) {
    // Make sure all four EIDs are valid.
    boolean eids_valid = true;
    eids_valid &= bundle.source().valid();
    eids_valid &= bundle.dest().valid();
    eids_valid &= bundle.custodian().valid();
    eids_valid &= bundle.replyto().valid();

    if (!eids_valid) {
      Log.e(TAG, "bad value for one or more EIDs");
      deletion_reason[0] = status_report_reason_t.REASON_BLOCK_UNINTELLIGIBLE;
      return false;

    // According to BP section 3.3, there are certain things that a bundle
    // with a null source EID should not try to do. Check for these cases
    // and reject the bundle if any is true.

    Log.d(TAG, "Going to check null eid");
    if (bundle.source().equals(EndpointID.NULL_EID())) {
      Log.d(TAG, "Inside of Going to check null eid");
      if (bundle.receipt_requested() || bundle.app_acked_rcpt()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "bundle with null source eid has requested a report; reject it");
        deletion_reason[0] = status_report_reason_t.REASON_BLOCK_UNINTELLIGIBLE;
        return false;

      if (bundle.custody_requested()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "bundle with null source eid has requested custody transfer; reject it");
        deletion_reason[0] = status_report_reason_t.REASON_BLOCK_UNINTELLIGIBLE;
        return false;

      if (!bundle.do_not_fragment()) {
            TAG, "bundle with null source eid has not set " + "'do-not-fragment' flag; reject it");
        deletion_reason[0] = status_report_reason_t.REASON_BLOCK_UNINTELLIGIBLE;
        return false;

    Log.d(TAG, "Out of Going to check null eid");
    // Admin bundles cannot request custody transfer.
    if (bundle.is_admin()) {
      if (bundle.custody_requested()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "admin bundle requested custody transfer; reject it");
        deletion_reason[0] = status_report_reason_t.REASON_BLOCK_UNINTELLIGIBLE;
        return false;

      if (bundle.receive_rcpt()
          || bundle.custody_rcpt()
          || bundle.forward_rcpt()
          || bundle.delivery_rcpt()
          || bundle.deletion_rcpt()
          || bundle.app_acked_rcpt()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "admin bundle has requested a report; reject it");
        deletion_reason[0] = status_report_reason_t.REASON_BLOCK_UNINTELLIGIBLE;
        return false;

    return true;