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Implementation of a hadoop (map-reduce) Next-Generation Sequencing pipeline for fast single sample genetic diagnostics.

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Implementation of a hadoop (map-reduce) Next-Generation Sequencing pipeline for fast single sample genetic diagnostics.


Before using the tool, be sure that the following has been done:

  • A .tar.gz archive containing the tools has been uploaded to HDFS containing the required tools (see below).
  • The needed bwa index files are uploaded to HDFS. Note that these should be in the same directory and have the same prefix. The required files are:
    • <bwa_reference_file_prefix>.fasta
    • <bwa_reference_file_prefix>.fasta.amb
    • <bwa_reference_file_prefix>.fasta.ann
    • <bwa_reference_file_prefix>.fasta.bwt
    • <bwa_reference_file_prefix>.fasta.fai
    • <bwa_reference_file_prefix>.fasta.pac
    • <bwa_reference_file_prefix>

Creating a tools.tar.gz

  1. Create a tools directory. to store the tools in.
  2. Add the following tools to the created directory:
    • Burrows-Wheeler Aligner
      1. Download it from
      2. Extract the archive.
      3. From inside the extracted archive, use make (GNU Make) to create an executable file.
      4. Copy the created executable file from the extracted archive to the tools directory.
  3. From the directory storing the tools folder, create a .tar.gz archive using tar -zcf tools.tar.gz tools/

The final hierachy of the created tools.tar.gz should look as follows:

	|- tools/
		|- bwa

Note: The used tools folder/archive name is arbitrary, though they should have the same name. The rest of the structure should be left intact however!

Preparing the halvade upload tool

  1. Create a local clone of
  2. From within the halvade/halvade_upload_tools/ directory, use ant (Apache Ant) to create a jar file.
    • Optional: Before using ant, set private static int LEVEL = 2; from src/be/ugent/intec/halvade/uploader/ (line 32) to 0 for less output to stdout.

The needed file can be found at: dist/HalvadeUploaderWithLibs.jar

Create a .jar file of the application source

  1. Create a local clone of (the most recent commit).
  2. From within the hadoop-pipeline/hadoop-pipeline-application/ folder, use mvn install (Apache Maven) to create a jar file.

The needed file can be found at: target/HadoopPipelineApplicationWithDependencies.jar


  1. Upload the fastq files to HDFS using the halvade upload tool.
    • Example: hadoop jar HalvadeUploaderWithLibs.jar -D dfs.block.size=134217728 -1 reads1.fastq.gz -2 reads2.fastq.gz -O /path/to/hdfs/output/folder/ -size 124
    • Note that a block-size is set using -D (that is slightly larger than the block size defined for the halvade upload tool and must be a mutliple of 512) so that each created file is stored as a single block on HDFS.
    • See for more information about the halvade upload tool.


Implementation of a hadoop (map-reduce) Next-Generation Sequencing pipeline for fast single sample genetic diagnostics.






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