コード例 #1
  public AllSubstitution FOL_BC_AND(List<Predicate> goal, AllSubstitution theta) {
    if (theta.status == false) return theta;
    else if (goal.size() == 0) return theta;
    else {
      Predicate first = goal.get(0); // n

      first = substFromTheata(theta, first);

      int index = 0;

      int tSize =
          (KBObj.KB.get(first.fnName) == null)
              ? 0
              : (KBObj.KB.get(first.fnName).sentences.size() - 1);
      while (index <= tSize) {
        AllSubstitution thetaPrime = FOL_BC_OR(first, theta, index++);

        if (thetaPrime.status && goal.size() > 1) {
          List<Predicate> rest =
              new ArrayList<Predicate>(((ArrayList<Predicate>) goal).subList(1, goal.size()));

          AllSubstitution thetaDoublePrime = FOL_BC_AND(rest, sumUpTheta(theta, thetaPrime));

          if (thetaDoublePrime.status) return thetaDoublePrime;
        } else return thetaPrime;
      AllSubstitution t = new AllSubstitution();
      t.status = false;
      return t;
コード例 #2
  public AllSubstitution sumUpTheta(AllSubstitution x, AllSubstitution y) {
    List<Substitution> newList = new LinkedList<Substitution>(x.SubstList);
    AllSubstitution newObj = new AllSubstitution();
    newObj.SubstList = newList;
    newObj.status = y.status;

    return newObj;
コード例 #3
  public AllSubstitution FOL_BC_OR(Predicate goal, AllSubstitution theta, int index) {
    // the key is the function name of query. H(x), H is key.
    String key = goal.fnName;

    // get all the sentence which has conclusion as goal.
    List<Sentence> sents = (KBObj.KB.get(key) == null) ? null : KBObj.KB.get(key).sentences;
    if (sents != null) {
      // Iterate through all the sentence which have conclusion as sentence.
      // for (Sentence sentence : sents) {
      for (int i = index; i < sents.size(); i++) {
        Sentence sentence = sents.get(i);
        AllSubstitution subst = UNIFY(sentence.rhs, goal, sentence);

        AllSubstitution thetaPrime = FOL_BC_AND(sentence.lhs, subst);
        if (thetaPrime != null && thetaPrime.status) {
          return thetaPrime;
    AllSubstitution t = new AllSubstitution();
    t.status = false;
    return t;
コード例 #4
  public AllSubstitution UNIFY(Predicate x, Predicate y, Sentence sent) {
    // 1. Find an array of substitutiion tsubstList
    // 2. Now the linked hashmap contains all the array of substitution.
    // 3. If 1 is contained in 2 then return false and delete from hash map
    // else add in the map.

    // This is the returned value.
    AllSubstitution tAllSubst = new AllSubstitution();
    // This is part of return value. This is part of tAllSubst.
    List<Substitution> tSubstList = new LinkedList<Substitution>();
    // Current subst.
    Substitution s = null;
    // Unification success or failure.
    // 1. Fails when same sentence comes with same substitution.
    boolean tStatus = false;

    boolean available = true;
    // Just make sure length of args of x and y are same. Also just check if they are same fnName.
    for (int i = 0; i < x.args.size(); i++) {
      // x and y both can be variable. I don't know what to do.
      if (isVariable(x, i)) {
        s = new Substitution(x.args.get(i), y.args.get(i));
        tStatus = true;

      // x and y both can be variable. I don't know what to do.
      else if (isVariable(y, i)) {
        s = new Substitution(y.args.get(i), x.args.get(i));
        // tSubstList.add(s);
        tStatus = true;

      // x and y both are not variables. Just make status as true.
      else if (x.args.get(i).equals(y.args.get(i))) {
        s = new Substitution(y.args.get(i), x.args.get(i));
        // tSubstList.add(s);
        tStatus = true;
      } else {
        s = null;
        tStatus = false;

      for(int j=0; j<tlist.size();j++)
      	Substitution tSub = tlist.get(j);
      	if(tSub!=null && tSub.var.equals(s.var) && tSub.val.equals(s.val))
      		tStatus = false;
      		available = true;
      if (s != null) {
    // AllSubstitution temp = new AllSubstitution();
    // temp.SubstList = tlist;

    // LinkedList<AllSubstitution> tglobalSubst = substList.get(x.fnName);
    // if(tglobalSubst == null)
    // tglobalSubst = new AllSubstitution();
    // List<Substitution> tlist=tglobalSubst.SubstList;

    // check tstatus is true or false. If false return.
    if (tStatus) {
      Map<String, String> temp = new HashMap<String, String>();
      for (Substitution substitution : tSubstList) {

        String match = temp.get(substitution.var);
        if (match != null && !match.equals("") && !substitution.val.equals(match)) {
          tStatus = false;
        } else {
          temp.put(substitution.var, substitution.val);

      // now check if all elements of tSubstList are present in global hashmap.
      if (sent.allSubst == null || sent.allSubst.size() == 0) {
        if (sent.allSubst == null) {
          sent.allSubst = new LinkedList<AllSubstitution>();
        tAllSubst.SubstList = tSubstList;
        tAllSubst.status = tStatus;
        if (sent.lhs.size() != 0) sent.allSubst.add(tAllSubst);
      } else {

        for (AllSubstitution lsubst : sent.allSubst) {
          available = true;
          for (int i = 0; i < tSubstList.size(); i++) {
            if (!tSubstList.get(i).var.equals(lsubst.SubstList.get(i).var)
                || !tSubstList.get(i).val.equals(lsubst.SubstList.get(i).val)) {
              available = false;
          if (available) {
            tStatus = false;
            // sent.allSubst.remove(lsubst);

        if (!available) {
          tAllSubst.SubstList = tSubstList;
          tAllSubst.status = tStatus;
    } else {
      tAllSubst.SubstList = tSubstList;
      tAllSubst.status = tStatus;
    return tAllSubst;