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Data SQL

Data SQL is a simple JDBC wrapper focussed on simplicity and agility. With Data SQL writting code to access relational data from java becomes easy and the code more clear.


  • Ligth JDBC wrapper with small footprint.
  • Execute SQL statements with just one line of code.
  • Very flexible to define parameters and results of SQL statements.
  • Micro ORM capabilities with support for POJO objects, JSON and also Maps or Object arrays.
  • Simply to integrate with your existing code that access database.

Getting started

These are few examples how to use DataSQL. All the code for these examples can be found in

Creating and using a Session object from a DataSource object:

This code uses Java 7 syntax. Because the Session object implements Autocloseable, the try block will automatically close the connection requested to the Datasource object.

try (Session session = new Session(getDataSource().getConnection())) {
    // Here goes your database code

Executing simple statements

In the following example parameter number and types are inspected from sentence and results metadata provided by JDBC.

try (Session session = new Session(getDataSource().getConnection())) {
    // Insert a record
    session.exec(new QueryArray("insert into testtable(id, name, line, amount) values (?, ?, ?, ?)"),
        "record one", "name one", 10, 65.0);
    // Find a record
    Object[] record = session.find(new QueryArray("select id, name, line, amount from testtable where name = ?"), "name one");
    // List records
    List<Object[]> records = session.query(new QueryArray("select id, name, line, amount from testtable"));

But you can also especify the type of parameters

try (Session session = new Session(getDataSource().getConnection())) {
    // Find a record specifying types
    StatementFind<Object[], Object[]> selectTestTable = new QueryArray(
        "select id, name, line, amount from testtable where name = ?")
        .setResults(Kind.STRING, Kind.STRING, Kind.INT, Kind.DOUBLE);       
    Object[] result = session.find(selectTestTable, "name one");

Also you have predefined classes for primitive results and parameters.

try (Session session = new Session(getDataSource().getConnection())) {
    // Count records
    StatementFind<Number, Number> countTestTable = new Query(
        "select count(*) from testtable where amount > ?")
    int countrows = session.find(countTestTable, 10.0).intValue();   

Working with POJO objects

Consider the following declaration:

package com.adr.datasql.samples;
public class ObjectPojo {
    // ObjectPojo Configuration   
    public final static Data<ObjectPojo> DATA = new DataPojo(new Definition(
        new FieldKey("id", Kind.STRING),
        new Field("name", Kind.STRING),            
        new Field("line", Kind.INT),
        new Field("amount", Kind.DOUBLE)));
    // Fields    
    private String id;
    private String name;
    private Integer line;
    private Double amount;

    // Access methods
    public String getId() { return id; }
    public void setId(String id) { = id; }
    public String getName() { return name; }
    public void setName(String name) { = name; }
    public Integer getLine() { return line; }
    public void setLine(Integer line) { this.line = line; }
    public Double getAmount() { return amount; }
    public void setAmount(Double amount) { this.amount = amount; }

The important part in this declaration is the static field DATA. If present, Data SQL will use it for persistence using its capabilities to work with POJO objects. In this case it asumes that ObjectPojo is persisted in a table created the following way:

try (ORMSession session = new ORMSession(getDataSource().getConnection())) { 
    // Create table using Derby syntax. Porting to other database engines will easy
    session.exec(new QueryArray(
        "create table com_adr_datasql_samples_ObjectPojo (" +
        "id varchar(32) not null primary key, " +
        "name varchar(1024), " +                        
        "line integer, " +
        "amount double precision)")); 

You can insert / retrieve an instance of a new ObjectPojo instance using the following code. You also have more operations to delete, upsert, list, etc.. Take into account that now we are using an ORMSession instead of a Session.

try (ORMSession session = new ORMSession(getDataSource().getConnection())) { 
    // Defining a new instance of our ObjectPojo
    ObjectPojo pojo = new ObjectPojo();
    // Insert
    // Get an instance
    ObjectPojo returnpojo = session.get(ObjectPojo.class, "pojoid");


Apache License, Version 2.0.


Data SQL is a simple JDBC wrapper focussed on simplicity and agility.







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