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Manifold is a high level language for creating all kinds of systems the way we write software. Currently, it focuses on hardware and microfluidics design.


In much the same way that computer programs are written in programming languages, digital circuits is "written" in a hardware description language.

The two hardware languages in wide use today are VHDL and Verilog. Both were designed in the early 1980s and both have remained frozen in time since, while our understanding of how to build expressive, powerful, and usable programming languages has grown considerably. These languages are in widespread use because they are the best tool for the job but they aren't nearly as expressive or approachable as modern programming languages.

More recently, several projects have spring up that provide tooling to use existing programming languages as hardware languages. These projects include CλaSH, MyHDL, and many others. This approach has not gained widespread use because programming languages are not true to the underlying domain of hardware programming (see [The Challenges of Hardware Synthesis from C-like Languages]( ards2005challenges.pdf)).

Manifold is a reimagining of a hardware design language that remains true to the underlying domain, like VHDL and Verilog, while also leveraging 30 years of improved language design, like CλaSH and MyHDL.

However, Manifold doesn't only do digital circuits -- it can be extended to design all kinds of systems, including analog circuits, microfluidics, and mechanical systems.

You should use Manifold because

  • it allows you to design circuits, microfluidics, and other systems in an elegant and consistent way
  • it allows you to express solutions to hard problems in simple text files
  • it allows you to encapsulate these solutions within "modules"
  • it allows you to reuse these modules within your own projects
  • it allows you to share modules among projects, teams, and organizations
  • it allows you to leverage the ecosystem of powerful software development tools


The compiler should work hard so that you don't have to. (But hopefully the compiler can be as elegant as the code it compiles!) Prefer implicit specification over explicit. Provide smart defaults and painless overrides. Do as much work as possible at compile time. Allow developers to express domain logic as naturally as possible and let the compiler decide how to implement it.

Optimize for readability over writeability. Developers spend 15 hours reading code and 5 hours modifying code for every 1 hour of writing code. Avoid confusing abbreviations or acronyms. Enforce part-of-speech naming conventions. Prefer longer, descriptive, unambiguous names (within reason). Code should be as self-documenting as possible. Brevity is best for both readability and writeability.

Be true to the underlying domain. Borrow concepts from sequential programming where possible but avoid inaccurate polysonomy. Expose all hardware primitives available as naturally as possible.

Build powerful self-hosted abstractions atop a minimal set of primitives. Provide a powerful macro system to create the illusion of complex language features. Build smart abstractions around complexity.

Terminology, Notation and Conventions

Documentation Conventions

Terminology with a specific technical definition will be bold the first time it is used to emphasize the precision and degree of specificity of the term.


  • back-end refers to the process of converting the intermediate representation into a domain specific output product
  • compile-time refers to the schematic while it is being processed by the front-end and back-end compilers, as opposed run-time
  • domain refers to particular field of design, such as microfluidics or digital hardware; different domains have its different back-end compilers
  • dynamic refers to values that can be only determined at run-time
  • front-end refers to the high level language and the process of converting the high level language into a domain specific output product
  • microfluidics are miniaturized systems dealing with small volumes of fluids
  • run-time refers to the schematic while it is being used in a domain-specific way after all Manifold compilation steps have completed, as opposed to compile-time
  • schematic refers to a description of a system in Manifold, analogous to a software program
  • static refers to values that can be determined at compile-time

Naming Conventions

In order to make Manifold readable and conceptually consistent, the following naming conventions are adhered within Manifold and in the implementation of Manifold.

  • avoid all acronyms and abbreviations that are not taught in introductory computer science courses, except where doing so becomes awkward or defies strong convention
  • write type names in UpperCamelCase and all other names in lowerCamelCase
  • always use the same word to refer to the same idea and different words to refer to different ideas (avoid confusing polysonomy and unnecessary synonymy)
  • Prefer verb phrases for function names and noun phrases for all other names, except where doing so becomes awkward or defies strong convention
  • Prefer one word names to two word names, two word names to three word names, etc

Front-End Language

The Manifold front-end language expresses systems in many problem domains, including digital hardware and microfluidics, as text. It is optimized for conceptual elegance, expressiveness, and human readability.

Compile-Time vs Run-Time

In Manifold, you write domain logic as naturally as possible and let the compiler decide how to represent that logic in hardware.

To this end, almost any expression in Manifold can be evaluated either

  • on the sequential processor where the Manifold code is being compiled, at compile-time
  • on the physical hardware, at run-time

Certain operations, of course, can only be executed at a specific "time" -- for example, top level I/O ports may only be read dynamically at run-time. Likewise, certain operations can only be executed statically at compile-time, such as referencing an external file in the compilation environment.

Manifold is designed so that you don't need to think about the difference between these two types of operations but may take control over them, if desired.


The most fundamental type in Manifold is the Bool type. A Bool represents a single bit of information: true or false, represented as true or false. For example, we might turn on our time machine by setting

timeMachineOn = true;


The Int data type is used to represent positive integers.

year = 5000;


A tuple is an ordered set of values that can be passed around as one logical entity. Tuples are the glue that allow us to build domain objects -- like numbers, genomes, and time machines -- out of Bools and other primitive types.

For example, suppose you are describing the input to some hardware for a time machine that can travel to any year with an optional invisibility shield. You could define a tuple which groups and names these variables,

input = (year=5000, invisibility=true);

and access the properties in that tuple,

input.invisibility; // => 5000
input.year;         // => true

Variables in a tuple can also be unnamed. Unnamed properties are identified by their position and accessed through an integer index.

input = (1, 2, 3);

input[0]; // => 1
input[1]; // => 2

Destructuring Assignment

You may use destructuring assignment to extract the values from a tuple into individual variables.

(year, invisible) = (year: 5000, invisible: false);

This statement creates, in the local scope, the variables year and invisible, assigned to the year and invisible properties of the tuple, respectively.

Destructuring assignment need not extract all properties within a tuple. If a you only need the destination year of your time machine, you need only write

(year=year) = (year=5000, invisible=false);

Typing System

  • Type is the "type" of all types in Manifold (including itself)
  • Bool is a single bit of data, with the value true or false.
  • Function is an entity that produces an output value given an input value and potentially some internal state.
  • Tuple is a structured group of values.
  • Enum
  • Int

Since types are first class objects of type Type, a new type can be defined via variable assignment. For example, the definition of Bit might look like

Type Bit = Bool;

Types are compared structurally, so as long as two tuples have the same field names, they are assignable. In this example the right hand side is an anonymous tuple type, but it is assigned to the named tuple type Tuple1.

Type Tuple1 = (a: Int, b: Int);
Tuple1 a = (a=1, b=2);


A function is an entity that, given an input value, uses some logic to produce an output value.

Suppose you were to write a function that determined if an input to the time machine was unsafe (i.e. targeting a year after the robot uprising and without the invisibility shield). This function takes in some input in the form (year: Int, invisible: Bool invisible) and produces some output in the form of a Bool.

reversedTuple = (a: Bool, b: Bool) -> (c: Bool, d: Bool) {
  c = b;
  d = a;

Note in the above function that there is no return statement -- output variables defined in the function definition are assigned to directly.

This function could be invoked as,

(foo, bar) = reversedTuple(a = true, b = false);
// (foo = false, bar = true)

Package System

A package and import system makes it possible to combine multiple Manifold files together into one schematic. Imported files contribute their declarations and definitions into the importing file's scope.

lib = import "microfluidics";
p = lib.fluidEntry();

A module can export values using the public keyword. All other values are private to the module

public microfluidPort = primitive port Bool;
public fluidEntry = primitive node (Nil) -> (out: microfluidPort)

// Private variable
x = fluidEntry();


Manifold supports C++-style comment syntax, with both single-line // comments and multiline /* ... */ comments.

This is a comment

// This is also a comment.

Planned or Speculative Features

The features described in this section are not currently part of the Manifold language. They may be added in future versions depending on need.


An enum allows you to restrict a domain to a fixed set of named values. For example, if you want to represent the states of a traffic light, you might define a TrafficLightState enum as follows

Type TrafficLight = Enum(
    (green: Bool, yellow: Bool, red: Bool),
    green: (1, 0, 0),
    yellow: (0, 1, 0),
    red: (0, 0, 1)

This enum can then be used as

TrafficLight south =;
TrafficLight east = (0, 0, 1);
// But 'TrafficLight east = (0, 1, 1)' would be rejected by the compiler

If no type or values are specified for an enum, integers are used implicitly

Type Color = Enum(
Color color1 =;
Color color2 = 0;


Arrays in Manifold are a special case of tuples which have many positional properties of a particular type. For example, an integer array of width 3 could be defined as

(Int, Int, Int) array = (1, 2, 3);

or, with the equivalent shorthand,

(Int...3) array = (1, 2, 3);

Sometimes it makes more sense to set the width of a tuple using a compile-time evaluable expression. This often increases the readability and maintainability of code.

Int width = 5;
(Int...width) array = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

Inferred Width Repeated Positional Properties

It is also possible to infer the width of a tuple statically from the value being passed to it. Instead of a width expression, provide the definition of an Int variable. This will create an additional property on the tuple containing the width of the array.

(Int...Int width) array = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
array.1;     // => 1
array.width; // => 5


If a tuple is cast to another tuple type with additional properties and a default value is provided for each of those properties, the cast will happen successfully, using those default values.

(Int...6 = 0) array = (1, 2, 3, 4);
// Array will have the value (1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0)

(year: Int = 5, invisibility: Bool = false) settings = (year: 5);
// Settings will have the value (year: 5, invisibility: false)

If a tuple is cast to another tuple type with missing named properties, the cast will happen successfully

(year: Int) settings = (year: 5, invisibility: false);
// Settings will have the value (year: 5)

If a tuple is cast to another tuple type with missing positional properties, there will be a compile-time error

// Causes compile-time TupleCastIllegalException
(Int...3 = 0) array = (1, 2, 3, 4);

If a tuple with one property of type A, (A), is cast to type A, then the value of the property will be extracted. In this way, parenthesis used to group statements work as expected.

Bool winning = (true);

Parameterized Types

Some types have compile-time parameters (like generics in C++). Such types are defined via the => syntax. Take, for example, this simple definition of an Array type

Type Array = (Type T, Int width) => (T...width, width: width);

Using this defined type, a developer could declare an instance of Array as

Array(SpaceshipEngine, 5) engines;

Function Overloading

Manifold is single assignment but there is one exception to this rule: assigning to a function variable multiple times will overload that function to support different input and output types. For example

travel = (year: Int) -> (success: Bool) {
  success = travel (year, false);

travel = (year: Int, invisibility: Bool) -> (success: Bool) {
  // ...

This example defines a function called travel which accepts either our time machine input tuple or just an input year. Overloaded implementations may freely call each other.

Digital Hardware Core Library

  • series <T> ((T -> T)...@static Int width) -> T
  • recall<T> (T initial, T next) -> T
  • count (Int hz, Int mod) -> Int
  • cycle<T> (Int hz, T...) -> T
  • if ((Bool, Void -> Void)...)

Stateful Functions

Functions in Manifold are not "pure" -- they may have state. For example, the count function supplied by the core library can be used to track system uptime in seconds as

Int uptime = count(clock(hz: 1));

This function can "remember" values from clock tick to clock tick

All state in Manifold is derived from the recall primitive function

Function recall = (T next, default: T) -> T current {...};

This primitive acts like a hardware flipflop in that the output value current will always take on the value that the input next had during the previous clock tick. As an example, we could implement a simple counter as

Int ticks = recall(ticks + 1, default: 0);

Note that the output value of recall is used as an input value to itself! This might seem strange in the sequential programming paradigm but it is perfectly natural in hardware!

Intermediate Language

  • port
  • node
  • connection
  • constraint

The intermediate language describes systems in terms of three primitives:

  • Nodes are the entities of the system such as latches, capacitors, reaction chambers, etc
  • Connections relate nodes to each other, such as with wires, physical attachments, etc
  • Ports define what connections are allowed between nodes, for example a capacitor accepts one analog electrical input and one analog electrical output.

Each of these primitives are defined in terms of types (node types, connection types, and port types) and instances (nodes, connections, and ports).

Type information goes into definition files which are shipped with the back end that supports them. For example, the digital hardware back-end provides the digital hardware definition file which defines node types such as latches, clocks, and i/o pins.

Programs written in the Manifold front-end language compile into schematic files which can then be compiled into domain specific artifacts by the appropriate back end. For example, a description of a digital hardware circuit in the Manifold front-end would be compiled to a digital hardware schematic file that, when fed into the digital hardware back-end, would produce a VHDL or Verilog file.

Schematic Files

A schematic written in the Manifold front-end language will compile into a intermediate file of this format.

  "name": "..."
  "userDefinedTypes": {...}
  "portTypes": {...}
  "nodeTypes": {...}
  "constraintTypes": {...}
  "nodes": {...}
  "connections": {...}
  "constraints": {...}

Port Types

"portTypes": {
  "name": {
    "signalType": "...",
    "attributes": {...}

Node Types

"nodeTypes": {
  "name": {
    "attributes": {...},
    "ports": {...}


"nodes": {
  "name": {
    "type": "...",
    "attributes": {...},
    "portAttrs": {...}


"connections": {
  "name": {
    "attributes": {...},
    "from": "...",
    "to": "..."


Frontend compiler for Manifold high-level language







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  • Java 98.2%
  • ANTLR 1.8%