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Alphabot is an irc utilities bot written in Java with the PircBotX API

  • fserv capabilities ( warning: this may get you banned from certain networks, ask a network administrator if it's allowed)
  • spam detection ( very primitive)
  • can execute java code at runtime
  • custom command framework
  • administrator account settings (checks with nickserv)
# Command Syntax Example Descriptions
1Google$google <query>$google how to use googleGoogles the specified query and returns the first result.
2Join$join <#channel>$join #alphabotJoins the specified channel. must start with #
3Cycle$cycle$cycle OR $cycle #chanCycles the specified channel, if no channel name is specified it will cycle the channel the command was sent from
4Raw$raw$raw privmsg #chan :boo!Sends a raw line to the irc server.
5Debug$debug$debug trueSets the bot to debug (verbose) mode in system.out
6Delay$delay$delay 5Sets the minimum delay between messages to 5 miliseconds
7Gsay$gsay$gsay <username> or <#channel>Sends a message to the specified user or channel
8Say$say$say testSends a message to the channel you're in
9Part$part$part or part <#channel>parts the specified channel, if none is specified defaults to the current channel
10Nick$nick$nick Alphabot_1changes the bot's nickname.
11Chans$chans$chansLists the channels the bot is currently in.
12Paid$paid <playername>$paid zack6849Tells you if <playername> has a paid minecraft account
13Mcstatus$mcstatus$mcstatusTells you the status of the minecraft internal servers (auth, login, session, etc)
14Query$query$query <server> OR $query <server> <port>Queries the specified minecraft server and returns the player count and MOTD
15Kill$kill$killImmediately terminates the bot's java process.
16Op$op$op <username>Gives the specified user operator status in the channel (note: this does not give them the op flags, just op.)
17Deop$deop$deop <username>Removes the specified user's operator status in the channel (note: this does not take the op flags, just op.)
18Reload$reload$reloadReloads the bot's configuration
19Voice$voice$voice <username>Gives the specified user voice (note: this does not give them the voice flags, just voice.)
20Quiet$quiet$quiet <username>Mutes the specified user by setting the +q flag on them
21DeVoice$devoice$devoice <username>Removes voice fromthe specified user (note: this does not take the voice flags, just voice.)
22UnQuiet$unquiet$unquiet <username>Un-Mutes the specified user by setting the -q flag on them
23Ignore$ignore$ignore <username>Instructs the bot to ignore all commands from <username>'s hostmask
24Unignore$unignore$unignore <username>Instructs the bot to remove <username>'s hostmask from the ignore list
25setcmd$setcmd$setcmd <command> <text>Sets the custom command to the specified text. you can run said command as you would any other ie $<command>


Java irc bot






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