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An Android library that facilitates exposing data stored in SQLite through Content Providers


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An Android library that helps you expose your SQLite data through Content Providers.

Creating a Content Provider

First, be sure you are familiar with the concept of Content Providers. Useful information can be found here.

Bender provides a skeleton implementation of a provider - the DatabaseContentProvider class. To make use of it you should subclass it, providing an authority and a SQLiteOpenHelper. The following functionality is available out of the box:

  • Query - fetch from table with URL content://<authority>/{tableName} and fetch specific row with URL content://<auhtority>/{tableName}/{id}. Assumes that BaseColumns._ID is used as for the primary key column name.
  • Insert - both single and bulk inserts are supported with URL content://<authority>/{tableName}. All bulk inserts are done in a single DB transaction.
  • Update - updating a table with URL content://<authority>/{tableName} and update a row with URL content://<auhtority>/{tableName}/{id}. Assumes that BaseColumns._ID is used as for the primary key column name.
  • Delete - delete from a table with URL content://<authority>/{tableName} and delete a row with URL content://<auhtority>/{tableName}/{id}. Assumes that BaseColumns._ID is used as for the primary key column name.
  • Batch Operations - submitted operation batches are wrapped in a single transaction.

All selection and selectionArgs passed to the operations are transformed into where clauses and used in the execution of the operations.

If you need to support additional URLs, you can create your own DatabaseUriMatcher and override the appropriate DatabaseContentProvider methods:

  • buildQuerySelection() - used to create a SQLite Query from the provided URL and passed parameters
  • buildInsertion() - used to create a SQLite insert statement from the provided URL and passed parameters
  • buildUpdateDeleteSelection() - used to build the where clause of a SQLite update or delete statement from the provided URL and passed parameters

Be sure to check the DatabaseContentProvider documentation for more details about the functionality and the methods you need to override.

After you have created your own provider, make sure you register it in your app's AndroidManifest file.

Data Access Through a Content Resolver

Bender provides an easy and intuitive way of accessing Content Provider data through Content Resolvers. The different methods of interaction are broken down into commands. You can create a command using a ResolverCommandBuilder instance.

Every command can be executed in a synchronous or asynchronous way. The synchronous execution is performed on the current thread and it is blocking. The asynchronous execution is performed on a dedicated worker thread and a callback is delivered on the calling thread. Each asynchronous command has to provide a unique token, used for identification and can register a callback that gets notified when the command has been successfuly executed.


A typical Insert command looks like this. You can use the set() methods to specify column - value pairs you want to insert.

        .set("column1", "value1")
        .set("column2", 10)
        .executeAsync(token, callback);

Bulk Insert

The Bulk Insert command is very similar to the Insert. The only difference is the ability to specify a new row to be inserted using the newRow() method.

        .set("column1", "value1")
        .set("column2", 10)
        .set("column1", "value2")
        .set("column2", 31)
        .executeAsync(token, callback);


The Update command lets you create a selection clause and specify the column - value pairs you want to use for the update.

        .set("column1", "value1")
        .set("column2", 10)
        .where(eq("foo", "bar"))
        .orWhere(gt("baz", "10"))
        .executeAsync(token, callback);


The Delete command helps you specify a selection clause for a fine - grained deletion.

        .executeAsync(token, callback);


You can use the Query command to build your selection clause, apply projection and ordering and execute searches. Like all other commands, the Query provides a natural and easy to use interface for building complex selections using Predicates and combining them using logical operators.

mBuilder.query(contentResolver, Entity.class)
        .select("column1", "column2")
        .where(eq("foo", "bar"))
        .orWhere(gt("baz", "10"))
        .useRowMapper(new RowMapper<Entity>(){..})
        .executeAsync(token, callback);

The result of a Query is an EntityCursor. This is a special kind of cursor, capable of transforming database rows into instances of a specific class.

The easiest way of transforming your result set is providing a RowMapper when executing the query. This component will transform each result set row into a single instance of a class.

If you have to deal with a more complex result set (for example ones that contains a one to many relationship) you can instead provide a CursorMapper. It operates over the entire result set and, after processing it, must return a collection of result objects, that will be used to back the EntityCursor instance, returned by the query.


If you want, you can use the provided EntityCursorLoader and SupportEntityCursorLoader classes to access you data through the Loader mechanism, provided by the Android platform.


Bender is available on the jcenter() maven repo. Use the following snipped to add it as a Gradle dependency:

compile 'bg.dalexiev:bender:1.1'


An Android library that facilitates exposing data stored in SQLite through Content Providers







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