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SAFS Core Project

This repository contains Core codes like: services, drivers, engines and hooks etc.

On top of the framework code, we also provide special drivers like:

  • SAFS
  • SeleniumPlus

for handling traditional keywords test records and Java API calls.

The project contains keyword implementation engines for different testing tools like: IBM Rational Functional Tester, Selenium 1.0, Selenium 2.0 WebDriver, iOS UIAutomation, Android Robotium etc..

There are codes for Image-Based Testing, some rudimentary Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Cucumber integration, and Java AWT Robot enhancements.

The SAFS installation code is also included in this repository.

This repository can be imported in Eclipse as a normal Java Project. It does have a dependency on another repository: SAFS-Android-Remote-Control.

To set up the development correctly, please refer to document Environment Setup for Developers.

SEP 17, 2015