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Installation: Go to to download the Android Studio IDE and SDK tools.

IDE: Android Studio

Languages: Java, XML

Description: This code was developed for the class Hardware and Software CoDesign at Florida Atlantic University. The purpose of the assignment was to create an educational Android Application using Android Studio. My team decided to make a quiz type application with the quiz topic being the fifty states of the United States. We created a main menu screen which has links to different activities that will explain how to play the game, take the user to the leaderboard, take the user to the about us page, and take the user to the quiz selection screen. In our quiz selection screen, the user can choose one of three different quizzes. The first quiz is a state outline where the user is shows the outline of a state and they must guess which state it is. Secondly, we have the state flag quiz, which gives the user a state flag and they must guess which state's flag is shown. Finally, we have the state nickname quiz where the user is given state nicknames and they must guess which state's nickname is shown. The first and third quiz each have ten different questions, while the second quiz has seven. The user's total score is based on how fast they were able to get the correct answer. If they provide the wrong answer, they get a score of zero for that question. Once the quiz is over, the app will ask for the user's name and present them their final score. The user can either save their score under the name provided or go back to the quiz select screen without saving. The leaderboard is mantained by using the SQLiteDatabase class which offers support for database management on local storage using SQL queries.


Cristian Navarrete

Anthony Torres

Abdullah Alajmi


This is an American States quiz made from Android Studio






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