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Astronomy Image Downloader

Utility used to download astronomy images from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive.
Prmary data is queried from
Secondary data is queried from each archive page using Jsoup and string manipulation.

Uses the jsoup-1.8.3 library (view license agreement).
Uses the sqlite-jdbc- library.

Apollo 12 astronauts Conrad and Bean retrieve parts from the Surveyor

How to run this project with Eclipse (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux):

If the EGit plug-in is already installed go to step 3.

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Install EGit from the Eclipse Marketplace (Help => Eclipse Marketplace...)
  3. Right click inside Package Explorer (Window => Package Explorer) and choose "Import..."
  4. Expand the "Git" folder and choose "Projects from Git"
  5. Choose "Clone URI" and enter the git repository HTTPS address
  6. Some of the form fields will automatically populate with the URL information
  7. Enter your GitHub username and password if you're going to be contributing to the project, otherwise you can leave it blank
  8. Choose "Next"
  9. Add a tick mark to the "master" branch
  10. Choose "Next"
  11. Enter a location to store the remote copy, preferably the /git folder found in the user directory
  12. Keep the initial branch set to "master"
  13. The remote name can be anything, although it's traditionally titled "origin"
  14. Choose "Finish"

If there is an error with the Referenced Libraries folder make sure the Project Build Paths (Right click the project in Project Explorer => Build Path => Configure Build Path...) have both the jsoup and sqlite-jdbc jar files referenced, with tick marks under the "Order and Export" section. For all other inquiries send me an email

How to run this project via the command line (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux):

The Java 1.7 JDK (or above) must be installed on the computer and the /bin folder must listed in the System Environment Variables (run "java -version" in Command Prompt).

Since this project was developed in Eclipse there is a package structure which is difficult to work with on the command line. A batch file (for Windows) and bash script (for Mac OS X and Linux) will be provided in a future update.

For more information on compiling via the command line, see the following link:

Copyright 2015 Joseph Tranquillo


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