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DSpace Spring Boot UI Prototype

A submission for the 2015 DSpace UI Prototype Challenge

WARNING: Force-updated to latest master (as of Feb 1, 2016). Unfortunately this required a force push in order to rebase on top of the latest DSpace master code.

Overview / Technologies

This GitHub project is an exact clone of the DSpace 'master' branch (pre-6.0) with one new Maven Project:

dspace-ui is the Spring Boot UI Prototype, it is built on the following technologies:

  • Spring Boot, version 1.3.0
    • Currently, it is configured to use Spring Boot's embedded Tomcat, so no need to install Tomcat
  • Thymeleaf template engine (see source files in /src/main/resources/templates)
    • Thymeleaf was chosen because it's a powerful template engine that just uses HTML files (with some custom syntax)
  • Bootstrap
    • This prototype just uses the default/example Bootstrap theme. It obviously could be customized further to look like Mirage2 or other Bootstrap based themes.
    • Pre-minified Bootstrap & jQuery are automatically included via Maven dependencies (using
  • Spring Security for basic authentication/authorization
    • Spring Security was chosen as it's a best practice for Spring Boot. It also has modules to support most every type of authentication imaginable (DB based, LDAP, Shibooleth, OAuth, etc).
    • Plus it provides very useful Authorization tools/roles that are easy to use within Spring Boot
  • DSpace Java API, lastest master branch (pre-6.0) as of Feb 2016

(NOTE: despite this being a DSpace master clone, all modules EXCEPT dspace-ui, dspace-api and dspace-services are disabled in the build)

How to run it

  1. Find a (pre-6) DSpace Installation Directory (Unfortunately, this won't work with DSpace 5 as it requires the Service API refactor and the Enhanced Configuration Scheme).
  • If you don't have one, you can run mvn clean package; cd dspace/target/dspace-installer; ant fresh_install to create one.
  • You'll also need some content, as this prototype doesn't yet have editing/creating capabilities built in. So, either use another UI or an AIP restore.
  1. Move into the DSpace UI folder
  • cd dspace-ui
  1. Copy the default for this Spring Boot Application to the root directory.
  • For example: cp src/main/resources/ .
  • If you wish to run this application in your IDE, you also can directly edit the src/main/resources/ as needed.
  1. Modify that, changing the value of dspace.dir to point to your DSpace installation directory
  2. Build the dspace-ui module: mvn clean package
  3. Run it: java -jar target/dspace-ui-6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (This starts the embedded Tomcat on port 8080 by default, or whatever port is specified in your file)
  • You can also run it directly from any IDE. Just select the org.dspace.ui.Application task to run.
  • When running from the IDE, it will use src/main/resources/ by default.
  1. Access it: http://localhost:8080/
  2. If you want to customize the theming, you can modify your [dspace]/config/local.cfg with the following settings (by default your local.cfg will be auto-reloaded every minute):
# Custom Theme settings.
# This defines our default site-wide theme
# For example setting to "default" just uses the theme named default

# Different themes can be specified per path
# If this specifies a Handle of a Community or Collection, the theme will
# automatically be inherited to child objects
# This sample just loads "blue-header" theme (which makes the header blue like Mirage2)
# for the 10673/2 handle AND any child objects
# Other sample values include "red-header", "blue-header", "default"

Scope of this Prototype

  • User Interface Layout
    • Header/Footer: Has an easily customizable header/footer. See src/main/resources/templates/layout.html which provides Thymeleaf header/footer "fragments" which are included in all other pages.
    • Breadcrumbs: Has basic breadcrumbs which appear on all pages in header. They are also displayed via the layout.html and are generated via the DSpaceController (which all other controllers extend)
    • Menu/Sidebar: For now, this is just implemented in the header. It could be moved to another location (via a custom layout.html. It does not yet have context-sensitive menus, except for an "Admin" menu which only appears if you are an ADMIN.
    • URLs: Tried to keep to the basic URL structure of DSpace in general, and browser buttons all work.
    • Responsive: Prototype uses the default Bootstrap theme and is responsive.
  • Simple Item View
    • Prototype has a simple item view page (item.html)
    • ItemController uses the DSpace Java API to populate the display
    • Currently it just displays a few key metadata fields along with links to download any bitstreams
    • If you are authenticated into the system, an "Edit" button appears in the upper right.
  • Community/Collection Views
    • Prototype has simple Community/Collection browse/view pages (community.html and collection.html)
    • Controller uses the DSpace Java API to populate the display
    • Again, they just display basic metadata along with a logo (if provided)
  • Browse Navigation
    • Prototype just uses drill-down navigation (no Browse by title/author/subject yet). So, you can step into Top Level Communities and then drill-down to Items within Collections.
  • Authentication
    • Prototype uses Spring Security in-memory authentication by default. This means there are just two hardcoded valid users:
      • username: 'user', password: 'dspace' (a USER role account)
      • username: 'admin', password: 'dspace' (an ADMIN role account)
    • While in-memory authentication was chosen based on time constraints, Spring Security provides a variety of plugins for other auth systems (LDAP, Shibboleth, OAuth, Database-based, etc)
  • Authorization
    • Also via Spring Security
    • Certain areas of the application are access restricted
      • When logged in as an ADMIN, the "Admin" menu appears in the header, and you have access to an 'admin.html' page
      • When logged in as a USER, an "Edit" button appears on all items and you have access to an Edit Item page
      • Authorization roles are hierarchical. All ADMINs are also USERs.
  • Edit/Create Item
    • While an access-restricted Item Edit form exists, it is not currently functional. It just shows off what a form could look like, but the saving aspect is not yet implemented.

Customization Capabilities

  • CSS-level customizations
    • Basic themes are already implemented in this Prototype. By default a "default" theme is used which has its own layout.html and styles.css. However, two other themes are available "blue-header" and "red-header". You can change the theme site-wide or per PATH/URL by adding one of the following to your local.cfg
      • dspace.theme=default (Specify the site-wide CSS to use)
      • dspace.theme.handle.10673.2=blue-header (Specifies a DIFFERENT "blue-header.css" for the /handle/10673/2 path, and any objects that include that path in their breadcrumbs)
      • These settings are fully working, and you can play with them to add different themes to different objects. Note that a theme specified for object "10673/2" will be inherited automatically by all child objects.
  • Sitewide header/footer customizations
    • The sitewide header/footer are both contained in the layout.html. You can easily customize that file, or provide a different layout.html to change the overall theme of your site.
  • Adjusting Navigation Bar
    • Navigation is also included in layout.html and can be adjusted there. It also could be adjusted via CSS changes, via Bootstrap CSS.
    • Admittedly, navigation is currently extremely basic in this prototype. So, ideally, we'd want to ensure the layout.html does fully allow Navigation to appear in header or left/right side, based on local needs.
  • Adjusting Breadcrumbs
    • Breadcrumbs are also included in layout.html and can be adjusted there.
  • Additional metadata in Item View page
    • The Item View page is generated by item.html. It has some default metadata fields already in there. But, as you can see, others can be easily added by simply calling itemModel.getMetadataValues(field).
    • Obviously, since this page is essentially HTML, the overall layout of the page can also be adjusted easily by anyone familiar with HTML / CSS / Bootstrap.
  • New links in Navigation
    • Again, this could be adjusted in layout.html by anyone who is comfortable with HTML / CSS / Bootstrap.

Modularization Capabilities

  • Support for optional modules/features/add-ons (These are all brainstorms and not yet implemented)
    • All modules should be Spring-Boot-enabled..this means the following:
      • If they create their own page(s), they need to define their own Spring Boot Controllers (@Controller) & Views (Thymeleaf HTML pages). Spring Boot will automatically recognize the Controllers and include them.
      • Backend classes/beans should be Spring enabled (again so they are auto-discovered)
    • If a module/addon needed to modify or insert content into an existing page, it likely would need to define one (or more) Thymeleaf HTML fragments (examples layout.html) which could be included into whatever pages need them. This might mean a small amount of manual editing of an existing page (to insert that include statement).
      • For example, if new fields were needed to be displayed in the Item View (item.html), then it might involve adding a new <div th:include ..> into that file manually
    • Or, it might be possible to drive specific content via database tables

Additional Prototype Documentation

  • Prototype Design is described at the top of this page
  • Prototype Installation is also described above
  • Internationalization (i18n)
    • The prototype already includes some basic internationalization examples (using the built in i18n options in Spring Boot + Thymeleaf)
    • i18n is controlled via a file
    • Currently, it's only used/enabled on the Item View page (item.html). For example, this attribute: th:text="#{item.label.bitstreams}" says to change the text of the given HTML field to be the value of item.label.bitstreams from
  • Additional Theming Capabilities
    • Basic (CSS/layout) theming is already provided in the prototype, along with a few sample themes
    • It might even be possible to find a way to override default templates (e.g. item.html) by creating additional Thymeleaf template resolvers (to pull templates from multiple areas)
  • Support for common DSpace Authentication mechanisms
    • If we went with Spring Boot, I'd recommend we move Authentication & Authorization entirely to Spring Security
    • It already provides modules supporting all our major Authentication options (database-based, LDAP, Shibboleth, etc), plus other new ones (OAuth).
    • It also provides a highly configurable Authorization framework, which integrates much better with Spring Boot and Spring in general.

UPDATE - Built in REST API (for Item View Only)

As of Feb 2016, this Prototype was also enhanced to show off some basic "REST-like" capabilities of Item view pages.

Simply visit an Item View page and click the "JSON View" or "XML View" buttons. They give a view of the same underlying data, in JSON or XML format, respectively. For the code behind this, see the ItemController class.

This feature shows off the ability to perform "content negotiation" using Spring Boot/MVC. The goal is to demonstrate how we could refactor the existing REST API so that it actually becomes a part of the new UI, and both would share the same underlying business logic.


(OBSOLETE) A DSpace 6.x Spring Boot UI prototype, using Thymeleaf and Bootstrap







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