コード例 #1
   * Properly indents the line that the caret is currently on. Replaces all whitespace characters at
   * the beginning of the line with the appropriate spacing or characters. Assumes read lock is
   * already held.
   * @param doc AbstractDJDocument containing the line to be indented.
   * @param reason The reason that the indentation is taking place
   * @return true if the caller should update the current location itself, false if the indenter has
   *     already handled it
  public void indentLine(AbstractDJDocument doc, Indenter.IndentReason reason) {

    super.indentLine(doc, reason); // This call does nothing other than record some indent tracing
    int pos = doc.getCurrentLocation();
    //    Utilities.show("indentLine in ActionStartStmtOfBracePlus called on doc:\n" + doc.getText()
    // + "'\nat location " + pos);
    // Get distance to brace
    int lineStart = doc._getLineStartPos(pos);
    if (lineStart < 0) lineStart = 0;
    BraceInfo info = doc._getLineEnclosingBrace();
    int distToLineEnclosingBrace = info.distance();
    //    System.err.println("dist to brace = " + distToLineEnclosingBrace);

    // If there is no brace, align to left margin; can't happen when called from rule 19
    if (distToLineEnclosingBrace == -1) {
      doc.setTab(_suffix, pos);

    // Get the absolute position of (the left edge of) the line enclosing brace
    final int bracePos = lineStart - distToLineEnclosingBrace;
    //    System.err.println("bracePos = " + bracePos);
    final int indent = doc._getIndentOfCurrStmt(bracePos) + _suffix;
    //    System.err.println("indent = " + doc._getIndentOfCurrStmt(bracePos));

    doc.setTab(indent, pos);
コード例 #2
   * @param doc The AbstractDJDocument containing the current line.
   * @param reason The reason the indentation is being done
   * @return True iff the last block or expression list opened previous to the start of the current
   *     line was opened by one of the characters '(' or '['.
  protected boolean applyRule(AbstractDJDocument doc, Indenter.IndentReason reason) {
    // PRE: We are not inside a multiline comment.

    //    IndentInfo info = doc.getIndentInformation();
    //// We are using fields on IndentInfo which look at the start of the line, not the current
    // position!
    //    return info.lineEnclosingBraceType().equals(IndentInfo.OPEN_PAREN) ||
    //      info.lineEnclosingBraceType().equals(IndentInfo.OPEN_BRACKET);

    BraceInfo info = doc._getLineEnclosingBrace();
    String braceType = info.braceType();
    return braceType.equals(BraceInfo.OPEN_PAREN) || braceType.equals(BraceInfo.OPEN_BRACKET);